New Chapter for Cake Mix
Cake Mix
DawnEB19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 15 Favorites )
Having taken refuge with Hermione Granger, Severus Snape can't hold his tongue.
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About DawnEB
Member Since 2005 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 31 | 236 Reviews Written | 276 Review Responses
55 year old UK female with nothing better to do with her time than read fanfic (and occassionally d(r)abble a little herself). Married with 3 kids (two girls and a boy, 22, 18 & 14 years). Been with husband Brian for *gulp* 30 years; we met digging up bodies in the same cemetery - seriously :}
Reviews for Cake Mix
My oh my, doesn't this story make you want to go find some sexy, dark git thats house is under maintenance and bake a cake in front of him?
I mean, that's my feelings. baahha. Bravo! I loved it!
Bravo! Well written and fun.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
I'm glad you liked it, especially as I had my eyelids propped open with matchsticks by the end. I've promised myself I won't start on a live challenge after 2 am local time again in a hurry
All I could think of when you described Severus' s Puffskein infestation was that scene in the original Star Trek episode "The Trouble With Tribbles" when Captain Kirk opens a storage compartment and hundreds of tribbles fall on his head, quickly burying him up past the waist.
I think I'm going to make a chocolate cake right now. I' probably will need a pair of extra hands to help me undress correctly stir the batter...
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
Have fun - and thanks for the review
If sorting her undies wasnt a dead give away Snape I dont know what would be! Thank goodness he finally got the hint!
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
I'm amazed she didn't hex him in her frustration Thanks for the review
How lovely and delicious! I'd never have thought of this use for cake batter ;D The puffskein invasion made me think of the Tribbles in Star Trek and the episode where a heap of them falls down on Kirk :D
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
Glad you liked it, and thanks Cake batter - use only in small quantities, and don't let it set (so I've been told)Yes, that scene from ST:TOS is the inspiration for the one in this fic - well spotted.
Oh nice job! Thanks for taking the time to post!
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.I only just found the time to post it - at 5.30 am I was trying to locate the errant commas I needed to correct through droopping eyelids. That transatlantic time difference is a killer!
WooHoo! Love it. Adorable scenario with a hot ending.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
Thank you Although Snape isn't too sure about being in anything adorable!
Hmmm I have heard of pudding, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce; but cake batter? Very cute. I wonder did she cause the puffskin breakout?
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
I don't see why not, if only in small amounts. I know there is usually a queue waiting to lick the residue off the bowl or spoon, and having the mess sucked off my fingers in the past would have been more... interesting if I hadn't been keeping an eye on the oven at the time Think of it as more of a one off, heat of the moment kind of thing.I didn't conciously consider how the Puffskeins came to be there but, all things considered, it would make sense if Hermione was involved in some way. Thanks for the review
Very cute. great use of the prompt. Puffskiens, how funny. Of course, being old enough to remember the first time such a thing was on TV, I remembered the tribbles falling onto Capt, Kirk's head from the overhead bin on the TV show, Star Trek. But that doesn't make this any less charming, dear. You packed a great deal of detail into a little tale. Thanks for sharing this.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
I'm glad you liked it.The idea of the Puffskeins falling on Snape was, of course, inspired by that scene from 'The Trouble With Tribbles'. I mean, what else is a Puffskein?I believe I was 5 when it was first aired over here *wanders off singing* ♪Tribbles keep falling on my head...♪
Mmmmm, yummy cooking with Severus - not all of which takes place in the kitchen! *wiggles eyebrows*:)
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
Hehe, take one Snape, one Granger. Apply a little heat and a dollop or two of cake batter and see what rises...Thanks for the review
Excellently done! Poor Severus who thought that his attraction was unfounded! Did Hermione make the pests explode in his house? Might have been!
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
Thanks I think she just might be sneaky enough, if her mind was set on it!
That's an original use for cake batter! :)
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
Well, it certainly makes a change from chocolate sauce Thanks for the review
heh-heh! now why do I wonder if Hermione somehow caused that Puffskein population explosion... thank you for the laughs!
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
I'm glad you liked it Oh, I never considered Hermione might have had a hand in that, it almost begs another POV... almost.
zomg! From fluffy creatures to ... ohhhhh, I need to fan myself! Nice answer to the prompt. :)
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
Of all the things that could infest Snape's home, I felt the cute fluffy ones were the most likely to drive him out the fastest Thanks for the review
Oh, this. Is. Fantastic. I love the build up, the details about their working relationship. I gaffawed at the image of Snape drowning in fluffy creatures, and then you wound it up perfectly. Nothing like a food fight to help reveal locked away desire for both parties.
Excellent use of the prompt. *grins*
Response from DawnEB (Author of Cake Mix)
Thank you for the review, and thank you for such a fun prompt. I'm glad you liked it.