2. Settling In
Chapter 2 of 8
cocoachristyWhile Severus copes with feelings and learning to live again, Hermione is determined to build a new life for herself--with or without Harry's approval. This is my response to SW69's Harry Potter challenge.
ReviewedDisclaimer: The Harry Potter world belongs to the brilliant JKR.
A/N: A huge thanks to my beta, the equally brilliant Southern_Witch_69.
This is my response to SW69's HP Chapter Challenge. Information can be found at the end of chapter one.
Settling In
Shortly after Hermione left with Professor Snape, everyone gathered in the kitchen for breakfast. Sulking, Harry took his seat next to Ginny on one side and Mr. Weasley on the other. Mr. Weasley liked Harry to sit next to him at the dinner table so he could bombard him with questions about life with Muggles, asking him to explain how things like plugs and the postal service worked.
"Harry," Ginny started, "please let's enjoy our last week together before school. I would appreciate it if you did not sulk over Hermione Granger the rest of our time here!"
"What is that supposed to mean, Ginny? You know how Snape is and what he has done! Can you honestly say you think Hermione will be okay with him all alone down in the dungeons?"
"That is Professor Snape, Harry," Mrs. Weasley admonished. "And Hermione will be perfectly fine. The man has been cleared of all charges, you know."
"Too right," Ron agreed with his mum. "This is probably a dream come true for someone like Hermione, mate. Now, buck up!"
Sighing, Harry thought to himself, Am I the only one who sees that bastard for what he really is? The ruddy tosser!
~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~
As soon as they arrived at Hogwarts, Professor Snape took Hermione directly to the dungeons. She had wanted to stop by and see Professor McGonagall first, but as he informed her, there were potions simmering that needed to be attended to. He brewed all the medicinal potions for the school infirmary and hoped to be finished today.
After he got her settled, they went to his, now her, private labs. He saw that she was watching him intently and told her, "Miss Granger, you may as well help with these, as it will be your job to do this soon enough."
He noted that she worked quietly and efficiently. She followed his instructions precisely and only asked necessary questions. When the potions were finished, he noted she cleaned everything, and then put away all the ingredients without having to be told to do so.
One thought crossed his mind as he studied her. Oh, hell, she is not acting like the bossy, know-it-all Gryffindor I have come to know.
~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~
After she and Professor Snape finished in the lab, Hermione made her way to see Professor McGonagall. Her mentor was very pleased to see her and hugged her tightly as she entered her office.
"Hermione, it's so good to see you! How are you, dear? Getting on with Severus all right?" Minerva knew how Severus could be.
"Yes, actually. Much better than I expected. I would like to thank you for this opportunity, Professor. I had not thought of going into Potions as a career, teaching or otherwise, although I know a great opportunity when I see one."
"Please, call me Minerva when there are no students around, Hermione. Besides, I am the one who needs to thank you. I was in quite a tight spot, to say the least. I am very pleased with your N.E.W.T. scores in all subjects. I'll have you to know, however, that you came in third in Potions for the highest score in the past twenty-two years."
"Really? Who came in first and second?" Hermione was very competitive in grades and was curious to know who bested her.
Minerva bit back a chuckle. Hermione reminded her so much of herself. "Well, naturally, Severus has the highest, and second place goes to Lily Evans. I daresay she could have become a Potions mistress herself." She smiled at the memory of one of her most gifted students. "Do you have any questions?"
"Well, I was wondering who is going to be Head of Gryffindor?"
Minerva sighed. "The staff and I thought about this long and hard. We all wanted to give you the position, but we felt you are just too young. This year at least. We decided Rolanda would take it this year, and if you do well and decide to continue teaching next year, then the job is yours. We can't very well have the Quidditch coach acting as a Head of House, can we?"
Hermione chuckled. "True. You don't believe I will be too young next year? Do I not need more experience?"
"Well, Severus started here when he was twenty-one and immediately took on his Head of Slytherin position. By September of next year, you will be twenty-one with a year of teaching experience. I have seen your actions as a Prefect, and I think you would handle the job quite well."
"What about Fleur Weasley? Did anyone consider her?" Hermione didn't want any animosity between them, should Fleur want the job.
"She was mentioned and then hastily dismissed. We all agreed you would be more suited for the job, and she and Bill are undecided if they are going back to Egypt at the end of this year. Also, I wanted to let you know that Filius Flitwick has been promoted to Deputy Headmaster."
This caused Hermione to smile. She always liked her little Charms professor. "Who are Head Boy and Head Girl this year?"
"Padma Patil and Justin Finch-Fletchley. You will be given a list of Prefects as well. Now then, how about a spot of tea?"
"Tea would be lovely, thanks." As they drank their tea, Minerva and Hermione reminisced about old times, good and bad. They laughed and cried, and by the time Hermione returned to her office, she was pleasantly exhausted.
She found a note on her desk from Professor Snape as she entered with a list of apprentice duties he wanted her to start on the following day. Smiling to herself, she went to her chambers. She decided she was going to like her new job. Working with Professor Snape is going to be interesting as well. He treats me totally different than before. I think I will enjoy his company, if today is anything to judge by.
After soaking in the tub while reading a book the professor assigned her to read, Hermione snuggled into her bed and promptly fell into a deep sleep.
~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~
Hermione attended her first staff meeting the Friday before the students were to return. This was a big year; this was the first year the school would reopen after the war. Everyone's nerves were a little edgy, wanting things to go perfectly. Hermione was happy everyone welcomed her with open arms. Even Phlegm...er...Fleur was nice to her.
After the meeting, Professor Snape walked Hermione back to her chambers to talk about the syllabi. He told her that after this year, she could change them as she saw fit, but as for now, she needed to follow his curriculum. She assured him she would and asked if she could make her own tests.
"I think it would be wise to use my prepared exams as well; however, you may give pop quizzes at your leisure." He very rarely gave a pop quiz, as he felt brewing was hard enough, but he knew some teachers did depending on their style.
"Thank you, I will take that into consideration. I would also like to thank you for all your help in getting me settled in. You have been a huge help to me."
Severus felt uncomfortable. "Think nothing of it. I will take my leave now; I have some things to prepare myself. Goodnight, Miss Granger."
"Goodnight, sir." After he left, Hermione sat at her desk with the syllabi. She wanted to be as prepared as possible this year.
~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~
The first morning of classes came too soon for a very nervous Hermione. At the welcoming feast the night before, Hermione looked to her friends at the Gryffindor table, but only Ron and Ginny acknowledged her. Harry would not even look at her. It didn't help that her first class of the day was the seventh year N.E.W.T. class. Because it was so small, all Houses were combined for this one.
Harry, Parvati, Dean, and surprisingly, Neville were the Gryffindors. Padma Patil, Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein, and Lisa Turpin were the Ravenclaws. Hufflepuffs consisted of Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Zacharias Smith. Leaving Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini for the Slytherin House.
Instead of making an entrance as Professor Snape was want to do, Hermione was waiting at her desk as the class filed in and took their seats. "Good morning, class. As you are aware--"
"I can't believe this! I thought old McGonagall was off her rocker at the welcoming feast last night telling us you were going to be teaching Potions!" Draco was shouting and red-faced.
Calmly, Hermione told him, "Mr. Malfoy, please refrain from yelling at me in my classroom. I will be teaching this class, and you will show me the respect I deserve in my classroom. Now, class, if you would please turn to page--"
"Respect a Mudblood? You must be joking, Granger. You are beneath me." Draco did not fight for Voldemort in the final battle, but he still held his prejudices.
Suddenly, Harry jumped out of his seat with his wand raised. "Shut it, Malfoy."
Hermione sighed. She was hoping it wouldn't come to this. "Mr. Potter, please take your seat, and put your wand away."
"But, Hermione!" Harry started.
"It's Professor Granger, Mr. Potter. I can handle Mr. Malfoy. Please take your seat. Mr. Malfoy, please be seated as well."
Glaring at Draco, Harry sat back down. Hermione looked around and started to speak when Draco interrupted her, yet again.
"This is ridiculous! I will not stand for you teaching. You are the same age as me and a Mudblood to boot. I will not lower myself; I don't have to put up with you as a Professor, Granger!"
"You are correct; you most certainly do not have to put up with me teaching you. This is an elective class for sixth and seventh years who wish to obtain a N.E.W.T. in Potions. You may leave at any time you wish. You can try to teach yourself or forgo a N.E.W.T. in Potions all together. The choice is yours."
Draco stood so fast his chair fell. Harry started to rise again, but a look from Hermione stopped him. Draco told her, "We will see who has the last word on this, Mudblood. If you want to work at Hogwarts, go assist Filch. Squibs and Mubloods are all the same to me." With that said, Draco turned and walked from the room, slamming the door as he left.
Hermione took a moment to compose herself. She knew that he continuously called her Mudblood just then to humiliate and degrade her in front of the class. She sighed. "If anyone else feels the way Mr. Malfoy does, you may also leave now. I will not have my class interrupted again by such nonsense."
When nobody made to leave, she told them, "Good. Now, if you would please turn to page 174 and study the Felix Felicis Potion, we will begin brewing that next class."
As they were reading, Hermione thought Merlin, just get me through today!
Christy's Notes: Well, there is her first day of teaching. Don't you just love Draco?
Southern's Notes: I want to kick Draco's arse. Let's hope our Defense professor will do it for me. I sort of hated the way she treated Harry in class, even though he is a bit of a wanker at times.
Quote from COS: Mr. Weasley liked Harry to sit next to him at the dinner table so he could bombard him with questions about life with Muggles, asking him to explain how things like plugs and the postal service worked.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Aftermath
67 Reviews | 7.75/10 Average
I still don't think she was acting childish! Jealousy is not an exclusively childish emotion. Expecting him to have the maturity to tell Rosemerta straight off the bat, as soon as she went to kiss him is not expecting too much. If anything, it is showing more concern for Hermione's feelings than the way Rosemerta was perceiving his outing with Hermione. She may have been acting childish by avoiding him, but that is all. He could have rationally taken her aside and reassured her that yes, he would make it a point to go back down to Rosemerta's at his earliest convenience and explain matters to her, but he didn't. Severus just threw up his hands and said 'I didn't do anything wrong.' Well, what would he have expected her to do, if the situations were reversed? That is the true test to know if a person's feelings are childish or not, and believe me, Severus wouldn't have let her get off that easily - especially not if he caught another man kissing her even casually! Southern is totally wrong in her judgement. Both with the last chapter and this one. Severus did NOT just say hello to Rosemerta, he accepted a kiss from another woman IN FRONT OF HIS DATE! That is NOT ACCEPTABLE, that is NOT JUST SAYING HELLO! "Hello" is constituted by receiving a peck on the cheek, or both cheeks, and perhaps a hug at the word "Hello." Not receiving a kiss to seal something at the word "Goodbye." Childish? I think not.
Response from Severus49 (Reviewer)
I just wanted to add, I know I sound really harsh because I feel so strongly about what happened, but I don't want to sound like I'm flaming Southern. I'm really not. I just took this a little too personally and I wanted to apologize if it sounds too nasty. Sorry again.
No, no.....
I'm very close to Snape's real age, and let me tell you, "shag buddies" at our age are NOT COMMON! Our generation was brought up to believe friendships were friendships, and casual sex was casual sex, but you don't have friends you just use for sex! You might get it with 20 or early 30 year olds, but not with the older crowd.
That's why there's such a thing as a 'guy slut'. A guy slut is a guy who has sex with women just to have sex.
I'm so glad Harry showed up!
His problem with Severus is just that, his problem, and I am not going to let his opinions sway me. I have opinions of my own, thanks...For once, this is something that has absolutely nothing to do with Harry Potter! This is about Hermione Granger!
hear hear! i wish all those sycophantic potter fans like bobmin would get this rather basic point!
Ah, yes, jealousy... the enemy of trust. Interesting story line. Rushed in some places, but overall, not bad. Of course, anything that compromises Severus is good. LOL. But then, I may be biased.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
LOL! Thanks! Glad you liked it.
You are a truly remarkable author. This was a great story and I look forward to reading more of your stories in the near future.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you so much, Arabella! You've made my day!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you so much, Arabella! You've made my day!
What she can't have male friends? And it was only dinner, Rosmerta wants to shag his brains out. Though a week of silence does show her immaturity and lack of relationship experience.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Well, I think he doesn't mind the male friends so much as the reason she didn't tell him since they have a standing date. Yes, she should have talked to him about it!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Well, I think he doesn't mind the male friends so much as the reason she didn't tell him since they have a standing date. Yes, she should have talked to him about it!
He was wrong. She wasn't acting like a child. I'm very soon to be 36 and I would have been the same way. And slap and tickle has always made me lol. I don't know why but it does and shag buddies will too. Prefect chapter.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you! I agree. I think that even though he felt uncomfortable, and perhaps didn't know exactly what to say, he should have said SOMETHING to her. Teehee slap and tickle is funny!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you! I agree. I think that even though he felt uncomfortable, and perhaps didn't know exactly what to say, he should have said SOMETHING to her. Teehee slap and tickle is funny!
Thats right tell them where they can stick there opinions.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
LOL! Thanks! My sentiments exactly!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
LOL! Thanks! My sentiments exactly!
I doubt Harry stays a brat forever. He can't be happy without Hermione as a friend.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you! Too right you are!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you! Too right you are!
Harry really needs to grow up.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Uh huh, I thought that a lot durning the books, but then I would think all that he had to endure during his life and I could see his point too. LOL! But in this fic, he really does!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Uh huh, I thought that a lot durning the books, but then I would think all that he had to endure during his life and I could see his point too. LOL! But in this fic, he really does!
Draco is Draco. I'm surprised that Harry came to her defense but still will probably act harsh towards her later. As for the way she treats Harry in class, she is a teacher now and can't show favoritism.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! That's exactly right. And though Harry is aggravated at her, he does still love her. Couldn't you just see Draco acting that way?
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! That's exactly right. And though Harry is aggravated at her, he does still love her. Couldn't you just see Draco acting that way?
After reading the rules to this challenge, this chapter is even better then I thought and I thought very highly of it already.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Wow! Thank you so much!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Wow! Thank you so much!
I adore happy endings! Great story, well thought out (especially making the canon sentances work for your story) and great flow.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks so much! I have to have happy endings! ;D So happy you enjoyed it!
I'm glad Hermione is starting to act like an adult. I know she has little practical experiance, but she chose to go out with a much older man not just in years but experiance as well.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Yes, that's true, but that doesn't automatically mean she will always know how to act until she gets a bit more experience.
Oh Hermione! *smacks her in the head Hopefully she'll straighten out now, although really that's your job author. LOL
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
LOL! Just keep this in mind... She's 19 years younger than he is, and this is her first real--and adult--relationship.
I can't wait to see their next date, an opera no less....
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! I could definitely see Severus at an opera!
Hmmm I detect a slight whiff of citrus.....lovely.Personaly, I think it's difficult to set aside her friendships with Harry, Ginny and of course, Ron, but she really has to stop worrying about their reactions. She is now their teacher, not just their friend.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
I've always loved lemons! ;D Exactly.
Borrowing a British phrase whose meaning I can guess, what a wanker! Let's hope Harry grows up a bit, maybe Ginney can hit him with a Bludger to speed him along.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
LOL! Yep, he needs to.
I loved the way Hermione took care of the challange to her authority.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Yes, she needed to estlabish that early on...
Cute start, I wonder if Minerva realizes she set up a perfect post war romance!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed. Nope, not a clue!
I agree with Sun. He was too easy on her. Talk about childish. lol
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks SB. Not me, see this is her first "adult" relationship, and she is 20 years younger. Her emotions are not as controlled as his, and he should have elaborated to Rosemerta--at least a little. :) As far as Viktor, I can see both sides on that one.
thank you for a wonderful story. i've enjoyed it very much. what else to you have up your sleeve christy.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! I am happy you liked it, Patty! I have a plot bunny running around...
But what did Severus teach then if Bill got DADA?
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
He is not going to teach. He will just be Deputy Headmaster.
I really liked this story. I live for happy endings. I will be waiting for your new story!!!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! I Love happy endings too! (But I do like my angst thrown in!)