New Chapter for Summer Of Change
Summer Of Change
zambonigirl25 Reviews | 25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Hermione has changed a lot over the summer. In answer to the Ho!Mione Challenge. Warning: This is a very badly written story, and is a PARODY. That means that I've written it badly on purpose in order to point up the cliches in fandom that I don't like. Unfortunately, it probably contains very little humor.
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About zambonigirl
Member Since 2005 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 67 | 95 Reviews Written | 154 Review Responses
Reviews for Summer Of Change
Bahaaa... nice. I would say you did a great job of it, but I'm not sure if that counts as an insult or a compliment to your writing! ;)
I seriously do hope you think 'Teegan' is a 'kewl' name because that's my real name! And you'd better think Alan Rickman is a sexy old man...
Anyway, it make me smile and remember my first forays into fanfiction back when I had absolutely no taste! Cheers!
LOL ok I have read other stories by you. When I started this story, I thought, "OMG, someone stole her ID and made this story up. Oh poor dear." Then low and behold it was you. I had to stop and laugh before I could get throught the rest of the A/N. You truly are brilliant. Now my ribs hurt. Thanks for the laugh; I needed that. Tamara
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
I get the best reviews for this story. I'm glad I could make you laugh. :-)
I gotta tell ya, I did make it through about half of this. I tried, I really did, but even knowing that it was an intentional disaster, I just couldn't go through with it. Your author's notes at the end were entertaining, though, lol. I LOVED how you never spelt Blaise Zabini's name right during the story, too funny. Anyway, I just think I'll end this pathetic review by thanking you, profusely, for not being this kind of author in you 'real' fics.
Hahaha. My mother is an accountant...
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
You kinky little tart.
Response from togspled (Reviewer)
you know me too well.
LOL!!!! I just LURRRRVVVVED how the spellin got progresssively worse as the stori went on. OMG! Sooooo funni (snort! Yes indeed it was -- just couldn't resist writing a badly spelled review!)
okay, after reading the rules for the challenge, and reading your other stories, I must say I was too harsh. You followed the rules of the challenge and I know sometimes it's harder to write a bad fic than a good one. I humbly apologise for my earlier review.AF Marauder
I'm sorry, I just couldn't get past all of the typos! I read maybe the first couple of paragraphs and each one leapt off of the page at me! That and changing Hermione so much. I must say I didn't like it at all, but thank you for sharing with us.Note: Not 'becuze' or 'becuz' it's because.thanks again for sharing.
just felt like having another read.. hahahaha... still hilarious
Very well done!
I have the strong notion you wanted to imitate a 12 year old fangurl, whose first language for sure isn't English, with this parody.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to actually follow those run-on sentences? I actually had to force me to go back and reread, because I totally had lost track.
Congrats Zambonigirl, I declare you my personal winner of the Ho!mione Challenge.
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
Thanks so much! Sorry you had to reread everything. Writing the run-on sentences was the only part that wasn't hard for me, though. Pretty sad, I know.
Oh, this is so terribly hideous, and to think it was deliberate! The resultant pain and suffering (As intense as any Crucio) with which I read this creatively crafted concoction of insipid teenage puerility brought me to the revelation that you are more evil than Lord Voldemort, and your cunning is equal to that of Snape! I give you a 10 for a story that rivals any train wreck, any natural disaster, any pate that still sports "big hair," and any floral spandex-clad manatee. You are a genius, you scare the daylights out of me, and I wonder when you plan to take over the world. *Still shuddering*
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
...what's so wrong with floral spandex? It's slimming!
Being frightened of me is a good thing. When I do take over the world, I expect my minions to have the proper respect for my rank. To do this, you must make a few gramatical errors. I'd give you my other tips (Zambi's Guide To World Domination will be coming out in the fall of 2006), but really, there's only enough room in this world for one Evil Blonde Overlord, and I am she.
You win. I've been reading all the Ho!mione fics and yours takes the cake on the pain-o-meter. Order Of The Penes, I'm surprised it wasn't Order of Teh Fenuks. My God, this was truly attrocious. Think I just heard five English teachers throw up their hands and quit their jobs. You are right, this is so bad, Ashwinder would NOT post this. You can try, but I get the feeling that while they may tolerate interntionally bad fics for this challenge, yours reads EXACTLY like something a 12 year old would write. The would reject it on your perceived age alone. I would say BRAVA, but I do not have the strength to lie that much. I will congratulate you on a job poorly done. BTW, if the really wanted to rebel, they would become lion tamers. ;-)
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
Aw. Don't be so hard on twelve-year-olds. ;-)
I would love to post this to Ash, but I know they wouldn't accept it, it really is too awful. Thank you for thinking that I'd be even in the running to win, though. I had a lot of fun writing this story, and I'm glad that a challenge came along so I could vent my frustration at cliched and badly spelled fics that make me roll my eyes and hit the back button at.
Lion tamers, eh? Yeah, that'd be the final straw for any wizarding family. "Why can't you at least be an accountant?"
Oh my. I'm laughing so hard I am crying. I need a tissue. I think you hit upon every single cliche in Potter fandom. ;)
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
TWO reviews from Ms. Less Than Saintly? I feel so utterly gibbered inside! I'm not worthy! Thanks so much.
That must've hurt to write... it was almost painful to read! You win hands down in this contest, if only for the fact that I think you're the only one who consistently butchered Hermione... er... Hermonie's name (not to mention Blaze/Blase's).
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
It was really a lot of fun to write. Painful, but fun. Poor Blaise, his name is the most misspelled in the fandom! *strokes Blaise and his high cheekbones*
Bambu's response: I tried to write a 'badfic' once, it was exceedingly difficult to spell poorly than anything else. I think that's why I 'loff' your creative spelling! And Blaise is actually rather intriguing!
oh man! ahahahhaha too funny. You've just got to love Maya and Zamboni (snicker) getting it on. lol. Too funny. I swear I've seen this on someplace... ahhahahaha very good parody, my dear.
I liek relly lurved it!!!!!111!!!! Didnt not Severuws know that you can't get a virgine pregnate? Thas wut mah man sed to me las nite~ k c ya l8rs
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
I guess The Order Of The Penes (which is the plural for Penis) will alway be my little joke, though. But I'm sure too that I've seen this exact story somewhere. I'm sure I'm plagiarizing SOMEONE.
southern_witch_69's response: **snort** uhhuh... Probably some girl somewhere saying, "Oi! Only I am able to use Maya and Blaze and a butt hole." (ahahahaa) The first time I saw that Maya was in a Draco / Hermione story. I was like who the hell is this? lol Then, I thought on it and said, "OMG! Hermione." lol
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
Well, the blood drops on her finger and toenails were pilfered from a fic once sporked on Deleterius, and Hermione had little blood drops all over her body (painted on, though I'm sure she had a tattoo somewhere, too. Probably a black rose.) and had to keep repainting them on her face, etc after making out with Malfoy. It stuck with me.
Oh my god! 1000 points to you for writing such a perfectly honest imitation of a bad fic, AND for throwing the word antidisestablishmentarianism into it! You made me baptise my screen with soda on that one! Do you think Nape would put his pee-pee in mi Virginia, if I asked him? *snickersnicker* Oh, pardon me, that should have been his BIG pee-pee. (It must be huge if he's going to put it in Virginia, unless perhaps it's West Virginia. Nah, that's where Blaise was, West Virginia!) Hmm...yes, I think if the Hogwarts kids wanted to rebel, they'd either go preppie or Straight Edge. Scary!
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
The Professor Nape thing? I was honestly typing really fast and was just about to go and fix it when I realized that the whole point of this story is to NOT fix anything. And yes. His pee-pee is BIG. God, I love writing with random capslock words. As for wizarding rebellion, I think that it was quite telling in the first book that Ron & Co. never speak of his accountant uncle/cousin person (can't remember!!1!). And Draco only CUMs in West Virginia.
PlaidPooka's response: Now that sounds like the title to a badfic I would read...Draco only CUMs in West Virginia! ROFL!
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
Sounds like a song, actually. Sung to "It Never Rains In Southern California".
I don't know which I enjoyed most: you're brilliant parody (even though I wanted to clorox my brain afterward) or your author's notes. Accountant indeed....
Good job and good luck with the multifaceted awards.
Your story was great, but what I thought was the most hilarious was in your Author's Note when you said: "If they want to ?rebel? (becuz being gawth is so rebellious!!11!), they?ll become an accountant.
Now that?s kinky!"
I laughed till I cried.
Whoa, that was awsome ... erm, awful ...I'm sure you know what I mean. And for the first time I had to take several breaks to finish a one-shot.
Somehow the following popped into my mind: "bettad bye my bestest freind Jewelprimrosebutterfly who I meet on wikkt last sunday." and I blame you!
Great work (again)!
OMG that wuz such a KEWL story. You ROCK making Maya all goth punk grrrll. I know her and Sevvie would make losts of babies. Two Slithyrn, too griffindr and one Ravinglaw. But NO huflepufs ever--there to kewl for them. And theyr'e sex wuz awsume.
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
o ya! hufflepufs are so totally stoopdi! I hate them!!11!Sevvie and Maya 4 evah!!11!!oneoneone!
Oh. My. Gosh. Thank you so much for making the notes at the bottom, showing that you actually can speak outside of tween-speak style. LOL. And noting that the numerous errors were intentional. LOL. Insane, girl. Insane.
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
wut do u meen? nad wy r u riting leik taht? Thanks so much for the review.
ROFL!gahh, it's like something a 12 year old hormonally advanced girl would write. L0Lgood stuffs
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
12? Really? Must be losing my touch...ah well. Thanks so much! There are so many great responses to this challenge, thanks for reading mine.
The warning font needs to be larger. Much larger. And flashing. I saw your name next to the link and just clicked it. Imagine the surprise of seeing your name on something so indicative for another... less discerning... site on here. Defiantly cause for a moment of worry. ;)Now that the [sic]Fic mystery has been solved, congratulations on being so good at being so bad!BeccaP.S.Can you imagine the detention that Snape would hand down if he found this particular work floating around his classroom? I’m not sure what would make him more angry: the plot, the abuse of the English language, or having his penis called a ‘pee-pee.’ *snort* Now there’s one way to make a Slytherin turn red.
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
LOL! Your review totally made me smile and laugh! I want to reply with more, but I think my guinea pigs are about to go stampeding, and I need to head them off at the pass. Thank you so much for your review, and I'm glad my story gave you a laugh!
Wow! I don't know how you did it. At some points I got myself wondering if you knew how to spell correctly (and who is talking is a non-english speaking person ;) ). I think you did a very good job and put in this story a lot a things that I find in most fics. Sorry for my bad english and keep that good work of yours =) And please... don't kill the grammar again, though it was funny =)
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Summer Of Change)
I tell you, I love getting reviews for this story. It's been on here a long time, and I still get e-mails and reviews about it pretty regularly, and it lets me know that a lot of people really relate to it. I think we all love the fanfiction, and fiction in general, but there are a lot of cliches that are used, even amongst seasoned writers, and it's fun to poke them every now and then, no matter how much we enjoy them while reading them.Thanks for the review, and don't worry about your English! Reading and writing it will help you a lot, so get to reading and reviewing!