New Chapter for Guess Who
Guess Who
DawnEB17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Chapters (2)
About DawnEB
Member Since 2005 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 31 | 236 Reviews Written | 276 Review Responses
55 year old UK female with nothing better to do with her time than read fanfic (and occassionally d(r)abble a little herself). Married with 3 kids (two girls and a boy, 22, 18 & 14 years). Been with husband Brian for *gulp* 30 years; we met digging up bodies in the same cemetery - seriously :}
Reviews for Guess Who
Oh the ending was just so cute. I love a little shameless fluff every now and then. Very well done, I really enjoyed it.Thanks!Sue:o)
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Thank you :) Valentine's Day really calls for either fluff or a massacre, it seems
I can't remember whether I already commented you on this piece at LJ, but again, I was amazed. You write beautifully. :D
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Yes, you commented, but I willing lap up anything that bolsters my flagging self-confidence
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
(I was so excited I hit Submit by accident )Thank you for the kind words
Very cute.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Thank you (I think) *remembers kittens and cupid, shudders*
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Please excuse the repeat, my son did something odd to the browser as I sent it.
Response from Stormi (Reviewer)
LOL - Not a problem. Keep up the great writing.
That was great, but.....I want some more please!!!!!!!!!!!!! But yes, it was great.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Thanks :D
I'm not sure there will be anymore to this series, but then the first was supposed to be a one off.
...That's it??*waves torch irately*Moremoremoremoremoremore!~Lotm
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
One word - Spinster
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
Hmm, touché...except I've given you MORE chapters--and each chapter was more than just a handful of 100-word vignettes. (Very good vignettes, I will admit...)~Lotm
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Well, a girl can try :)
What a wonderful little ending. Thank you so much for writing just a bit more.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
I just couldn't resist Thanks for the reviews
Severus is a sneaky devil! Indeed, no one would ever guess that such a schmaltzy card could ever come from a Slytherin -- let alone the Potions Master! That sounds like a card worthy of a Hufflepuff, if you ask me -- and actually, even though I'd still appreciate the gesture, a card like that would nevertheless offend my sensibilities! I mean...kittens and a cupid and a furry pink heart?? One, maybe (and I do mean maybe) -- but not all three! A very cute little vignette -- any hope of seeing a sequel from Hermione's point of view? I think it would be interesting to see her reaction, even if she didn't manage to figure out that the card is from Severus...
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
I think the response has just been validated
Oh. My. Dear. God. *screams and runs for cover...where her laughter is carefully muffled in a red satin, ruffle-trimmed, heart-shaped pillow, bwahahahahaha*~Lotm
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
hehe. Thanks :)
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
hehe. Thanks :)
I loved Ron's card.
LOL, oh that's cute. I hope you write other side of this Valentine.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Funny you should mention that...
Response from ancientgirl (Reviewer)
Yay! I'll keep my eyes open for that one!
Nice twist at the end, and I love twists! I also like how you used precisely the amount of words it took to get your point across.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Thanks. I enjoy the challenge of drabbles - makes you think more about the words and how you use them :)
lol. Nice.
And here I was thinking it was something some idiot student had had the not so bright idea to give to him...
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Hehe, no, just a touch of Slytherin sneakiness.
Bwahahahahah!!!!! Tooo funny!! Love it!
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Thank you :)
lovely! the quiddish card from ron was perfectly typical! thanks
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Sadly, it really does seem to fit him
Response from DawnEB (Author of Guess Who)
Thanks for the review, BTW