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While You Lay Sleeping
Southern_Witch_6938 Reviews | 38 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )
Waking up to find a man in your room isn't what you thought it would be. Snape makes a terrible decision where Hermione is concerned.
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About Southern_Witch_69
Member Since 2005 | 144 Stories | Favorited by 1,103 | 2,209 Reviews Written | 5,450 Review Responses
I adore the world of HP.
Thanks for stopping by. I'm off to stir my cauldron.
Reviews for While You Lay Sleeping
I am so torn as to what to feel about this story. You know I am a die hard Snape fan. It just tears my heart to think of him like this. But, I've noted that you've listed it as OOC and if I take him out of the story and make his part "Generic Man", then I have to agree with you whole heartedly. Any man that rapes or sexually abuses women, and especially a young girl, should be punished - a lot! Not just for what he's done to their body, but what happens to the woman's heart and soul when this happens to them.I'll not 'rate' this story. No slam on your talent; just can't bring myself to put a number on the story content.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
I agree with you on everything. Don't worry about not rating. No problem. :) Thank you
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
I agree with you on everything. Don't worry about not rating. No problem. :) Thank you
"I'm in the percentage who feels stories (yes, fiction) where women are degraded and raped (and especially children) to be too disturbing to read if it's glorified or not dealt with appropriately."I completely agree with this, especially concerning literature of any sort. My perspective is that many who write glorified, fantastical, or "lite" consequences or experiences involving rape and/or sex involving an underage individual (and this perspective focuses primarily on ficdom) are stories written by someone who does not have the life experience, or the self awareness, or perhaps, and primarily, he/she does not have the writing know-how, to therefore recognize how to deal with and express the topic compassionately or appropriately. That is to say, the writer of such a story writes from a personal perspective of exploration, without considering character, compassion, and recognition of actions, and therefore the writer remains unconsidering of the reader (regardless of whether or not they think they are "considering the reader" by including "lemons" or other such additions, with little point to plot or character evolution/conscience). I wish I could say that all readers might recognize the lack of compassion or recognition that any written character expresses (such as a Snape who self-loathes, but who is still written as "justifing" his lust for a youthful Hermione, regardless of any sense of wrongness), but having viewed a myriad of reviews for similar fics concerning this very topic, I assume that other inexperienced individuals are thus viewing and perpetuating this content without the know-how to judge and question what is being read: there is no impetus or critical knowledge to aid the reader in how the story and characters are being presented by the writer, why that depction is working or not working, and how that affects the reader, themselves. I also wanted to note that since this IS literature - of a sort, if highly susceptible to error - despite any inexperience on the part of the writer, they are still the writer and the one in control of what is being created. Thus, a plea to all young or first-time writers, whether you have fanfic or original fiction in mind, please be very aware of what you write and how you write it! Consider the implications of every word and every sentence, of every character action and interaction. The errors are apparent to an experienced eye. Regraldess of those with literary experience, however, consider those that do not have such experience, in reading and analyzing, or even in life: how will your story affect your readership? There may be "warnings" in place, but I know from youthful self-experience that warnings don't stop someone from clicking the link. To clarify, I'm not advocating some sort of censorship, but I am advocating conscious writing and the ability a writer has to recreate the world for the better ... so why not for the better? This does not exclude satire or tragedy, both of which can be powerful methods of exploring the absence of "better," but the writer has to know how to use those methods properly and appropriately, otherwise the message will be lost.I apologize for using your review area for my soap-box :) your fic was the inspiration, so I thank you. I'm so tired of stumbling across such stories myself, and while yours was extremely uncomfortable and horrific, the text spoke the intended message!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
I agree with so much of what you said here, and it's all put much better than I could have. Thanks for taking the time to give me your thoughts. I appreciate and applaud them. And I'm glad my message got through. :) Cheers!!
I was so pleased that you kindly pimped my story on Potter Place, so when I saw your tale I said to myself, "Oh, I'll read SOuthern Witch's story before I call my sister." well, half an hour later i have rad reviews,a nd the other tale,and it's reviewss-- and I still haven't called my sister.
Wow this is really powerful and I really liked that he was punished, but Dumbledore creeped me out too, with his cavalier attitude about morality.
It is interesting because I didn't think the other story was sexy or erotic at all. Not a bit. But some people did.
Anyway, thanks for bringing up an important subject in our world. If this story, (or these reviews) allows one woman to say, "Uncle so-and-so raped me when I was a kid," then you (and the reviewers) have made the world better.
hugs to you
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
Thank you for that. I hope maybe it gives someone pause to think and maybe talk to their kids about it. "Has anyone ever done anything? ... If someone ever tries, you can tell me, and I won't be angry with you..."I remember when I was little those things (threats) were scary. "They'll hate you if you say something." "They'll make you go live with orphans." You just don't realize that it's all just threats.However, that said, there are Dumbledores in the world who just sweep things under the rug. For instance, my aunt was raped by her uncle. She told. Nothing was done, except her parents saying, "OMG! You asshole. Stay away."WTF??? How the fuck is that punishment? Crazy!Years later, this same aunt was "Meh" about a situation I found myself in. I woke up to find my other aunt's hubby lying next to me and trying to caress my breasts when I was 15. When I told, she said, "Oh, but you were wearing that white,strapless dress, looking like a woman."?????? Say what??????That's horrible. I feel that she was warped terribly. She admitted to my grandmother, who told me in confidence, that when her son was young, she was tempted to touch him when she changed his diaper.I just... couldn't fathom doing that. Later, her son was one of the ones who cornered and did things to me.It's like a cycle of abuse.I've made certain that it's been broken with me. I will never condone child abuse of any kind. I openly talk to my son about everything, but I make certain he's never left in situations like that. Sadly, he goes to no place without me (aside staying with my parents whom I trust). I'm too suspicious of a person and don't trust people.And to be honest... I would probably kill someone if they touched him. It's best to not even go there.:)Wow, a rambler. I feel so strongly about this damn subject. Sorry about all the TMI. I find its helpful to discuss it.
Response from Wahoo and Wesleyanne (Reviewer)
No appology necessary. I know I am so lucky not to have had that happen to me! We have been very protective of our daughter and taught her to "Scream and yell, and run like hell!" if anyone scares her or threatens her. (also how to fight 'dirty')
Parents can be over-protective, but it's better to be a little too protective than to endanger your child. I have been amazed at some parents who were happy to leave their kids with me before they knew me, for instance at a birthday party.
I always invited the parents of my daughter's friends to come and stay at the party. Most did, or they knew me well. (Sometimes they stayed anyway, because I organized fun parties) but some strangers would drop off their kids. One year a mom came back half an hour after he party's ending time (stated clearly on the invitation.) and I had never met her before that afternoon when she dropped her kid off.! We need to be so careful with our kids.
God bless you for guarding your child!
Your story really hit home with me because a close friend was drugged and raped earlier this year.
Now I'm the one rambling!
Bright blessings
Whoo. Let it out. That took some courage. A lot of courage and it was HORRIBLE content-wise but very fine writing. I know I couldn't do it. That was quite a sick Snape, and the rationalizing . . . brrrr. Well done.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
Thank you! :)After I read yours, I got that damn plot bunny. ~blames you~ Snerk. It's odd how inspiration strikes the muse, isn't it? Through someone's review, I have another inspiration for a story. One where an abuser shows remorse years later. I wonder if I can tackle that. Hmmm...About this, I was in the mood for some punishment for dark deeds. ANd someone said I'm all sunsets and happy endings? God, it's horrible. ~blah~ I've not read it again since I proofed it. I told my beta that I couldn't believe I'd written it. Hahaha! On a more serious note, I think sickos that do this should be punished as much as possible. :( And the bad part is that most of them, deep down, don't really know it's wrong to abuse someone else in such a way. They come up with reasons that make it "all right."Then there are people like the Dumbledore in this story, who sweep bad things under the rug. :( Mofos!! I have an aunt like this. It's why we don't speak much to this day.
Response from Ms_Figg (Reviewer)
I understand completely. I wrote Smitten Pedophile because I read an article called "No, your kink's not all right." I just wanted to explore it. I don't write or read underage Hermione/ Adult Snape fics and only have a smattering of Hermione as a student fics. I prefer her older personally. But I still had to do it. lol. I have to say, your reviews are a lot more exciting than mine. I'm glad of it too. And I'll take that blame because I did want people to think and react. Whoa, that happened, didn't it? A fine, dark piece of work was born and like I said, you have courage girl. Oodles of it. Nothing but applause from this way.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
As we Cajuns down here in Louisiana say, "I ain't skeered." (Cajun No Fear)Hahaha!I have a friend who writes things to test her boundaries. I think her latest thing is the exploration of deep BDSM, which she's not very comfortable with. I think we all need to do that at some point. Otherwise, we won't know what we can accomplish if we don't push ourselves. I have to say, your reviews are a lot more exciting than mine.You mean to say you aren't getting any nutters of there trying to flame you? O_o Well, that's not fair, now is it? HahaLike I said in my review to you there, at least you didn't have Snape act on it, especially nothing like this horrible Snape. O_oAnd the bad thing was that I had to use the old fandom standby with the months of Time-Turner usage to make her 16 (our age limit on the site). Now that's not something you see very often anymore. :) HahahaPoor Hermione. So abused in the fandom.!
All right, against my better judgment, I am going to jump right into this fray.
First of all, SW, this was an extremely well-written story, although I can’t say that there was a single phrase in it that I actually liked. Well, maybe that bit about the lemon juice in the author’s note… That was a nice touch.
What I found particularly upsetting, though – and, as you pointed out – was Dumbledore’s relative inaction. Simply because Snape was “needed.” (By the way, this part confused me a little: Are we supposed to think he raped Lily or was it another student since he became a teacher?) It reminds me of the rationale of a certain religious organization’s complicity in child abuse… But I digress.
I will take you at your word that this piece was not an attack on the *other* piece (although, you might want to work on your phraseology; those who took it as such do have a point) because, really, they are apples and oranges. That *other* piece was (for some of us) erotic because Snape didn’t touch Hermione, because it was the mind and spirit inside her body that he found attractive, and because it really is a very modern thought process that teenagers are to young to be found desirable by anyone but teenagers. Which is, of course, biologically ridiculous. (Although I could wish that he had opined about her attractiveness somewhere other than her bedroom.)
However, believe me, there was nothing erotic about your piece. It was a brow-wrinkling, leg-crossing, must-not-puke-on-computer story so, like I said before: Well done.
And thank you.
JadeResponse from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
Welcome to the fray. :)I think that he had sex with Lily, and that's the only person he remembers being with. He thought that he couldn't get hard b/c nobody was Lily to him. The truth was that Dumbledore had caught him preying on a student before (not anyone in particular--I leave that up to the author). Sadly, Dumbledore's decision to not let him live with what he'd done, caused him to obsess about his impotency and think that Hermione was the first to be able to bring his... crotch to life. O_oDumbledore again makes the decision to punish him, but he keeps him around b/c he needs him.I see Dumbledore as a bad person in this story as well. Sure he hates what Snape did, but he needs Snape, so Snape isn't reported.It reminds me of the woman whose boyfriend has done somethign to her child, but she needs his support / money, so she just bitches a bit and allows him to stick around. I'm totally against that, too. I'm so glad this wasn't erotic. I'd hoped that it wouldn't be. I tried to make it as horrible as I could and to make Snape as "fucked in the head" as I could as well. My wording could be plainer indeed, but I won't change it. My words are who I am, and this is how I speak. I've put the notes in, and I feel they are sufficient. About the other story, I left a review for the author to give my thoughts. I wasn't against her or the story, I simply didn't like the person Snape was in there. I wouldn't like any man in a 14-year-old's bedroom having such thoughts. Ya know? In my mind, that's still a bit young. Most girls that age have only just begun to develop, and they certainly can't be confused with women. I agree that people have different opinions. I'm in the percentage who feels stories (yes, fiction) where women are degraded and raped (and especially children) to be too disturbing to read if it's glorified or not dealt with appropriately. Just my thoughts. :) Cheers, doll. Now go find something happy to read and get rid of this terrible story!
Response from Jade_W (Reviewer)
Thanks. I’ll just do that!
loveDear SW: This story took courage to write. Few are willing to delve into the uglier side of humanity and the world in general. Their are those that do not believe, those who find it facinating and unfortunately the ones who know the ugliness as it haunts their lives. I would be interested to see you take this fic a step further. Not that I disagree with castration (I have had dreams of doing so) but it would be interesting to see if Snape could be reformed and come to live with what he did. My applause. Irish
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
I may write another story along this lines, but this one is done. Thanks for reading, even though it's a horrible storyline.
Though this was an uncomfortable read, I am glad you wrote it. There have been so many stories these past few weeks that buy into the leering, obsessive older man/sweet, innocent virgin girl narrative, which is one that I find uncomfortable to say the least. It was good to see someone show the ugliness and brutality that is this power dynamic taken to the nth degree. Snape's actions here are appalling, but what makes this story so much more than a simple critique of the preponderance of rape fics in this ship is the actions of Dumbledore. As happens all too often in life, the powers that be are unwilling, for reasons of expediency or apathy, to decry such acts as they ought to.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
Exactly! I can't tell you how happy I am that some readers are totally getting the point to the story. There are three different themes here, and one of them deals with Dumbledore's character.Too many people let this shit slide under the rug. I hate it. I will always regret never coming forward about someone when I was younger. I found out after his death that he'd done the same thing to my younger cousin. He'd twisted my head so much over the years that I had mixed feelings about finding that out.I never thought he would do that to anyone else. I was his "special girl" and all, right? But I would have spared my lovely cousin the grief of that if I'd only had the courage to say something. And that she had the courage to come forward and admit it--after his death--to the family, I applaud her. She's a much stronger woman than me. I decided years back that I would be a type of crusader for abused children. You just can't realize, unless you've been through it or know someone who has, how badly it warps your mind and way of thinking. Some days I'd feel like a prude, some days a wanton. It's just crazy. Talking it out helps, and there are so many others who've gone through the same thing. I wrote a story a couple of years ago called Dark Desecration. I was tired of glorified rape stories and wanted to show how it truly felt from the victim's perspective and what happens when nobody wants to help. It was amazing how many women wrote, reviewed, and messaged with like stories.And most of these crimes?Unreported. And by someone in the family or a trusted friend.:(
I read it again and it brought to mind another age, when a father could marry his daughter off at any age, preferably as soon as she hit her first menstral cycle and she was having kids by the time she was 12/13/14. It was still rape in the end, an end to innocence. Another thought, is this scenario wrong because he crept in, or because he was so much older than Hermione? And once she's 30 years old and he's 50 will the age thing still matter so much?
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
I feel so sorry for those women / men who were forced into things so young back then. I'm glad that times have changed (in most places). To clarify, any man who sneaks into a woman's room and does things to her is horrible and should be punished. I don't give a toss what his age is. It's wrong.That he's a man of 34 years, I think it's even worse than, say, another 15-year-old doing this. He's an adult and should know better. He's a man who should be protecting students in a school. Terrible. The worst kind.From my person experience, I don't trust anyone, even family. My parents and my mother-in-law are the only people I leave my son with. For the age thing when they are older, I think if a woman is old enough to make her own decisions as to whom she wants to date, then the age difference is something she should deal with. When I was 22 I started dating my husband, and he's about 18 years older than I am. I know that I never would have wanted to date him or been allowed to date him underaged.If she was 30, however, and his 50-year-old ass went in to do this same thing, it's still wrong and terrible. And his shit should be sliced up.>:)
This is a difficult one. I agree with you and at the same time do not.Rape in real life is horrible and he should be punished but in this fantasy world I believe most of us understand the difference between the two. Good for you to write what you think even though everyone may not agree. I still stand firm in my undying love for Snape however.......
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
Yes, I know the difference between fantasy and real life. That being said, I think glorified rape is disgusting. If there is rape, I want to see it dealt with properly. I definitely don't want to see such a horrible act prettied up.Sometimes you'll see Hermione raped, and there's no emotion after. Nothing. Wow. That's just crazy. And usually, next thing you know, she's in love and all this bs. It doesn't work that way in the real world.Hehe. I'll always write what I think. I definitely dont' write to please the crowds, else I'd just write loads of smut with very little plot. To each his own, doll. I simply disagree about reading abuse and thinking it's hot, fiction or not.
Where the hell did this come from?Seriously, very well done horror fiction. My skin crawled. It reminds me of just how vunerable a girl can be. I think we all need a reminder now and then.Gonna go find something funny now, thank you very much...
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
I hate assholes who abuse women (or even other men) and then get away with it. :( Riles me up. Hahaha. Hope you've found something fun to read after this horrible thing.
I must say, I was appalled when I began reading and thought this was going to be one of "those" fics--the one where Snape abuses Hermione and it's all OK because, deep down, she really wants it. Even if she's too young to know what the hell she wants, or the totality of what she wants. Oh, and the good and noble virgin sacrifice for the misunderstood but deserving anti-hero. I hate those story lines. They do a disservice to the characters and to the sanctity of a girl's rights.Then, you made your position very clear, and I understood. Young girls should never be violated in such a way--and he violated her from the first moment he invaded her private space with prurient intentions. I am so very glad this wasn't one of "those" fics. Dumbledore was rather reprehensible here, by the way.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
Thank you. I appreciate that you read it and got from it what I'd intended. I dislike those stories as well. As a rule, I don't read them. It's not that I won't ever read a story with rape or whatever, but I'd like to see the aftermath dealt with properly.Sorry to write such a horrible story, but thanks for reading all the same.
My gods! My gut clenched and my skin actually felt like it crawled. The effect you wove is sinister, sick and demented. But it is a very powerful piece - and so anti-rape. A 10+ It's such a dark side to Sverus. He's sick. He's wrong. Poor Hermione! At least neither Harry or Hermione will remember and I hope Dumbledore repaired the physical damage as well. I think I need a bit of fluff now...
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
He's very sick in here, isn't he? What's worse is that I think most of the sick mofos out there justify what they are doing in their minds."Oh, well, if I don't do this, then..."Dumbledore will take care of things, but the thing is, he's not much better. Sure, he punished Snape, but he's still willing to let his arse stick around for his own purpose.There are people like this in real life as well. The women who know their husbands have snuck into their daughter's rooms, yet they don't call the cops? ~shakes head~
Thank you for writing this! Over the years, I have read a few fics that had a character raped and nothing was done to the perpetrator of the rape. It is nice to read a fic where the prep getting what they deserve for once. Personally, I think that people that do what Snape did in your story should be mutilated and then thrown into a fire pit where they will slowly burn to death, but that's just me.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
I'm with you. And I also hate when it's all prettied up and the victim realizes that she'd actually wanted it, so yeah, it wasn't rape.O_o........
Hmm. Yes, well... It's a morally valid story, and would tend to justify what Rowling has said about Snape's having a basically despicable character that makes him deserve all the abuse he's suffered in canon. BUT, even though the story is well done, I don't buy the premise. The conclusions you draw, yes. The premise, no. It's fallacious (no pun intended!), i.e.: "All pedophiles are despicable. Snape is despicable, therefore he is a pedophile." Non sequitur; It does not follow, although the punishment would definitely fit the crime.Scary and interesting, nonetheless. Good extrapolation.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
I wasn't trying to say that since Snape is a prick, he's a pedophile. That's far from what my point is. I did put Out of Character in the warnings and put an extra warning. I'm simply using two characters I like from the HP world and weaving a horrid tale into canon with them. Sure some people won't like the premise. I wish, however, that those wouldn't read it. It's a terrible story.Reply: Wow, Southern, you're really on the ball with your response! I didn't even finalize the review. Anyhow, I do recognize the urge to write a horror story that you completely Do Not Want to see happen, just to work it out of your system and illustrate a point. You're right that the subject of the story is terrible, but it's actually a good story in that vein. Good job.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
Dang that was wild! Hahaha. I happened to be on the page when it said I had a review. Teehee. I told my beta that I couldn't believe I'd written such a thing. LOL There was even a debate as to where to post it or if I should. :) Fortunately, this dark theme is gone from my head, and I'm now writing a chapter of Breaching (my current wip). I think if I'd started writing that before getting this out of my thoughts, it would have been something dark.O_o
He so got what was coming to him! You are right, that was horrid, not hot, but well crafted despite the subject matter.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
Tough subject matter
I have always wondered HOW Snape got away with these things. There must be alarms on the dorms, or friends with handy maps. I am glad he was caught and suffered. Ha!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
I hate how he gets away with things all the time in some stories. "Oh, it was for the war." WTF
Very disturbing...I rather wish that Dumbldore had Avada'd him right then and there. I totally agree with you concerning your reaction towards the other fic's reviews - it's perfectly sane and I still can't believe people are 'okay' with such content. I think those reviews are probably more disturbing than this fic...what are people thinking??
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
I thought of having it go totally AU and have Dumbledore AK him or send him off for a Dementor's kiss, but then I went ahead and did the canon route, so that he suffered a punishment and later Nagini's bite.
That was particularly disturbing, actually. I'm glad he was punished, but really, so should Dumbledore for allowing it because he needed Snape.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
Thank you very much. I wondered when someone would say that as well. It's definitely how I feel. Kind of reminds me of canon!Dumbledore who did all he wanted to no matter the cost.
Very powerful! I didn't read the other fic because of the content. I have three daughters and just just the thoughts... Well, anyway, I think he got what he deserved here. Especially knowing that he's done it before! Well done, even though it's sad!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
It wasn't a bad story and definitely less disturbing than this one. Yikes. Not sure why this came to me. O_o
poor Hermione. i want to know who was the first.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
To be honest, I'm not sure. I guess some random person that was in school. :(
Well, I must say that I'm really repulsed by this story, which I'm sure was the goal of writing and posting it. But I must say I find it a rather extreme "answer" to that other fic, where Snape doesn't touch Hermione sexually, and doesn't plan to either, at least until she is of age. Describing the brutal rape of a minor to make point doesn't feel very right to me either...
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
It's not about answering the other fic. It's about making myself feel better after having read that. It's how I'd like to see him punished for doing something dreadful to a child in his care. You are missing the point entirely.
Response from Miepje (Reviewer)
I do understand that the punishment was the point, not the rape itself, but it was still in there and very repulsive to me... and to everyone else I should hope. Castration is the way to go for people like that, Snape or not.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
Yeah, when I began proofreading it this morning, I told my beta, "OMFG. I can't believe I wrote this shit. Yuck!" I don't like it either. It's strange how things just come out when you write on an emotional high. O_o
I'm not sure which fic got you so angered you felt you had to write this, but it must have been a horror. Much as i love this pairing, there have been a lot of stories lately that have creeped me out - and others I haven't even bothered to read because the author has helpfully stated in the blurb that it's an mlc. There is nothing, nothing at all romantic about a man forcing himself on a woman. A teacher forcing himself on a child in his care is even more abhorrent. Anyone who finds that sexy needs psychiatric treatment.So, well done for writing it.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
It wasn't really the story. The author didn't allow him to do anythign to her, but he stood there looking down at her 14-year-old body and thinking about what he wished he could do to her. And then I read the reviews and saw how people thought it was soooo hot.Yuck.Thanks for giving this a chance even though it's definitely not the right flavor of tea for most of us. :)
Errrm, well that was disturbing to say the least. I didn't think fanfics were allowed with underage characters taking part or being taken.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
We allow stories where the character is at least 16. And we do allow rapes, so long as they aren't glorified. I don't think anything about this can be considered such.
Response from Merlinsbeard (Reviewer)
It certainly wasn't glorified, it was horrific as all rapes are.I just queried it as the story involved the rape of a minor.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of While You Lay Sleeping)
No problem with that. I don't mind the questions. :) I can understand the cringe factor. I don't want to read this again either.