5. Courting Hermione Granger
Chapter 5 of 8
cocoachristyWhile Severus copes with feelings and learning to live again, Hermione is determined to build a new life for herself--with or without Harry's approval. This is my response to SW69's Harry Potter challenge.
ReviewedDisclaimer: The wonderful world of Harry Potter belongs to JKR
A/N: Thanks to Southern_Witch_69. She is truly the best!
This is a response to the SW69 HP Chapter Challenge. See Chapter 1 for details.
Courting Hermione Granger
Hermione woke up early the next morning. She wanted to get started on making her pop-quizzes before Severus arrived. Wanting to be comfortable, she threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, deciding to take her robes with her to throw on in case a student came looking for her.
As she was working on the quizzes, she found her mind drifting towards Severus. She found she really enjoyed spending time with him. Last night had been wonderful. She thought back to when she was a student of his, not that long ago really. On 19 September, she would be twenty, so it had only been four years.
During school, Hermione had never had any type of romantic feelings towards Professor Snape. She had respected him as a teacher and an Order member, but that was the extent of her feelings towards him, other than the fear all students regarded him with. When she thought he had killed Professor Dumbledore, she'd hated him for a time...until she realized what had really happened.
Now that she was being treated as an adult and colleague, she found him a little different. He was still Severus Snape, but rather than treat her as a lowly student, she found she had his respect and possibly something more. She was looking forward to seeing where this was leading.
As she was musing, Ginny and Ron knocked on the door and opened it before she could call out enter or put her robes on. She looked at them with disapproval for a second and then offered them a seat. "Hi. What brings you guys here at nine o'clock on a Sunday morning? Especially you, Ron."
"Well," Ron started, "we wanted to talk about the tea we were supposed to have this afternoon."
"But where's--" Hermione started, only to be interrupted by Ginny.
"Harry refuses to come today, Hermione. He is a little more upset than we thought. Just give us, and Harry, more time to come to grips with the fact you went out with Professor Snape, okay?"
Hermione was fuming. This was beyond ridiculous to her. "You know what, guys? Just forget it. I absolutely refuse to baby Harry. I love him and you guys, but that does not give either one of you the right to dictate whom I choose to spend my time with. His problem with Severus is just that, his problem, and I am not going to let his opinions sway me. I have opinions of my own, thanks."
Ron and Ginny were staring at her like they had never seen her before. Finally, Ron found his voice. "Let me see if I understand you, Hermione. You are going to let Snape, who has treated us like the dirt beneath his shoes the whole time he has known us, come between your friendship with Harry? Why?"
"Oh, grow up, the lot of you! He was a spy, for Merlin's sake! How else was he supposed to treat us? And, I have to say, you and Harry have never shown him much respect either."
Ron was starting to get angry as well. "Why should we? From day one, he has treated Harry with nothing but contempt, and you just expect us to forget that? Harry feels like you are betraying him; don't you see that?"
"Well, guess what, Ron? For once, this is something that has absolutely nothing to do with Harry Potter! This is about Hermione Granger! I like Severus. I enjoy his company, and I intend to continue to see him until that changes. You have Lavender, Harry and Ginny have each other, and I am supposed to be content?"
"NO! We want you to have someone too!"
"Oh, I see, but you want it to be someone you choose or approve of? What if I told you I wanted you to dump Lavender, or what would Harry say if I said I thought Ginny was all wrong for him? Would he break up with her?"
"That is not the same thing, Hermione, and you know it!" Ron was getting exasperated.
"It's exactly the same thing."
Ginny was starting to get worried. She didn't mean for this to become a shouting match. "Look, guys, that's enough." Turning towards Ron, Ginny said, "Ron, Hermione can date anyone she wants to. She is a grown witch." Seeing the smug look on Hermione's face, Ginny turned to her next. "And, Hermione, you can't just expect everyone to be thrilled you are dating Professor Snape. You know his past with everyone, and he did kill Dumbledore, no matter the reasons why. He is still not completely trusted by the Order either. So, if you continue to date him, you are going to have to accept the fact that there are going to be people who do not approve."
"Frankly, Ginny, I don't care if people approve or not. I have spent my whole time in this world being disapproved of by someone. I am going to date Severus as long as we both want to, and that is the end of it. When Harry, and you, too, Ron," she said looking over at Ron, "grows up, then we can talk. Until then, I have nothing to say. Please close the door on your way out."
After they left, Hermione sat down and rubbed her temples. She wondered if Severus was going through what she was and doubted it. Nobody would dare question him this way.
~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~
Severus was not surprised, but he was a little disappointed, that Hermione didn't come to the main hall for breakfast. After the enjoyable evening he spent with her last night, he was looking forward to seeing her. After he finished his meal, he went to his office to get the list of things he wanted Hermione to complete this week and his list of supplies he needed from the apothecary.
Right before lunch, he headed down to the dungeons to gather Hermione. He was actually looking forward to another outing with her. When he got to her door, it was slightly ajar. Looking in, the sight before him took his breath away. There was Hermione...on her hands and knees...wearing nothing but scraps of denim, looking for something under the cabinet behind her desk. Severus had to control the urge to join her on the floor.
"Miss Granger! What do you think you are doing?"
Startled, Hermione jumped and banged her head. Scowling at her stern looking professor, she informed him, "I've dropped my favorite quill under this cabinet, and I am getting it. What does it look like I am doing, sir?"
"What if I had been a student, Hermione? You cannot parade around your office half naked and on all fours! It is not appropriate." Raising his wand, he said, "Accio quill!" Suddenly, the quill flew into his outstretched hand.
Agitated that she had not thought of that herself, she grabbed the quill and told him, "If a student had knocked, I would have put my robes on."
"The door was ajar. Any student who came here would have gotten an eye full. When in your office, classroom, or anywhere other than your private chambers, I expect you to be appropriately attired. Do you understand?"
"Yes," she said through gritted teeth.
"Good, I am glad that is settled. Now, here is your list of things for the week. When you change, we can go. I assume you are hungry, as you missed breakfast."
She smiled inwardly at the thought of him noticing she had not been present at breakfast. This drove away some of her anger with him. She shook her head and sighed, determined not to let this ruin the rest of the day. "Okay, Severus, just give me a few minutes, and I will be right out. Make yourself comfortable."
~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~
The trip to Hogsmeade and lunch was a pleasant affair. Hermione was beginning to realize that outside of Hogwarts, he treated her as a man does a woman, not as an apprentice or even a colleague.
Hermione was disappointed that she didn't get to see Madam Rosmerta, as she was visiting a sick sister, but she enjoyed her time in the apothecary and bought a few items herself. Soon, they found themselves heading back to Hogwarts. Hermione had not put in an appearance at breakfast or lunch, so she definitely needed to attend the evening meal.
When she was seated, she looked to the Gryffindor table for Ron, Harry, and Ginny. Ron and Ginny slightly nodded and waved, but Harry would not even meet her eyes. She sighed. She felt like everything she did was a struggle.
She looked to the Slytherin table when the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and saw Draco Malfoy smirking at her. She knew just then that he knew of her problems with Harry and was enjoying her distress. Smug little bastard!
Severus noticed both exchanges, but he decided not to comment on either. Instead, he asked, "We are both free of hall monitoring this Saturday. I was wondering if you would like another outing."
"Yes, I would like that very much. How should I dress?" She was teasing him, and he knew it.
"I have enjoyed the Muggle opera before, so I should like to take you there. Dress should be slightly formal, I think." He smirked at her astounded expression.
"I tend to forget you are not a pureblood. I have a hard time picturing you at a Muggle opera while dressed in a Muggle suit." Hermione shook her head. She couldn't wait to see him in a suit.
"The opera is something my mother enjoyed. My father had introduced it to her early in their relationship, and from that point, she could not get enough of it. Later, he started to refuse to accompany her, so I began attending with her when we could save the money. Those are some of the fondest memories I have of my mother. But enough of that. If you can be ready by six, we shall dine beforehand."
"That sounds perfect, Severus. I can't wait."
"Neither can I, Hermione."
~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~ ~~_~~_~~_~~_~~
Hermione thoroughly enjoyed the evening out with Severus. They didn't talk much this time due to listening to the opera, but she was content just being with him. About halfway through, he took her hand in his, and she was thrilled.
It didn't surprise her that he wore a solid black suit...what else would he wear?...but it did surprise her how attractive she thought he looked in it. Typically, Severus was not attractive, but the more she got to know him on a personal level, the more attractive he became to her.
When the evening was over, he walked her back to her rooms. She invited him in, but once again, he declined. He leaned down and kissed her goodnight, a little more aggressively this time. When he turned to walk to his chambers, he left a breathless and frustrated Hermione Granger in his wake.
Christy's Notes: Hermione and Severus seem to be getting closer and closer!
Southern's Notes: Ah, lovely. Glad she told her mates to sod off if they didn't like her decision. I want Snape to enter the chambers. Hehe!
Quote from OOTP: But where's--?
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Latest 25 Reviews for Aftermath
67 Reviews | 7.75/10 Average
I still don't think she was acting childish! Jealousy is not an exclusively childish emotion. Expecting him to have the maturity to tell Rosemerta straight off the bat, as soon as she went to kiss him is not expecting too much. If anything, it is showing more concern for Hermione's feelings than the way Rosemerta was perceiving his outing with Hermione. She may have been acting childish by avoiding him, but that is all. He could have rationally taken her aside and reassured her that yes, he would make it a point to go back down to Rosemerta's at his earliest convenience and explain matters to her, but he didn't. Severus just threw up his hands and said 'I didn't do anything wrong.' Well, what would he have expected her to do, if the situations were reversed? That is the true test to know if a person's feelings are childish or not, and believe me, Severus wouldn't have let her get off that easily - especially not if he caught another man kissing her even casually! Southern is totally wrong in her judgement. Both with the last chapter and this one. Severus did NOT just say hello to Rosemerta, he accepted a kiss from another woman IN FRONT OF HIS DATE! That is NOT ACCEPTABLE, that is NOT JUST SAYING HELLO! "Hello" is constituted by receiving a peck on the cheek, or both cheeks, and perhaps a hug at the word "Hello." Not receiving a kiss to seal something at the word "Goodbye." Childish? I think not.
Response from Severus49 (Reviewer)
I just wanted to add, I know I sound really harsh because I feel so strongly about what happened, but I don't want to sound like I'm flaming Southern. I'm really not. I just took this a little too personally and I wanted to apologize if it sounds too nasty. Sorry again.
No, no.....
I'm very close to Snape's real age, and let me tell you, "shag buddies" at our age are NOT COMMON! Our generation was brought up to believe friendships were friendships, and casual sex was casual sex, but you don't have friends you just use for sex! You might get it with 20 or early 30 year olds, but not with the older crowd.
That's why there's such a thing as a 'guy slut'. A guy slut is a guy who has sex with women just to have sex.
I'm so glad Harry showed up!
His problem with Severus is just that, his problem, and I am not going to let his opinions sway me. I have opinions of my own, thanks...For once, this is something that has absolutely nothing to do with Harry Potter! This is about Hermione Granger!
hear hear! i wish all those sycophantic potter fans like bobmin would get this rather basic point!
Ah, yes, jealousy... the enemy of trust. Interesting story line. Rushed in some places, but overall, not bad. Of course, anything that compromises Severus is good. LOL. But then, I may be biased.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
LOL! Thanks! Glad you liked it.
You are a truly remarkable author. This was a great story and I look forward to reading more of your stories in the near future.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you so much, Arabella! You've made my day!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you so much, Arabella! You've made my day!
What she can't have male friends? And it was only dinner, Rosmerta wants to shag his brains out. Though a week of silence does show her immaturity and lack of relationship experience.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Well, I think he doesn't mind the male friends so much as the reason she didn't tell him since they have a standing date. Yes, she should have talked to him about it!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Well, I think he doesn't mind the male friends so much as the reason she didn't tell him since they have a standing date. Yes, she should have talked to him about it!
He was wrong. She wasn't acting like a child. I'm very soon to be 36 and I would have been the same way. And slap and tickle has always made me lol. I don't know why but it does and shag buddies will too. Prefect chapter.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you! I agree. I think that even though he felt uncomfortable, and perhaps didn't know exactly what to say, he should have said SOMETHING to her. Teehee slap and tickle is funny!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you! I agree. I think that even though he felt uncomfortable, and perhaps didn't know exactly what to say, he should have said SOMETHING to her. Teehee slap and tickle is funny!
Thats right tell them where they can stick there opinions.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
LOL! Thanks! My sentiments exactly!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
LOL! Thanks! My sentiments exactly!
I doubt Harry stays a brat forever. He can't be happy without Hermione as a friend.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you! Too right you are!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thank you! Too right you are!
Harry really needs to grow up.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Uh huh, I thought that a lot durning the books, but then I would think all that he had to endure during his life and I could see his point too. LOL! But in this fic, he really does!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Uh huh, I thought that a lot durning the books, but then I would think all that he had to endure during his life and I could see his point too. LOL! But in this fic, he really does!
Draco is Draco. I'm surprised that Harry came to her defense but still will probably act harsh towards her later. As for the way she treats Harry in class, she is a teacher now and can't show favoritism.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! That's exactly right. And though Harry is aggravated at her, he does still love her. Couldn't you just see Draco acting that way?
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! That's exactly right. And though Harry is aggravated at her, he does still love her. Couldn't you just see Draco acting that way?
After reading the rules to this challenge, this chapter is even better then I thought and I thought very highly of it already.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Wow! Thank you so much!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Wow! Thank you so much!
I adore happy endings! Great story, well thought out (especially making the canon sentances work for your story) and great flow.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks so much! I have to have happy endings! ;D So happy you enjoyed it!
I'm glad Hermione is starting to act like an adult. I know she has little practical experiance, but she chose to go out with a much older man not just in years but experiance as well.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Yes, that's true, but that doesn't automatically mean she will always know how to act until she gets a bit more experience.
Oh Hermione! *smacks her in the head Hopefully she'll straighten out now, although really that's your job author. LOL
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
LOL! Just keep this in mind... She's 19 years younger than he is, and this is her first real--and adult--relationship.
I can't wait to see their next date, an opera no less....
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! I could definitely see Severus at an opera!
Hmmm I detect a slight whiff of citrus.....lovely.Personaly, I think it's difficult to set aside her friendships with Harry, Ginny and of course, Ron, but she really has to stop worrying about their reactions. She is now their teacher, not just their friend.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
I've always loved lemons! ;D Exactly.
Borrowing a British phrase whose meaning I can guess, what a wanker! Let's hope Harry grows up a bit, maybe Ginney can hit him with a Bludger to speed him along.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
LOL! Yep, he needs to.
I loved the way Hermione took care of the challange to her authority.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Yes, she needed to estlabish that early on...
Cute start, I wonder if Minerva realizes she set up a perfect post war romance!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed. Nope, not a clue!
I agree with Sun. He was too easy on her. Talk about childish. lol
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks SB. Not me, see this is her first "adult" relationship, and she is 20 years younger. Her emotions are not as controlled as his, and he should have elaborated to Rosemerta--at least a little. :) As far as Viktor, I can see both sides on that one.
thank you for a wonderful story. i've enjoyed it very much. what else to you have up your sleeve christy.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! I am happy you liked it, Patty! I have a plot bunny running around...
But what did Severus teach then if Bill got DADA?
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
He is not going to teach. He will just be Deputy Headmaster.
I really liked this story. I live for happy endings. I will be waiting for your new story!!!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Aftermath)
Thanks! I Love happy endings too! (But I do like my angst thrown in!)