orm irian
Member Since 2006 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 52 | 451 Reviews Written | 190 Review Responses
I am married and have three sons. SF and fantasy are my favorite genres and J.R.R. Tolkien, Ursula LeGuin, Robert Jordan (both with and without Brandon Sanderson) and George R.R. Martin are some of my fav authors. I really enjoy reading HP fanfic because there is so much variety. I also write fanfic when I get the time--SS/HG for the most part.
Oh, and my day job is a university professor. (Yeah, I'm a nerd!)
Search Works by orm irian
Current parameters show 8 of 8 stories.
by orm irian
124 Ratings, 0 Likes, 107 Favorites )Written post Half-Blood Prince, this is an alternate book 7 story with action, adventure, romance, and featuring a truly ambiguous Snape. Story follows several plot strings concurrently but is mostly centered on the Granger-Snape dynamic . Rec'ced by Know It Alls!
133,641 Words, Started 12/17/2006, Completed 03/21/2007
The Grass Is Always Greener
by orm irian
13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )Getting older in the Wizarding world has is own special set of problems...
647 Words, Started 08/12/2009, Completed 08/12/2009
Human Touch
by orm irian
10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )“There was only one person whose touch didn’t make him flinch with revulsion. The binding had given him that much at least.” Companion piece to Colors. Mostly Snape’s point of view. (You should read the one-shot Colors first, in order to understand events here.)
6,709 Words, Started 07/18/2007, Completed 07/18/2007
Brother, I Am Thou
by orm irian
7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 14 Favorites )Wildly AU. Twisted one-shot told in ten 100-word parts.
1,139 Words, Started 11/30/2007, Completed 11/30/2007
Take This Kiss Upon The Brow
by orm irian
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )What can a person do when all hope has flown away?
855 Words, Started 05/22/2014, Completed 05/22/2014
What They're Not
by orm irian
2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )AU Drabble. Hermione finds that she must move on after the last battle. Written a long time ago - I forgot to post it here.
545 Words, Started 11/29/2007, Completed 11/29/2007