Member Since 2005 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 31 | 236 Reviews Written | 276 Review Responses
55 year old UK female with nothing better to do with her time than read fanfic (and occassionally d(r)abble a little herself). Married with 3 kids (two girls and a boy, 22, 18 & 14 years). Been with husband Brian for *gulp* 30 years; we met digging up bodies in the same cemetery - seriously :}
Search Works by DawnEB
Current parameters show 22 of 22 stories.
Rhyme and Reason
by DawnEB
59 Ratings, 0 Likes, 62 Favorites )Very loosely based on Ladyofthemasque's 'Lost in a Book' challenge. Severus and Hermione have problems with a book in the Restricted Section. Will they ever get together and get home? Brief appearances by a number of HP characters, and a suggestion of slash. Rating for safety, nothing too graphic
6,998 Words, Started 11/28/2005, Completed 12/01/2005
by DawnEB
25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Hallowe'en, and Hermione has her mouth full.
134 Words, Started 10/22/2008, Completed 10/22/2008
All I Desire
by DawnEB
15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )When the Dark Lord rules. A day in the life of Tom Marvolo Riddle, Lord Voldemort, Autocrat of Britain.
Dark, but please stick with it to the end - you might be surprised.
Now also archived at AO3
2,649 Words, Started 07/31/2006, Completed 07/31/2006
Sweet Indulgence - Reprised
by DawnEB
14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )Snape reassesses Miss Granger whilst he watches her indulge herself.
Originally written pre HBP.
1,555 Words, Started 01/01/2006, Completed 01/01/2006
What about the Birds and the Bees?
by DawnEB
11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )The staff of Hogwarts are introduced to some changes in both the curriculum and school administration.
10,088 Words, Started 08/19/2006, Updated 08/26/2006
Something Borrowed
by DawnEB
10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )After an accident, what has happened to Hermione Granger, and just why does Harry need to call on Snape for help?
3,130 Words, Started 09/12/2010, Completed 09/12/2010
A Hogwarts Thanksgiving
by DawnEB
8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Drabble. Combine 'The Owl and the Pussycat', Doomspark's 'Catspaws' and suggestions that they might celebrate an American Muggle holiday at Hogwarts in the sleep-deprived mind of a Brit, and this is what you get.
110 Words, Started 11/19/2006, Completed 11/19/2006
A Surprising Scene
by DawnEB
8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )A mislaid sketch book falls into a teacher's hands, with some unexpected results for those involved.
Set (slightly) before Philosopher's Stone.
823 Words, Started 02/06/2011, Completed 02/06/2011
Holding a Candle in Comparison
by DawnEB
7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 18 Favorites )In this I make no attempt to resolve the events of HBP whatsoever. I simply offer you this failed attempt to write a little smut.
1,982 Words, Started 02/08/2006, Completed 02/08/2006
Going out with a bang
by DawnEB
7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )The traditional last night party at the end
of the year for the outgoing 7th years...
Originally written for the 1st HCR Fic Challenge Pre HBP, so is now noncomplient/AU.
1,051 Words, Started 09/21/2005, Completed 09/21/2005
Sweet Indulgence
by DawnEB
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )Three related Drabbles I wrote a while back which I blame entirely on pregnancy cravings, plus an additional three I've been meaning to post for some time.
830 Words, Started 05/21/2006, Completed 05/21/2006
Revenge is a Pain in the...
by DawnEB
5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Draco wakes up after the End of Year party...
Although not sufficient to rate a Warning, there are hints that some might say imply drug abuse and slash. These are deliberate ambiguities.
1,906 Words, Started 01/11/2006, Completed 01/11/2006
What about the Neighbours?
by DawnEB
5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Lucius is having a spot of bother with the neighbour. Just what is the problem?
1,540 Words, Started 08/09/2006, Completed 08/09/2006
Sentimental Snape
by DawnEB
4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 15 Favorites )Severus picking flowers and writing sonnets to his lady love?
Two blokes talk about Snape in the pub.
1,724 Words, Started 06/03/2006, Completed 06/03/2006
Justification - The Man Behind the Mask
by DawnEB
4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )The challenge was to write something from a Death Eater's pov, justifying his/her reasons for being one. Don't expect to find any humour, and there is brief description of verbal/physical abuse or torture
609 Words, Started 07/26/2006, Completed 07/26/2006
Severus Snape's Silky Secret
by DawnEB
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )A trio of students break into Snape's rooms...
985 Words, Started 05/03/2008, Completed 05/03/2008