New Chapter for The Beauty found within the Beast
The Beauty found within the Beast
ShilohDarke72 Reviews | 72 Ratings, 0 Likes, 103 Favorites )
Lucius Malfoy has lost his wife, and his son, Draco to Voldemort's wrath. He has also come away from the encounter scarred, and forever changed. Swearing to help defeat the Dark Lord, he offers the Order the use of his Library. Hermione has come to do research. She discovers that Lucius Malfoy is no longer the man they once knew. Although there is a rape and murder in the first chapter, it is not very explicit. Rated for later chapters
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About ShilohDarke
6 Stories | Favorited by 104 | 52 Reviews Written | 55 Review Responses
I first got into the Harry Potter stories because of my daughter, who was a diehard fan. I have since become a fan myself. Even in the sense that I find my brain constantly asking the eternal question, What if... Add that together with my addiction to romance, and now you see how I pass my time.
I have been a published ebook author for several years now. My novel, The Eternal is now up in print. Anyone interested in having a look-see at my story info, can find the info at my website: You can also find my original works at
I think I will always still be writing HP fan fictions...Even though they do tend to develope rather slowly. (sorry for that) I love these characters too much to just let them stay in the pages of JKR's novels, and Warner Brother's movies. Too much fun. If the day ever comes when I find other writers are playing with my original characters.... I will be so honored.
Reviews for The Beauty found within the Beast
I love this story. I'm normaly a Hg/SS fan but if i read more stories about HG/JM i might like it better
I think this is something like the second or third time I have read this story and its better each time.
Response from ShilohDarke (Author of The Beauty found within the Beast)
Thank you. Beauty is my favorite story of all that I've written as well. I am so glad that you continue to enjoy it even all these years later!
Oh wow, you had me going there for a second. In those few paragraphs I thought of all the possibilities except for that one. I got a little choked up there. I can't wait to read the sequel!
Some parts of this story seemed to move along too fast, for example, the jump from the intro of the ghosts to Lucius finding peace. However, it was still an intriguing story. Thank you for sharing your imagination.
Great story - lots of twists !
What a lovely chapter. I look forward to the next part.
Yes but now he will not find out about the books from the rat.
I never could understand how they could put the rat in prison if he can turn into a rat, he would get away. Cool story line.
Yes no clue but if he came out with something different she would have fell over with shock.
Hmm, Harry/Ginny/Severus?
Yay Ron finally gets to be the bigger man instead of Harry. Always knew Voldiebutt was a sex freak.
Wow Severus understanding Harry now theres a first.
ah yes the all knowing Albus
~bows down~ you are the master
Kingsley! Well I be damn, didn't think of that. You got me that.
From ghosts to kidnapping bravo.
Well now I see where Lucius got his git side from. Dear old Dad.
Nice save Lucius old man. That the house tells you if your guest is in danger bit was ingenius.
This was a very romantic chapter. Lucius is extremely romantic.
This chapter truly touched me. This is a marvelous story.
I'm glad she didn't pull away or look disgusted at him.
Why indeed should he spy on her, duh she still doesn't know how pretty she is? Ok where can I get some of this shampoo and body soap. Oh please still on that high horse. Get off it and get some for crimey sake.
Tragedy will change anybody. Always the bookworm. I bet she wet herself just from the sight. lol I know I would. I hope he finds out that beauty is more than skin deep.
I love the story but how is it that Lucius didn't know something like this would happen. I mean didn't Voldemort do this kind of stuff to other Death Eaters. Just wondering.