New Chapter for Insinuation
notsosaintly15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 46 Favorites )
A glimpse of the true relationship between Lucius and Severus.
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About notsosaintly
Member Since 2005 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 707 | 843 Reviews Written | 2,009 Review Responses
Founder of The Petulant Poetess. Editor and full-time mother.
Reviews for Insinuation
“I’ll be back, Lucius. I always come back.”
Knowing that he dies in the end, this is a quite bitter line. But then, he was saved in so many different ways that in my world, he is alive. And able to come back to whoever loves him.Wonderful, hot fic, dear. Oh, and hope you are well!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
Only took a few weeks to reply. Can only be a sign that I'm settling finally.In my world, Severus never died. I am blissfully ensconced in a world of denial.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
Only took a few weeks to reply. Can only be a sign that I'm settling finally.In my world, Severus never died. I am blissfully ensconced in a world of denial.
Ok, this I could see, but...with Lucius on the bottom. Severus has two masters in Dumbledore and Voldemort; I can't see him wanting his lover to master him too. However, well done, considering!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
Perhaps. I can certainly see your point.
Whew, how could I have MISSED this? That's one gorgeous picture. The contrast with the picture in the banner speaks for itself (who needs Ron when Severus and Lucius are to be had??). Would have liked to be a beetle on the library wall.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
Yes, definitely. In my opinion, this is the hottest same-sex pairing in the fandom.
Response from HannahSmith (Reviewer)
Absolutely! In fact, same-sex pairings generally don't do much for me, so it really means something that this one does.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
That's how I feel. Normally, I need to look away when I see a same sex couple kissing. But it totally depends on who they are. There is a certain sexiness about certain pairings of people that just make it irrelevant that they are the same sex.
Response from HannahSmith (Reviewer)
Exactly. When Severus or Lucius are involved, things can hardly go wrong (unless they're pictured as cruel torturers or rapists, of course – that's never a turn-on, though it can still make a good story for other reasons). Must admit that some fanon Lupins are quite exciting, too.
Holy cats this is the PERFECT text to go along with that picture. Well done!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
Isn't that just an awesome picture? You know, as far as slash goes, I don't always like it. But there are just some men who are so hot, it doesn't matter who they are with, male or female. Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy are two such men. Put them together and...
Beautifully intense.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
Thank you, my dear. Glad you liked it.
I really loved this story. Their small talk as foreplay was brilliantly described. I like how there is so much underneath the outward appearances of their relationship. The ways you described the characters, the ways they were different was very well done. I really enjoyed the heated passion between them. Very delicious! It makes me wish that Severus would "come back" much more often. =)
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
Thanks. All this was helped by the fact that I truly believe Severus and Lucius make the hottest same-sex couple ever.
Response from SeverusLovesUs (Reviewer)
Well, your story could make a believer out of anybody. =)
I don't think I've read any SS/LM fics that were not threesomes (a fangirl's DREAM). I really enjoyed this one.
Oh my god, that was hawt.
Wow, that was hot - my two favourite HP men together. *fans self* I loved how you showed that they have something very special between them. Very sexy picture, too.
What a way to start the week on a rainy Monday morning. Hope the rest of the week will be as exciting.Thanks for sharing. /M
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
Ah, and you read this too! I mean, I kind of hoped you would, but in all sincerity, that wasn't my intention (I don't self-pimp ... much.)I sooooo love Lucius/Severus; they make me all tingly-like. *lol*
Response from morgaine_dulac (Reviewer)
Of course I read it. I was having breakfast in front of the computer and had to add some Slyhterin to my sandwich, hehe
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
They are awfully good for breakfast, I agree.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
Ah, and you read this too! I mean, I kind of hoped you would, but in all sincerity, that wasn't my intention (I don't self-pimp ... much.)I sooooo love Lucius/Severus; they make me all tingly-like. *lol*
Response from morgaine_dulac (Reviewer)
Of course I read it. I was having breakfast in front of the computer and had to add some Slyhterin to my sandwich, hehe
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
They are awfully good for breakfast, I agree.
Oh very well done NSS!! My my! *fans self*
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
Well, it looks like you've picked one of my favorite one-shots to read. So glad you like it. It's my favorite because I believe I've kept both men as in-canon as possible in a situation like this. Plus, I love that picture. Honestly, it continues to be one of the best HP fan pics I've ever seen.
Now that's what I call friends with benifits. How long did he have the book? Lucius made it seem like quite awhile. And I know that Malfoys' don't go looking for a piece but if he really wanted it bad enough he could always show up at the castle more. I'm sure he could come up the some good excuses. lol . I know I could.Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
You sound like a girl who enjoys Lucius and Severus as much as I do! *lol*
A friend of mine sent me that pic a couple of years ago. It was seriously hot then, and it remains seriously hot now. Love having some words to put with the picture.Elura
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
That picture was so inspiring, words had to be put to it. Sort of like words to music. I will always adore this picture.
Now that is a sandwich I'd like to be the filling for. Wonderful story, a mixture of passion, friendship and smut and that awesome picture <sigh>. Just love your writing.
****faints*******Hell, yes! I love it. And I've always thought that picture was sexy. Girl, I didn't know you wrote this. Where the hell have I been?Goes off to plan some slashy tale...
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
Am so glad that I keep on surprising you. And I just realized that I better change the date to year first in order for new reviews to show first. Damn.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Insinuation)
I wrote this a long while back, way before when. I think I earned something for this one too. Runner up or something? I don't remember. This picture was the inspiration. I melt every time I see it.