New Chapter for The Waiting Game
The Waiting Game
bound_by_passion58 Reviews | 58 Ratings, 0 Likes, 27 Favorites )
Severus has just five days to make Hermione his. But he also has a murder to solve. Can he do it in time? Or will his partner, Draco Malfoy, get the girl?
Complete AU. Does exactly what it says on the tin (and no funny business).
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About bound_by_passion
Member Since 2006 | 11 Stories | Favorited by 26 | 32 Reviews Written | 231 Review Responses
DHW (definition): more commonly described as pale and uninteresting. Possesses a modicum of rather dry wit. Appearence usually resembles something that has been dragged backwards through a few hedgerows. Intelligent, though not brilliant. Officially employed as junior Mad Scientist, complete with minions. Answers to many names. A current member of the Ministry of Bugger-All-Better-To-Do.
Reviews for The Waiting Game
Very good and quite enjoyable.
Curiouser and curiouser. I'm looking forward to more--both of the case and the (thus far) pathetic attempt at romance.
Oooh the evil cliffie, in both action and emotion!The scene where they reconstruct the crime is superb - the tension is palpable and complex, desire, fear, fascination, embarassment.I can't wait for the next chapter!I think you might have a couple of typos in the first paragraph ("mouse", "killers").
What is she sorry for? For embarrassing him?
I'm enjoying the story a lot so far. I have some thoughts but I don't want to say anything specific until later. Nice work. Cheers!
This is exciting, update soon!!!!
Hah! I was right about where you were going with the velvet ties, and OMG was the UST was fabulous! I'm so glad you didn't cut that scene! *swoons* But poor Severus! I feel so sorry for him, and what the heck was Hermione apologizing for? Embarassing him? I can see her thinking she humiliated him and feeling sorry about that. Hmmm...
The mystery is getting more and more suspenseful all the time! I am very intrigued!
Looking forward to more as always!
A twist... but poor Severus! He must be so humiliated to give up on Hermione that way.
I don't know what to think about Hermione in this story. Is she just accepting attention from whomever gives it to her--read here shallow, is she interested in Draco and Severus, or is she just confused about her feelings, or about the feelings of one or both of them? Or, is this a plot to drive Severus into Hermione's arms by properly motivating him? As for the murder mystery, it is very puzzling and I am lost, as I am sure you would hope at this point. Thanks for the new chapter.
urk... you've used an incorrect tense of the verb "sit (to)" in a number of instances in this chapter. "Sat" is a past tense.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
oh bollocks. Sorry, pardon my language. The erros will be fixed as soon as I get back from my holiday. Thank you for pointing them out to me. I appologise for the mistakes.
I love the detailed, frenetic pace of this -- there's so much going on, but it's laid out coherently. Your writing is also very economical -- I've yet to find superfluous detail or conversation, and you sprinkle enough important details throughout the narrative to keep the reader engaged. And of course, I have to gush about the plot: this gritty detective thriller, with it's hard-hitting, scientific approach, is a breath of fresh air within a fandom (and canon...) that is riddled with deus ex machina and loose continuity. Needless to say, I really, really like your story.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Thanks. I'm glad you like it so far. I used to write for the CSI fandom, so it's more of a natural story for me. I'm glad you don't think I'm being too obvious with the mystery.Thank you for the lovely review. :)
Are you sure you aren't finished with this and ready to post the rest? I'm not ready for it to end...CSI/NCIS/Crossing Jordan/(pick a morgue-related drama show), one of my favorite genres, crossed with HG/SS=story lust!
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Well, I have chapter four nearly read if that helps?Don't worry, I'm not planning on abandoning this one. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I love CSI, it was my first fandom, and I wanted to combine the two. Thank you for the review. :)
Such a good chapter! You're really making me dislike Malfoy, and I am actually quite a fan of his, but he's being so sneaky, poor old Snape, I like it that he's quite rubbish with women!The mystery is great, though I really hope Ron's in the clear, I can't imagine him being a murderer. Great story though, I'm loving it!
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Though I do love Malfoy, I can't (in all fairness) say he's one of my fave characters. Perhaps that's why I don't feel so mean doing this to him. Anyway, I like my Snape sneaky and 'sex-god' free. :DThanks for your lovely review. I hope the you will enjoy the mystery. :)
This just gets better and better! The mystery is fabulous and intriguing ... and I want more! When Draco invited himself to breakfast, I groaned out loud. Severus best get a move on, although knowing him, he'll wait until the last possible moment. :)
I look forward to the next chapter!
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Thank you. More is to come. I've got the first draft almost done, I'm just searching for a new beta to ready it when I've revised it to the third draft. X_weasley, bless her soul, is badgering me to get on with it and give her the first draft, so I'd better get to it, haddn't I? lol. Hmm, as for dear old Sev, we'll just have to see...Thanks for the lovely review, my dear. :)
You are definatly doing yopur homework on this story. Would you happen to be related to Agatha Christie?
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Haha, I wish. She is one of the most amazing crime authors ever. I'd give anything to have even a shadow of her talent. Yes, I'm beavering away looking for un-medical related things to try and make my story more realistic. I'm just worried that someone wil turn round and go, "You are wrong! It doesn't happen like that..."Thanks for the review.
Response from sinbad (Reviewer)
You are doing an excellent job, if anyone says different take it with a pound of salt!
I thought Malfoy was going to give Severus a chance for a week before he moved in on Hermione. It certainly does not look that way. Ron did not seem too broken up over his fiance's death. I assume he had already been informed prior to the interview.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Things, my dear, are not always as they seem to appear...Yes, he would have been informed earlier on by a memeber of the Police (or in this case, Auror) department upon the descovery of his connection to the woman. Thanks for the review.
And thus the plot thickens! The case has gotten a whole lot more interesting (which is really saying something). Poor Severus; I like the idea that he's a little out of sorts when it comes to women. I like the fact that Draco isn't giving him an inch. Makes it all more Slytherin. Great chapter, I can't wait for more!
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Yes. Like cold gravy that's been left out far too long, the plot does indeed thicken. I'm glad you're still interested. Thank you for the lovely review. I'm glad you're still enjoying the story. :)
Now you've got me wanting to slap Malfoy.
Excellent build up in the crime mystery, and I love the way Snape is thinking/behaving.
Should I be thinking feline for the mystery blood?
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Doesn't everybody a want to at one time or another? Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Perhaps, though I wouldn't be too sure. Blood with a purpose other than cold murder, definatley... As for feline, that remains to be seen. Hehe, I like being relativley mysterious. Gives me chills. Thank you for the review. :)
The plot thickens! Is Ron a bad guy or not? Will HG be able to keep her professional distance if he is? (Can't wait to see!) And I like that you show SS as supremely confident in his work yet less so when relating to women.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
I'm not telling *zips lips* ;) But it won't be what you're expecting (unless you're expecting what I have in mind, then it... erm... is). Thanks for the lovely review. I'm glad you're still enjoying it. :D
Severus needs to bemore pro-active. At this rate, he'll never get Hermione, though I suspect she and Draco are in league for getting Severus to make a move.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Perhaps he is just a little shy? ;)Hmm, and who knows. Hermione and Draco might be in cahoots... or mabye not. Thanks for the review. :)
Excellent start! I love the set up.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Thank you. I hope you enjoy the next part. Thank you for your lovely review.
What a great twist! I'm so excited about this story -- the plot and pacing are quite engaging thus far.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it. THe next part should be up soon. Thank you for your lovely review. :)
Very Grissom/Sarah Sidle! i like it ;)
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Haha, well, I'm a GSR shipper at heart, and this acctually started out as a CSI piece. Glad you're enjoying it. Thank you for your review. :)
Ooh--very intriguing and extremely unique. I love how you've set things up. The fight for Hermione tied in to a murder mystery--perfect! Great job with this chapter, I can't wait for more.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
Thank you. I'm glad you are enjoying it. I'm also happy that you think it is unique; I'd hate to be accused of stealing someone else's idea. The next chapter is waiting to be validated. So you won't have to wait too long I think. Thank you for your lovely review. :)
Very interesting beginning: a chase for Hermione coupled with a mystery.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of The Waiting Game)
I hope you enjoy the next chapter; the mystery deepens...Thank you for the review. :)