New Chapter for Holding a Candle in Comparison
Holding a Candle in Comparison
DawnEB7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 18 Favorites )
In this I make no attempt to resolve the events of HBP whatsoever. I simply offer you this failed attempt to write a little smut.
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About DawnEB
Member Since 2005 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 31 | 236 Reviews Written | 276 Review Responses
55 year old UK female with nothing better to do with her time than read fanfic (and occassionally d(r)abble a little herself). Married with 3 kids (two girls and a boy, 22, 18 & 14 years). Been with husband Brian for *gulp* 30 years; we met digging up bodies in the same cemetery - seriously :}
Reviews for Holding a Candle in Comparison
This little "candle and flame adventure" was a wonderful way to start my fanfic reading tonight.
Thank you.
Hee hee hee. Nice interaction. And yeah, gotta love leaving the lights on. ;)
Response from DawnEB (Author of Holding a Candle in Comparison)
Thank you, and I'm glad you liked it :)
Silly girl! He's still larger than average and that girth may be a bit intimidating if not used skillfully. Lovely smut biscuit, well done!
Response from DawnEB (Author of Holding a Candle in Comparison)
Thank you.I wanted to be realistic, but still give him something he wouldn't be ashamed of. I think Hermione learned that you can't trust everything you read in books (or fanfic)
i love the candle quote...
no, this wasnt a failed attempt at all. funny, but not failed
Response from DawnEB (Author of Holding a Candle in Comparison)
Glad you liked it. It made a change to write smut with a touch of humour, instead of humour with innuendo
Loved it. I like how they seem like normal people. He's not some sex god and she's not this incredible minx.Thanks for sharing this.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Holding a Candle in Comparison)
Thanks :) Happy to share.
Absolutely excellent, Dawn!! Is that it? ROTFLOL!! Big thanks to Brian too, for the inspiration, although - I don't want more detail than that. ~Kim
Response from DawnEB (Author of Holding a Candle in Comparison)
It's the ability be able to come up with something on the spur of the moment, together with a comment about Old Wive's tales. Honest While I have your attention, if you believe that can I interest you in a used broomstick I bought on ebay from an old witch who only took it out in fine weather at weekends?
haahaaa! I loved it. I had this huge grin on my face. My son says, "Mom, what's so funny?" "Oh, nothing."Muahahaha
Response from DawnEB (Author of Holding a Candle in Comparison)
Do you get 'The Look'? My daughter asks me questions like that, and when I give her a noncommital answer, I get 'The Look'.Glad to amuse you, even with my faulty comma control. I promise to try and find a reliable beta before I finish the next one.