New Chapter for For the Benefit of the Unforgiven
For the Benefit of the Unforgiven
Lady Strange70 Reviews | 6.73/10 (70 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
Two years after the defeat of Voldemort, Hermione is enjoying a successful, if humdrum, career as Director of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. One day, she receives a strange invitation. The mysterious sender of the invitation wants her to investigate the disappearance of Severus Snape. She accepts the challenge. This is the resultant tale.
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About Lady Strange
Lady Strange
Member Since 2005 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 97 | 15 Reviews Written | 557 Review Responses
Reviews for For the Benefit of the Unforgiven
Very well done, but I think it screams for a sequel. One where Severus finally decides to leave Egypt and make a life with a certain know-it-all...I will volunteer! Irish
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
I don't generally write sequels of my work. I favour open endings for a reason. However, I do not envision Severus leaving the order. I do see Hermione leaving the bureaucratic life though.
Love the hilarious bureaucracy and the travelling!
Author's Response:
Ah ha! Someone notices that I'm funny! En fin!
No, no, Hermione, of course it can't wait until Monday! What are you thinking, girl? LOL
Author's Response: I needed to end the chapter, so it is waiting till Monday! tee hee
Nice use of Lucius here! Just one thing I wanted to point out: elaborate rouse to thank me for that – I think this should be 'ruse' here... :-)
Author's Response: Thank you for pointing out the mistake.
Boots is much classier than CVS! LOL Liking the idea of the truth-telling ink.
Author's Response: When I tell people Boots is classier, I get funny looks! Thank you for the review
I am relieved that Lucius was able to clear his name for Narcissa without compromising Severus' secret. I liked how you chose to have Lucius come to his aid in the Shrieking Shack. It gives him a redeeming quality that was not explicit in canon, unlike Narcissa aiding Harry. And you did an excellent job of depicting what their reputation would be like postWar. I highly doubt they would have had an easy-in to the high level of society they once enjoyed. And they would likely face resentment from both sides. Unforgiven, indeed. I'm glad you worked with what we saw in DH, the concern the Malfoys had for Draco, and made them a close family. They at least have each other. I'm glad your Hermione was able to help them keep that.
As for Hermione, I enjoyed being privy to her cool, logical, analytical, insightful, and sometimes humorous thought processes. I really enjoyed your portrayal of the character.
I like how you ended the fic with the description of the nature of their correspondence. Ron's moved out of the picture, of course, and she thoroughly enjoys her 'conversation' with Macarius/Severus.
I do think it would be possible, noticing what I did of Severus, for him to want to leave the monastery in the future. Hermione pointing out how he described his choice to be there by referencing the line from Aeneid probably gave him something to think about. He seemed glad of her visit and interested in contact with his old world via Hermione. He does seem to be at peace and now has the time he needs to ascertain what direction he wants to take. His status as one of the living is still secret, so he is free. Free to choose.
And Hermione has been rescued from her monotonous beurocratic life via intermittent interruptions in the form of Severus' letters. Wonderful.
I really loved this story. There is such a sophistication to it. Wealthy in exquisite detail and a truly unique and intriguing plot. I'll definitely be marking it as a favorite later on. Thanks for writing it.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following through with this story. I am aware that my writing may be a little obscure to readers. I am greatly heartened by your words.
I have always pictured Lucius as the uxorious sort. I do not know why but that was the impression I gleaned from the books. From DH, I believe he comes across as a loving father and husband. A man like that could not possibly be so dishonourable as to leave a friend in need when the same friend had saved him before.
Hermione is what she is - she is in part clever, droll, analytical and thoughtful. I very much enjoyed writing her thought processes. I believe the people on the bus rides where I wrote this story on paper thought I was mad because I mutter to myself when I write. I do try to immerse myself in the character's mind that I am trying ro create. Your compliments to this end have touched me deeply.
I came up with the idea for Severus hiding away because I had come into contact with a religious hermit on my research field work in country X (I cannot give away the name of the country for it will reveal who I am to readers who know me in the fandom).
Thank you for commenting on the quiet elegance of the story. I did try very hard to render this hastily dashed off fic cogent.
Ahh, another wonderful chapter. Your story does draw the reader in. It's not always easy for a writer to successfully use the first person tense, but you undoubtedly have done so. Lapis Lazuli happens to be my favorite stone. =) I wonder if any of them would be interested in the fact that she has that ankh. I'm curious as to how Severus is going to react to her as well.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
I do try, contrary to popular opinion, to make my stories real. Perhaps I find the first person somewhat easier to write because I write as I speak. Ah well, one more chapter to go and all will be revealed. Thank you for your continued interest of this modest offering.
The final outcome relates well to who they are and how they perceive their place in society.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Exactly! I'm glad you've caught it.
Haloumi is delicious sliced and fried with bacon and basil...sorry I digress. Will he agree to see her ??
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
I like haloumi too... ;)
Wonderful depth and characterisation. All the detail is fascinating and make the story richer.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Thank you, I do try. Not bad for a hastily dashed off story if I do say so myself.
Intriguing story. Perhaps only one who wants the truth for Severus' sake can open the box, much like Harry seeing where the Stone was in the Mirror of Erised.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Well, read on and all will be revealed.
Ooh, your story is so captivating. It's full of rich detail, which I love. The alchemy references, the box's design and history, the symbology, the philosophy of the ring's properties— contrasting but not clashing, being tied into to the alchemical outcome of the two contrasting, but not clashing properties of the Draught of Peace. All fascinating. As was that excerpt from Carl Jung.
And it seems to me that Hermione and Ron communicate mostly by owls these days. =) I'm fairly hopeful that the relationship will not endure much longer!
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Thank you for your kind words. I like to give my readers a sense that they are experiencing what the characters do. I do not know whether it is conveyed across adequately though...
Well, this story is short, so read on...
That was a delightful chapter. A box hiding unknown contents—there's no more intriguing a mystery than that! I am very curious as to where the story is heading.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Ah well... This story is headed down the way of most mysteries...
I do really like your story so far. I love being able to get into the character's heads, and so your writing style is appealing. I look forward to reading more…
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
This story is complete, so please read on...
She is verbose ( is it verbose when it is thoughts?) but very interesting. I love your description of golf " skiving off work to hit a pock-marked little ball with a variety of sticks"!
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
When one thinks, a lot happens in the mind. That was exactly what I sought to portray. I have a low opinion of gold in general for very personal reasons.
A lovely story that I was sad to see end so soon. Thankyou very much for writing
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
No no, I should thank you for reading this story.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
No no, I should thank you for reading this story.
Wow, what a complicated story! I'm fairly certain I've missed a myriad of details along the way.
I liked that Severus had hidden himself in this way. Usually he's just shown to be living in some house in secret somewhere and rely on vast amounts of Polyjuice regardless of the fact that the ingredients would be far too expensive and hard to come by. Your solution was a very refreshing difference and frankly much more believable in that regard
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Thank you. I did try very hard to make this hastily dashed off tale believeable. Thank you once again.
Interesting. You’ve a really good beginning going on. I’m now really curious about what Severus did and how he is…
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Patience, patience. All will be revealed in due course.
I like Dumbledore less and less. Actually by the King's Cross scene in DH I was really glad he was dead.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Dumbledore is a rather interesting character to analyse and to write. But somehow I think Harry is less likeable than Dumbledore. That is neither here nor there. Thank you for reviewing.
ooh, Lucius.... I'm guessing that his choice of Igor Karkaroff's brother for his servant is not just a detail, but that Ivan has a role to play in the storyline. I can't guess how much time it will take for Hermione to unseal the box's contents, but she did solve Snape's puzzle in her first year with the Philosopher's Stone. Thanks for the new chapter!
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Well, we shall see. Originally Ivan was thrown in to give a more human aspect to Lucius. Of course Hermione will solve the puzzle, but whether it will be in a trice or after some head-banging remains to be seen. Thank you for reviewing.
Very intriguing. I look forward to the next chapter!
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Thank you. The next instalment should be up some time later this week.
Ooooh! I like! I can't wait to see what happens, and I can't wait to see who our mystery author is!
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Things do happen. Hermione is on the case so to speak. You may be disappointed with who I am ;) Besides the like the cloak of mystery draped over me.
really intriging mystrey.I am looking forward to more
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
I am intrigued by this mystery mysefl :p Let's see how it pans out. Thank you for the review.
Oh! This was good. Really good. Lucius Malfoy? Now that was unexpected twist. You have done really well with you characterization of him… nice and smooth. I love the first person view with Hermione and you are carrying it beautifully.
I look forward to your next chapter.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Thank you, my dear! *blush* I wanted to show that even the Malfoys had some redeeming traits, and who better to offer the olive branch than Draco? Who better to follow up on that Lucius? I love Lucius - he always reminds of an aristocrat in Versailles, nice, smooth, debonair and scheming. I let slip that he has some problem adjusting to the new Wizarding World, but he is trying. Once again, thank you.
Interesting story. Draco was embarrassed because she did not accept his offer of tea? I find that hard to believe but totally entertaining.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of For the Benefit of the Unforgiven)
Well, it was just Lucius's way of telling Hermione that he wanted to be the one to tell her all that rather than his son. He does think quite well of himself, even if he did cut his hair.