New Chapter for Naked Journey
Naked Journey
PlaidPooka155 Reviews | 5.72/10 (155 Ratings, 0 Likes, 286 Favorites )
A potion accident causes unusual results.
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for Naked Journey
This has got to be one of the greatest HG/SS fics I have ever read. It was completely amazing!
oh, that was wonderful!!
you left canon a few times, but they were well-set occasions and did wonders to the whole--so they're easily excused.
a very unique approach to the favourite pair in fandom, thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Holy mother of mercy! I thought a few times I'd turned into a hosepipe whilst I was reading this story! Bob!
Sorry I didn't review the earlier chapters, but I was caught up in the tale. You certainly know how to tug on the ol' heartstrings! That was intense! I'm only sorry I can't rate this higher than 5 stars!
*sniffs, then burst out laughing* BOB!
i love that part about the unicorns...its great and VERY unique
why would a unicorn be worried about drinking water out of a river?
This was an amazing story, especially for a first attempt. I was riveted to it. Though it was really sad about Bob. I was glad Hermione or Severus did not meet an untimely demise as well. Cheers!
Dude... I've read this before. And I loved it! (first fics are unabashedly shameless and all the more fun for it, don't you think?) Don't mind me, I'm going to settle in and enjoy it a second time :)
You didn't say if this was the end....With no contraception, I sincerely doubt it is.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
Lol! Well, any more will have to come from the reader's imagination, though I did do a one shot to go with it. Thanks! :)
It's rein in (as if a horse), not reign!You really did a major update on this, too.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
Thanks again! Actually, I didn't update this at all when I posted it here. It remains the same as when I first posted it on Ashwinder, with all it's faults. Lol, I love this story, but it was the first story I ever wrote in my life, and it shows! I'm not surprised there were a brace of oppsies. I'm happy to get those oopsies taken care of, though. Thanks! :)
I LOVE this story! So glad you posted it here, so I can read it again. I didn't realize the great Pooka had so many years of fanfic to feed the hungry!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it! Thanks so much! :)
What a great story - such a range of emotions. I giggled over Bob the Unicorn and then was moved by his death and the last scene. I loved Albus and Minerva clockwatching and Ron and Snape playing chess. Oh, and of course the lemons were delicious. Well done.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
Thank you so much! That was my first fic, and I must say that it has been kind reviews like yours that have kept me writing! :)
Bob? How original! lol hahaI've read alot of snape/granger fan fiction and never have i come across one like this. -grins-Brilliant story! I enjoyed it alot.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
I'm so glad that you got a kick out of it! thanks! :)
I wouldn't be sniffling right now if you hadn't killed Bob, you evil woman!Dang. Poor Bob. He was such a sweetheart. Thanks for everything, Pookie!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
I am still getting the occasional "You killed Bob!" review on this story, but I insist that Bob had to die! Why else would that stubborn man ever have given Hermione a chance? ;) Thanks babe! :)
Response from zambonigirl (Reviewer)
I know *why* you had to off Bob. It's still darn sad, though. And Snape's reaction is so great. Still a wonderful story.
If u hadn killd bob; tehn herminie wudent be crying u ebil witch!!111!I'm having fun with the re-read. Hope you have a great day!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
Pook the OC slayer, that's me! :D Thanks, love! Hope you do as well! :)
I don't believe you killed Bob, you cold, heartless woman!I always forget how sad this part is, until I read it.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
I'll tell you something, I can't read this part, and I wrote it! But this chapter and 'Remembrance' makes me weepy. I'm such a goof! :D
Well. At least now I know why Severus is so irresistable to unicorns. Sometimes he is one.
But remember, now, if she's about to die: Hermione stands for me. I tend to take her fictional demise rather personally...
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
You know, I almost killed off Hermione in a fic of mine (obviously not this one) , but when it came right down to it, I didn't have the heart to do it! :)
The beginnings of the following observations are not my original thoughts, as much as I wish they were. The person who first stated the underlying principle did not refer to this 'ship, but the principle itself remains true for any well written romance: In this, as in all sweet HG/SS fics, Hermione stands for me, the reader. Her success feels like my success, her failure feels like my failure, and her joy and her sorrow feel like mine. I love the fact that she has the youth, the beauty, and above all, the intellect to bewitch the lonely, angry, utterly sad Potions Master into a passionate, eager lover. You write such scenes with wonderfully graceful skill, and emotion that rings utterly true; it so warms my heart to read them. My sincere compliments to you.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
Wow. I don't think I could ever recieve a compliment as lovely as this one. You know, this fic is a farce, really. Completely ridiculous things happen in it. But I think that the most powerful element of farce is that no matter how ridiculous the situation is, the characters must face that situation with some level of truth and honesty. If you think that I have achieved that in even the smallest way, then I am pleased indeed! Thank you so much! :)
So much for abstemious reflection! Such a lovely lot of lemons. You write them so well!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
Why thank you! I can't tell you how terrified I was of trying to write them! I guess I did ok for a first try! :)
Oh, poor Bob! Did he really have to be sacrificed? At least Hermione has now found Severus, and the Hurt/Comfort can begin!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
Honestly, I don't think there is any way that Severus would have so quickly fallen into a relationship with Hermione if he hadn't been exposed to such a tragedy. Thus, my poor Bob had to die. At least his sacrifice led Severus to a better life.
Aww. The Headmaster shouldn't have been so hard on the boys. After all, if they'd agreed to help her, how could she rescue Severus single handed? <i>*twinkle*</i>
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
Too true. But they were behaving a bit like complete prats! :)
Ooh, I love this. Severus is attractive to unicorns. Not just attractive, irresistable! And he's named this one Bob. Bonus: Severus is wandering around absolutely naked, after heroically saving a classroom of students from Neville Longbottom's worst lab accident ever, and Hermione is waiting anxiously for him at Hogwarts, ready to throw herself at him if she ever succeeds in getting him back to safety. What is there possibly not to like? Wonderful fic.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Naked Journey)
I'm glad that you've gotten a kick out of it! As I was thinking about trying to write my first ever story, I couldn't help wondering "now how can I make Severus naked for as long as possible?" *giggle* Thus NJ was born!