New Chapter for A Surprising Scene
A Surprising Scene
DawnEB8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
A mislaid sketch book falls into a teacher's hands, with some unexpected results for those involved.
Set (slightly) before Philosopher's Stone.
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About DawnEB
Member Since 2005 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 31 | 236 Reviews Written | 276 Review Responses
55 year old UK female with nothing better to do with her time than read fanfic (and occassionally d(r)abble a little herself). Married with 3 kids (two girls and a boy, 22, 18 & 14 years). Been with husband Brian for *gulp* 30 years; we met digging up bodies in the same cemetery - seriously :}
Reviews for A Surprising Scene
It's a very nice and touching scene. Well done!
Response from DawnEB (Author of A Surprising Scene)
Thank you, glad you liked it.
It makes sense for a squib to be so helpful to a young emerging wizard. Well done.
Response from DawnEB (Author of A Surprising Scene)
It does, doesn't it. Thank you for reading/reviewing.
What a surprise! I love that Anna was a Squib with a great-uncle for a wizard. She was able to help Dean when he really needed someone who could understand what he was going through.Good on you!Beth
Response from DawnEB (Author of A Surprising Scene)
Surprise was what I was aiming for! Thanks, Beth, I'm glad you liked it.
Oh, what a sweet and touching story.
Response from DawnEB (Author of A Surprising Scene)
Thank you. It made a nice change to write it, and I'm glad you liked it
Cute. I like that she was a squib, but still kept Oliver's self-portrait. :)
Response from DawnEB (Author of A Surprising Scene)
He gives very good advice, and is a sympathetic ear when her students get to her
Oh very nice, I wasn't expecting a Squib. I was totally drawn in.
Response from DawnEB (Author of A Surprising Scene)
Thank you. I had the idea for the surprise Squib with a Muggleborn pupil, what I didn't expect was to find that Dean fitted perfectly into the story. I did a search in the Wiki for 'artist' and he popped up, so I ran with it.
Oh, that's lovely! Is your OC a Squib, then? Dean was one who had a bit of a time adjusting. I'm glad you gave him a friend.
Response from DawnEB (Author of A Surprising Scene)
Thank you, glad you liked it. Yes, Anna is a Squib, rather than a Muggle or Muggleborn.