New Chapter for The Love You Take
The Love You Take
Subversa1,365 Reviews | 1,365 Ratings, 0 Likes, 978 Favorites )
Now Complete! ~Winner Rd 3 Quill to Parchment for Best Fanon Het, Best AU, Best WIP!~ Hermione is cursed by the Death Eaters, and Dumbledore believes Professor Snape is the only one who can help her and keep her safe. Hermione is 18 years old in this story, but she is still a student.
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About Subversa
Member Since 2005 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 1,367 | 226 Reviews Written | 1,394 Review Responses
Reviews for The Love You Take
Why can't I give this a billion stars?
It's been a long while since I've read this story and found it again by accident.... And I love it now as much as I did then! Please, if you get the chance, write an epilogue. I'd love to know Hermione and Severus' happily ever after.
that was such a beautiful ending, or rather a new beginning. i cant remember the last time i was so moved by a piece of fiction. your characters, even though they were created by JKR, came to life for me in such a new and moving way. well done, i cant wait to read the rest of your stories.
yay!!! go sev!!!
this story is so wonderful
Stunning, incredible, awesome etc. My god, you know how to write! Thank you for sharing your artistry with us.
i cant tell u how many times i have read this story
but the ending a;ways leaves me feeling content
like every women in the world should know such happiness
thank u for the tome u took and the love u gave this story
i am sure i will visit it again
hugs and chocolate
I have read this before, and I've just read it for the second time around. It never fails to astonish me just how wonderful your words are. I don't feel that my own words are good enough to tell you how I feel about this story. Of course it started as a PWP, and I'm always happy to read those, but yours became decidedly more interesting, and infinitely better because it grew a plot. I realise that this wasn't intentional, but it only makes it better - I could never think of something as in-depth and interesting as this. You had readers hanging onto every word - and I am so, so glad that I didn't have to wait to read the chapters, for surely I would have gone mad. The sheer emotion, and understanding I felt for the characters were entirely your doing - it is a difficult thing to stay in character, and provide a believable plot with so many layers, you have made me wish that JK would have thought about the final battle as you did. Dare I say that your story has pleased me more than her books? I won't go on too much, but I just wanted to tell you how much your story has meant to me. It's provided me with hours of distraction, and even more to dream with. Thankyou, Subversa, all the time and effort you put in were so worth it.
Response from Subversa (Author of The Love You Take)
I have enjoyed your journey through the story and all your reviews. It took me more than a year to write The Love You Take, and I appreciate your understanding of the time and effort involved in writing an epic, even if it is only fan fiction. The emotional component of a romance is the most important part to me, so I'm glad you found it a satisfying.Thank you!
BAD Albus! *slaps wrist* NO!
I soooo LOVED this story. It was absolutely amazing. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story. I cannot wait to raad another written by you. Continue on.
Wonderfull story (again) Subversa. Thank you
i have faith in severus relishing in his freedom and following his heart and love. DAMN the sheer NERVE of that hypocritical, judgmental old fool!! *grr* good thing hermione gave him what for, otherwise i woulve flamed him 6 ways to sunday meself!!
i want to kick and hex ronniekins for his muleheaded denseness, and applaud harry for his maturity and perceptiveness. luna must be a positive, calming influence on him. yes, the sorrow and angst of our OTP is poignantly apparent beyond the superficial storms of rutting. the roses are amazing. lovely.
sex w/Dumbles?!? *barf* thats enough for anyone to declare lifelong celibacy. (and the ss/hg haters think were nuts. i need mental bleach!) UGH. but thankfully youve decided that hermiones real color is GREEN, yes?? let the smutfest commence, lol.l
damn the machinations of meddling wizards!! i cringe in sympathy with snape for the manipulation, but simultaneously rejoice in a plausible, lemony, situation to throw our OTP together yet again. Frabjous start.
What an amazing story!!! I really loved it! I thank you for write it to us and congratulate for your talent =] Kisses!!!!
Lovely and brilliant, beginning to end.
Thank you much more than I can say for this story! I loved it... No more can I say but thanks! So lovely and powerful! I can't say how much times I was crying and laughing and smiling and deal with other emotions...
With many low bows and kind regards to you
Thank you much more than I can say for this story! I loved it... No more can I say but thanks! So lovely and powerful! I can't say how much times I was crying and laughing and smiling and deal with other emotions...
With many low bows and kind regards to you
I have taken the time to read this story thouroughly til it's completion and was teary eyed when I read this chapter. You, my dear, have wrought a fine piece of fiction and I applaud you for your fine effort. I implore you to keep up the good work with your other fictional endeavors, so that others may enjoy your worth as I have.
best story ever you should write u own book u seem exetremely capable i enjoyed it immensely
I took 3 days to read this story, not wanting to rush it, rather savouring it. I think you are an amazing writer, your ideas, language and imagery are quite mindblowing! A fantastic story, I adore Snape even more than before and I did not think that was possible. I am not sure what I am going to read now, I think I will live in your story for a little while before I decide :) Thank you for writing such a fabulous fic!SGx
Response from Subversa (Author of The Love You Take)
I'm very happy to know you enjoyed the story as much as you did. It was a fabulous world in which to live for as long as I did to write it. I completely understand about loving the Potions master; over four years in, I still feel the same way.
You never cease to amaze me. I have always loved your stories, but the bleacher scene has always been my favorite. It shows everything about Hermione and Severus and how tumtulous their relationship is. I have repeatedly read this, but it has never not made my heart go out to the two of them. You are such an amazing writer and I feel so fortunate to be able to have access to your skill.
I do not think I have read this story before. Oh yes the beatles is one of my favourite bands. I read this time and I liked it in general though the end did not feel right to me, Severus staying as Adin... I also read the story about Severus being in his own mind/ Hermione freeing him from it. I liked it