New Chapter for Aftermath
cocoachristy67 Reviews | 7.75/10 (67 Ratings, 0 Likes, 103 Favorites )
While Severus copes with feelings and learning to live again, Hermione is determined to build a new life for herself--with or without Harry's approval. This is my response to SW69's Harry Potter challenge.
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About cocoachristy
Member Since 2005 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 321 | 313 Reviews Written | 3,399 Review Responses
Reviews for Aftermath
I have to say, I almost walked away when she started in on him about him being upset regarding her dinner with Viktor. I'm like, wait, she's been avoiding him for a week and now goes to dinner with another guy? No way did she have any right to get angry because he was jealous, if she had avoided him for a week because of her jealousy and behavior to begin with.
But I am glad that they talked things out. He used some patience and she realized she was acting childish. And I'm glad that Harry seems to have accepted her situation. They are adults, and we all know things become different really fast.
I'm looking forward to the last chapter.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
! Glad you stuck around! He did use patience with her. He wanted to make absolutely sure where things stood before he walked away from her. Harry still does not care for Snape, but he does love Hermione. Next chapter (the last) will be up soon!
Response from ancientgirl (Reviewer)
Yeah, I liked that. I think he would have wanted to make sure he knew exactly where they stood before walking away so that no misunderstandings could occur later. And as far as Harry goes, he doesn't have to like Severus, like Hermione says. But if they are friends then he has to accept that she is in love with the man. I can't wait for the final chapter.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Right. He understands that she is young and inexperienced, so he was patient with her explanation. Right about Harry. Hermione as always stood by him, now its his turn!
very nice and glad that she could admit that it was insecurity that made her act the way she did. Few women are able to admit such failing
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
! I think at that point she knew she either had to be honest or loose him.
Ok I think she over reacted granted it was a bit of a shock. He doesn't seem the type to cheat I don't think he could handle the emotional duplicity
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
! Yes, she did over react. But, this is her first sexual relationship, and she is only 20. What bothered her is that he never told Rosemerta that he wouldn't meet her. She got jealous...;-) No, my Severus would never cheat, count on that! ;-)
Well, I want to see what Severus does about Hermione's little outburst at the Three Broomsticks. :-)
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks Gin! Let's just say he won't be happy! ;-)
Well I don't know if I would say that she is acting like a child but she is most definately overreacting like some women I have seen. Ok so maybe more on soap operas than in real life but I have seen it before. Personally it made me laugh, because it is something that I could so see a 20 yr old woman doing in her first major relationship. -- B
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks B! I agree, although I do think she did act childish, I think with her age and inexperience, she would some what. Your review made me feel better!
Okay, while I don't blame her for being shocked, I think she handled it incorrectly. As Severus said, they had not discussed anything, and she apparently didn't hear him say he would NOT see her again.
Here she waits all this time to sleep with him, and says she's ready then acts like a little kid who just got her teddy bear taken away at the playground.
Hmm...I think Hermione and Harry are neck in neck as to acting like babies.
Come on girl, don't make Snape back down, its not his fault.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
. Yes, she did act childishly, but I think that with her being only 20 and her just starting a sexual relationship she would act a little childish. (Sun warned me people would say this! ;-) ) Don't worry, Snape talks to her in chapter 7.
Response from ancientgirl (Reviewer)
I have to say, I have never been into the whole jealousy thing, so I often forget many people are like that. I just hope Snape doesn't beg her to forgive him or anything. I'm thinking in this case she's the one who needs to apologize for her behavior, but its your story. I shall read on and wait, not so patiently for your next chapter.
Wondered what the tapestry had to do with it!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
HA HA! Right!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
HA HA! Right!
Moving along nicely. Good way to work in the quote.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you! The quotes were truly a challenge! :D
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you! The quotes were truly a challenge! :D
I think they both need to pull their heads in. He should have been more sensitive to her feelings, and she should have been a little less reactive. Nothing is ever completely one person's fault. Nice little scene though!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Exactly! I honestly do try to show that there is two sides to every argument...
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Exactly! I honestly do try to show that there is two sides to every argument...
He is teasing her with those kisses, you know.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Mmm Hmm... I could think of worse teasing methods!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Mmm Hmm... I could think of worse teasing methods!
Next date she should wear a mini skirt and skimpy top, to pay him back for that "you lot" comment!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Tee Hee! Could you imagine his face if she did?
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Tee Hee! Could you imagine his face if she did?
Harry is how old? seven? LOL At this rate, even Ron will smack him!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
HA HA HA! I adore Harry, but a lot of times I see him as petulant.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
HA HA HA! I adore Harry, but a lot of times I see him as petulant.
Dammit, she missed the opportunity to give him a lovely detention... with Hagrid and a few hippogriffs, perhaps?
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Oh, now that would have been delicious!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Oh, now that would have been delicious!
The change in status will take a little effort to get her head around!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Yep! Poor Hermione, we put her through all kinds of situations, eh? ;-)
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Yep! Poor Hermione, we put her through all kinds of situations, eh? ;-)
AMEN! Me too! They can ALL just F-Sod off if they dont like it!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
HA HA HA! Thanks!
The-Prat-Who-Lived-To-Sulk will probably blow up again, but will come 'round eventually. I know already that they shall never become close (Prat & Sevvypoo) but I am anxiously awaiting a time somewhere that they do. If I don't find what I want, I'll just write it myself*Smirks (quite snarkily)*
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
teehee! You are not fond of Harry at all in this fic, I see! ;-)
I agree, Harry is still being pre-DH* childish, but that iks the Harry we know, aside from threatining to abandon his best friend. Im sure the threat is idle, he could never close his mind or his mouth, the poor dear. You however, have captured the essence of most characters quite realistically. Bravo!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! You're right about Harry! So happy you enjoyed!