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Naked Journey
PlaidPooka155 Reviews | 155 Ratings, 0 Likes, 286 Favorites )
A potion accident causes unusual results.
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for Naked Journey
I can confidently say that this is one of my absolute favorite SS/HG stories. Keep up the great work.
I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes when I read this:
“What elegant appellation could possibly do justice to your graceful form, your evanescent eyes, your incessant snickering? I fear it’s a Herculean task. Yet--wait! Perhaps it isn’t hopeless. I shall name you…Bob,” he finished with a smirk, arching his brow as if daring the unicorn to argue.
I didn't have this checked off as read, but I have read it apparently elsewhere. However it was no chore reading it a second time.
Thanks for sharing such a sweet story.
Explosive from the start and hurtled down into hillarity , angst and much speculating. The thought of a naked Severus lost was just too funny not to read. Liked it a lot and wanted to tell you this.
Very witty comments and double meanings from both main characters. The dawning realisation from both that the fates mean them to be together even if fate played nasty at times.
Bob and the Black Unicorn stole the show for me. As for Dumbledore not able to interfere - all the better and to stay back and clock watch - now that was really funny.
Well done. Blows kiss for writing and making an awful day for me yesterday turn into something much better after reading your story. Thanks.
A wonderful tale.
I can just imagine waking up to being nommed on by a unicorn- it makes me laugh. *chomp chomp chin*
Dear PlaidPooka.
Beautiful. Charming. Funny. Hot. Touching. What else can be said?
Is that really all there is> You are incredible and I loved it very Much!
That was a very delightful if fanciful story. Severus was extremely AU but still wonderful. I would never have thought of him as a unicorn, that was brill.
I've read more than 700 SS/HG stories in the past 5 years, but really, this is one of my favourites. Good story, well written and yes Bob...brings tears to my eyes, not only because my father was called Bob.
I *heart* Bob!
Damn, one more twist before we got off. This is a lovely story.
Um, eating a wand. :) it worked!I'm so glad. No more rollercoasters in this one, right?
LOL! a draw! I love it. What did Harry say? Yay for finished stories!
Now, i'm crying because everyone is stuck.
Ouch, this whole chapter made me wince in sympathy.
I love your choices for Arithmancy Masters! Heinlein is one of my favorites.
Now, I'm sad and happy, but mostly sad for Bob.
wow. that's a lot of travel.
I wonder if Dumbledore was trying to goad them into finding Severus. That would be Dumbledore sneaky and just like the trio to break the rules.
First(ish) part: I love the Snape compass!Next: Oh to be Bob, kind of.
Second part: not good to be in danger and have no defenses, but yay for Good Old Bob. I hate redcaps.
First part: maybe snape spit is unicorn ambrosia, since snape is unicorn catnip, snicker.
Why wouldn't he want her?