New Chapter for The Love You Take
The Love You Take
Subversa1,365 Reviews | 1,365 Ratings, 0 Likes, 978 Favorites )
Now Complete! ~Winner Rd 3 Quill to Parchment for Best Fanon Het, Best AU, Best WIP!~ Hermione is cursed by the Death Eaters, and Dumbledore believes Professor Snape is the only one who can help her and keep her safe. Hermione is 18 years old in this story, but she is still a student.
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About Subversa
Member Since 2005 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 1,367 | 226 Reviews Written | 1,394 Review Responses
Reviews for The Love You Take
More please???
Oh bugger... I bet he is going to do the foolish thing and try to get away from her.
Thank you for the new chapter. It was great.Dumbledore grrrrrrrr..So lovely when Severus snaked into Hermiones room.
I do love this story!
I'm so very tempted to .. do something very horrid to Dumbledore. ARGH! How dare he. I'm trusting there'll be a happy end though ... after all this, there just cannot be anything else! Poor Severus. Poor Hermione. They truly deserve their happiness!~Kribu
Dumbledore, bugger off!!!! Wonderful chapter as always. You have this ability to write that makes us poor readers want more now! However, I have faith that Hermione, being the determined, resourceful witch she is, will make Severus see that she truly loves him for him.
Two more chapter oh no! Hppy ending though? Sod the curse they don't need the curse to be together!! I love this fic (write another after this haha). x.xFirst to review too!
Excellent chapter! Dumbledore is very manipulative. Thanks for updating.
At least Dennis Creevey isn't likely to use the killing curse. Hopefully Harry or someone takes Severus to the castle. At least Harry can vouch for the fact that Severus tried to save his life and helped destroy Voldemort. I look forward to reading about Severus and Hermione's reunion. Hermione overworked herself, so isn't likely to wake up for some time.
Please, please, please, give us a happy ending!!! I should have waited for the final chapter before reading this -- I hate cliffhangers! I just have to trust in your love for Hermione & Severus that everything will turn out fine... Just don't make us wait too long! Lovely, lovely story - just like all your others! I can't wait to see where the muse takes you next...
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!Well at least you finished for which I am truely greatful. I've been following this since you posted the first chapter and it has been a wonderful ride. I know for something that started out as a one shot you must surely be over it now but come on did you have to kill him? GRRRR. Anyway I enyoyed the journey. Happy future writing.
Response from Subversa (Author of The Love You Take)
There's another chapter to come yet, darlin - don't give up the ship. Do you really think a 4th year Creevey could kill him? Or that the DA use Unforgiveables?I am an unprincipled wench, I know, but eeeeeeee!
Response from Subversa (Author of The Love You Take)
There's another chapter to come yet, darlin - don't give up the ship. Do you really think a 4th year Creevey could kill him? Or that the DA use Unforgiveables?I am an unprincipled wench, I know, but eeeeeeee!
Subversa, I hate you! hate hate hate!! lol, if bloody dopey creevey has killed severus then i'll just cry lots & lots & proclaim hate towards u:Pif hes just knocked out then thats quite alright, but creevey is still a dipshit lolNow this is really the nastiest cliff hanger ever lolso you really ought to add the last chapter really quickly or I shall unleash my wrath:PMaybe... lolLoveBreezyP.S. I really do love you, just not right now:P
I am positively in love with this story and all of your writing! As sad as I (and obviously many others) am to see it coming to an end, I can't wait to find out what happens! I do hope you find the inspiration to write more soon!
wow! that was so exciting! what happened to hermione? and severus? i'll tune in next time! thanks so much
Nasty cliff hanger, but I enjoyed your take on how to kill Voldermort. Albus always valued love in canon, I'm glad you saw fit to use it as a weapon.
Very exciting. Interesting concept that pure Love could be the very thing that destroys Voldemort.I will be sad to see it end.
How embarrassing for Severus to be taken down by Collin Creevey, he will never live it down, that is if you let him live. I do hope you believe in happy endings.This has been a wonderful story to read over the past year. I will miss anticipating the updates as that is half the fun of reading ff.
I don't know who needs a thrashing more-Dennis or Hermione for battling while sick...
Oh No. Oh crap. OMG I Hate Cliffes!!!! I do love this tale though. I wish taking the dark lord down could have gone like this in DH, that was awesome! A Love Bubble! Anyways, please don't leave me hanging on this cliff too long. Much Love ~ Brena
0_0 OMG! This chapter was divine. (But, I ask myself, do you ever write something that is NOT divine?) This story has taken us (and Severus and Hermione, of course) on such a wonderful journey, and I am simultaneously excited and saddened at the prospect of only two more chapters. Write on, my dear!
Whoa what an evillll cliffie. Lovely beastie, the house dragon! *pets* One that's half-cat at that . Good riddance to bad rubbish. What a fitting (one hopes) end. Similar to that of Ms. Leclerq. Almost sorry for her but not quite. A lust like hers deserves a matching one (just not Severus'.) Uh-oh. Maybe Madam Prince should have sent one of the house-elves to keep Hermione company and make sure she reached Hogwarts safely.
i don't care what his grandmother thinks i think it was a beautiful letter and so very severus. glad to see this wonderful update. thanks so much
If I didn't already mention how much I admire and enjoy Madam Prince's presence in the story, let me say so now. She's a Force! too bad her daughter Eileen didn't seem to inherit her backbone.
Wonderful chapter, and it was so worth the wait! I'm already eagerly awaiting the next one!!
Madame Prince is without a doubt one of my all-time favorite OCs. Just so you know.