New Chapter for The Quality of Mercy
The Quality of Mercy
christinex26 Reviews | 26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 32 Favorites )
Devastated by Ron's death, Hermione attempts to distract herself by focusing on Professor Snape's mysterious demise. What she finds when she unravels the mystery will change both her life and the wizarding world forever. Slightly AU, DH spoilers.
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About christinex
Member Since 2007 | 1 Story | Favorited by 6 | 0 Reviews Written | 1 Review Response
Reviews for The Quality of Mercy
Whoa! It feels like I just started reading chapter 1! This story has just flown by and I can't wait until you release the next chapter. I like how Hermione is able to rebound from Ron's death back into her more "normal" self when given a task at hand and the "self-rightiousness" to follow through. And Snape is delightfully snarky and imperious as expected and appreciated. I wonder at the surprises in store. Faved Author & Story! Thank you so much!
I recently saw that your fanfic, The Quality of Mercy, was recommended on The New Library LJ community, and so far I am very much enthralled. You are a very talented writer!The way you captured the grief and the unnatural calm at the funeral proceedings felt dead-on, if you'll forgive the pun. My grandmother passed away a few weeks ago, and I felt the same inner struggle as Hermione, and my grandmother was someone very close to me.
Well, that could have gone better, but obviously Hermione isn't one to give up! Snape seemed very IC here --thanks for that! Looking forward to more.
Hermione does love a mystery, and a challenge.
She made quite a mess of that visit. LOL! It will be interesting to see what she'll to about it. :D
Oh boy I think the s*&% is going to hit the fan! I love how this is going, so keep it up!
I wonder what she has up her sleeve. And Severus, he sure did change his tune after she said Ron had pasted. Makes me wonder.
Oh, how could you leave it there! I'm dying to know what happens! Anyhow, great to see Hermione using her brain and managing to track down Snape. I see so many fics where she doesn't seem nearly as smart as she is in the books. This is a nice change.
I like that part. Where he just asks her to explain herself.
Absolutely love her transfiguring Crookshanks and the stone - very original thinking. The last bit where she is caught by Snape - it was great. Cannot wait for the next chappie- love it
Hermione you are amazing, you have done what most in the wizarding world haven't been able to do. That is to find out what or where Severus is. Bravo. Now what is he going to do with her? Something interesting I hope. lol
Gah!!!! What an evil cliffie!!! Oh, please update soon, I love this story!
this seems so familiar, did you do a rewrite? Either way great chapter!
Great story! And so evil of you to stop there...LOL! Well, I'll be eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
Great update -- I'm sure Hermione will be able to solve the mystery!
This is an intriguing story, it's sucked me right in. Looking forward to more.
Hermione with a mystery on her hands is something else, isn't she?
Oh, sounds like a great mystery for Hermione to sink her teeth into! Update soon...I want to see how she figures this one out.
Well now isn't things getting interesting. Very interesting. Now Hermione has something to take her mind off of Ron's death. Wonder what old Severus has been up to lately?
Hermione just seems to love mysteries, has this chapter been re-edited? It seems familiar
Wow, that made me cry and I don't even like Ron. Can't wait to see more!
Gorgeous sense of grieving here. You've captured Hermione's emotions perfectly, as well as the reactions of those around her. Thank you for writing a story with an eventual SS/HG pairing that doesn't involve Ron bashing!
You are a very good writer! Touching story so far...update soon!
Did you start to post this somewhere else? It seems familiar. But I like it all over again if it is true.
Response from christinex (Author of The Quality of Mercy)
Yes, it's on a few other archives, including Ashwinder. But I just found out about TPP, so I figured I should post here, too. Thank you for the review!
Interesting start.