New Chapter for The Devil is in the Details
The Devil is in the Details
rhiannonofthemoon58 Reviews | 58 Ratings, 0 Likes, 75 Favorites )
Hermione learns that the Ministry is serious about its fine print and Draco and Severus find themselves dueling for a prize neither wants. Marriage Law, sort of.
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About rhiannonofthemoon
3 Stories | Favorited by 105 | 88 Reviews Written | 572 Review Responses
Hello, dear readers and fellow writers!
I read and write in the Inuyasha and Harry Potter fandoms, preferring non-canon pairing that involve bad boys of the fandoms: Sesshomaru, Snape, Draco, Lucius (mmm, Slytherins), and Hermione is the Potterverse bicycle.
Completed fics in the Potterverse:
* The Devil is in the Details (HG/SS - M for language and violence - and I'm happy to mention that it was a Featured Story at TPP for 2/08 and nominated for the SS/HG awards Round Two)
* For All Intents and Purposes (HG/SS - M for language and violence)
Completed fics for Inuyasha:
* Darkness (Kag/Sessh - NC17 for smut - won multiple awards at IY groups)
* To Shed a Little Light (Kag/Sessh - NC17 for smut- won multiple awards at IY groups)
* Quadrangle (Kag/Sessh - NC17 for smut)
* Moving Pictures (Sessh/OC - NC17 for smut)
* Don't Know What You've Got 'til it's Gone (Kag/IY - NC17 for smut - and this was my first fic ever, so be warned)
* Cereal Box Romance (Kag/Sessh - Inuyasha - updated irregularly- won multiple awards at IY groups)
* Primal (Kag/Sessh - Inuyasha - pretty much abandoned)
Upcoming projects? Yes. I've got a one-shot HG/SS cooking that I may never finish or post, and I've started a multi-chapter HG/SS as well. I will probably write a number of the chapters before I start posting, so you probably won't see anything new for a while.
Reviews for The Devil is in the Details
I look forward to future chapters....
This is by far the most entertaining oneshot I've ever read. I absolutely loved it. Thanks!!!
A funny and wonderful read, thanks so much!
brilliant story very funny
This story is undoubtedly one of the most hilarious one-shots ever written... I totally understand your reticence to write a sequel because plot-bunny poison sometimes just runs its course after you've been bitten.
I laughed out loud at numerous parts, though my favourite is Draco's gracelessness resulting from his "horrific feet" - it's funny no matter how many times I reread the phrase.
Yay for SS/HG... I have to agree with previous reviewers that a wedding (night) resulting from this zany duel would definitely be one for the books!
*lol*That was funny. *g* Pride comes before the fall, eh?
Uhmm. Laughing my butt off, here. You have a knack for understatement.
Fan-fucking-tastic!Did you know my real name is Laura? I am glad to make it into your story as an excitable witch! This was so fun, baby Violet, the magical names of the other duelers, Ginny's pregnancy phobia, Luna going after Mr. Pink. I really enjoyed the MLC romp, good on you
hee - too funny. and I can totally see both men deciding not to be outdone by someone they consider beneath them - so Slytherin they are LOL
That was a great story! Well written and exciting. Funny too. You nailed the characters to the point. Very believeable.
OMG! I nearly died trying not to laugh out loud.....I am in tears and have the dumbest grin on my face. I was so excited and enthralled and couldn't wait to get to the end. The only way it could have possiable been better is finding out what might have happened on the wedding night!
I love what you do to the characters....I look forward to reading more of your work.
What a great twisty ending! I loved it! But it has the feel of a first chapter--does that mean there'll be more? I really hope so! You have a delightful delivery, and the dueling contest was new to me (though the bridegroom lottery seemed familiar). Hoping there's another chapter coming soon!
This is so much fun! A great read. I particularly love your use of the word frisky. Great stuff!
I can't believe how I overlooked this story. It was laugh out loud funny. Yay for Severus's win! I'm sure they'll live happily ever after. Eventually. Take that, Umbridge!
I so enjoyed reading this story! I love the way you intersperse Hermione's violently anti-Umbridge thoughts throughout. The men were great, too. Of course their pride wouldn't withstand being beaten by another wizard publicly! Really nice work.
I love Hermione's violent thoughts. The entire story was WONDERFUL!
I know you wrote this as a completed one-shot, but I would love to see it expanded. Seeing Luna's lottery duel, or who Draco ends with, but especially seeing McGonagall go after Snape for daring to win. That would be great!
This story was awesome too! LOL I was so expecting the final duel to be between Severus and Benny, but it was all good. "Benny was going down" so funny!
So, so funny!
Enjoyed every bit of it!
Would write more, but can't stop giggling long enough to think coherently.
Loved it!!!
You have to continue this story! I would like to know Severus reaction to Draco. And how Luna and Benny fare. Also Hermione and Severus should be doing something to hit Umbridge where it hurts BADLY. All those girls and boys of the DA.....Please?
Response from rhiannonofthemoon (Author of The Devil is in the Details)
I really am quite surprised - so many readers are asking for a sequel on this site. I hadn't planned one when I originally wrote this, but I did play with one for a bit. Unfortunately, it never went anywhere and I was unhappy with it, so I abandoned it. Maybe I'll revisit it after I finish my current fic.
Oh my goodness, you have to continue this! Well done.
Author's Response: Thank you, glad you liked it. I did try to continue it, but I had only ever meant it as a one shot and didn't know what happened after. If I'm hit with sudden inspiration, then maybe I'll pick it up again.
That was great and enjoyable, but please say you have a sequel planned! :D
Too too fun! Love the marriage law twist. Boy those girls should make sure Umbridge doesn't have the last laugh!
Update often please.
Very amusing. Especially the hair thickening charm and Snape's reaction of Hermione's blushes.
That was awesome, well done. What a great read. But I want more, another chapter on how he comes around to marrying her. You have a great sense of humour and writing skill, more, more, more.