6 Stories | Favorited by 104 | 52 Reviews Written | 55 Review Responses
I first got into the Harry Potter stories because of my daughter, who was a diehard fan. I have since become a fan myself. Even in the sense that I find my brain constantly asking the eternal question, What if... Add that together with my addiction to romance, and now you see how I pass my time.
I have been a published ebook author for several years now. My novel, The Eternal is now up in print. Anyone interested in having a look-see at my story info, can find the info at my website: You can also find my original works at
I think I will always still be writing HP fan fictions...Even though they do tend to develope rather slowly. (sorry for that) I love these characters too much to just let them stay in the pages of JKR's novels, and Warner Brother's movies. Too much fun. If the day ever comes when I find other writers are playing with my original characters.... I will be so honored.
Search Works by ShilohDarke
Current parameters show 6 of 6 stories.
Dare to Dance
by ShilohDarke
100 Ratings, 0 Likes, 62 Favorites )This story is inspired by a one-shot that was written by Melisande88 by the name of I Don't Dance, But Thanks for Asking. However, this story will be multiple chapters. Hermione is given a choice between two dares. She steps up to the challenge and discovers that Professor Snape knows how to dance... Rated for later chapters.
22,513 Words, Started 11/07/2006, Updated 05/23/2007
The Beauty found within the Beast
by ShilohDarke
72 Ratings, 0 Likes, 103 Favorites )Lucius Malfoy has lost his wife, and his son, Draco to Voldemort's wrath. He has also come away from the encounter scarred, and forever changed. Swearing to help defeat the Dark Lord, he offers the Order the use of his Library. Hermione has come to do research. She discovers that Lucius Malfoy is no longer the man they once knew. Although there is a rape and murder in the first chapter, it is not very explicit. Rated for later chapters
44,223 Words, Started 07/01/2005, Completed 10/17/2005
Gigglers Revenge
by ShilohDarke
24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )Snape is hit with an exploding potion. The results are quite unexpected. Draco and Hermione must take over teaching potions until Severus recovers. Rated for later chapters!
10,901 Words, Started 10/25/2005, Updated 04/15/2012
Daydreams of Desire
by ShilohDarke
24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Hermione has snuck into the Potions class late in the night, to fantasize about her Professor. The last thing she considered was that he would catch her. But beware. . . Nothing is as it seems. Story is AU from the ending of DH. I just can't kill Severus. Sorry!
6,227 Words, Started 09/08/2010, Updated 11/13/2010
New Beginning... A Chance for Love
by ShilohDarke
15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 75 Favorites )Five years have passed since the final battle. Both Harry and Ron died defeating Voldemort. Hermione has fled the wizarding world. She has created a life in the muggle world. However, Dumbledore has decided that enough time has gone by and he wants her return to Hogwarts, as a teacher. Who else would he send to retrieve her, but Snape?
21,552 Words, Started 07/13/2005, Completed 07/30/2005
If Tomorrow Never Comes
by ShilohDarke
10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 25 Favorites )The night before the Final Battle, Hermione is desperate to rid herself of something. She wants no one but Severus to help her do it. This is PWP at this point. I'm not sure if I want to do future chapters on it or not. I will wait and see what the reviewers think.
2,435 Words, Started 01/19/2006, Completed 01/19/2006