New Chapter for Nineteen Years Later
Nineteen Years Later
mauvemagique179 Reviews | 6.12/10 (179 Ratings, 0 Likes, 135 Favorites )
Nineteen years later, just after they left King's Cross, something happened that changed Hermione's world.
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About mauvemagique
Member Since 2007 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 27 | 27 Reviews Written | 239 Review Responses
Reviews for Nineteen Years Later
I just can't imagine what Draco is going to do now !
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
He will... Nope! Can't tell ya...TBC
Oh so much going on! Rose is a Slytherin? Interesting. Her snub of Malfoy was very well written. I liked Severus' thoughts, and Hermione readingto him. I wonder about that book? It might have helped Hermione, huh? (I'm suprised that you didn't italic the title.)
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Wow! You are reading my little story! I'm floating on the cloud now! Thank you.
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
Of course!! I found it intriguing! Besides, I enjoy a well written story too, you know. You're doing a good job, doll.
Gads, Neville really did a red-harring and transferance here - tkaing on Snape because he had no one else. It's sad in a way, but at least Snape was cared for. I hope he's going to come around. He took a huge risk involving Hermione.
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Neville has a good heart, a kind one.Thanks.
Spoiled little Rose wants to join the Death Eaters? I suppose we all grieve in our own ways. BUt she needs someone to talk to, that kid.Oh, the idea of Neville taking care of Severus - that's truly original! I like it.
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Thank you.
Oh, dear. And Scorpius is so sweet.
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Thank you. He is a good kid.
How sad for her. At least her friends did an intervention.
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
It's good to have friends like that.
Oh, my, how traggic! Goes to show, you can't cheat on driving tests! Quite a sad opening, my dear.
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Thanks for the review. It get better for her later.
Oooh, what an excellent chapter! Poor Rose. Poor everyone, really. Lucius is such a git. I really hope he get's what's coming to him. BTW, I like the new potions teacher. The P woulnd't stand for Patrick by any chance, would it?
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Oh Yeah! That's him. Thanks for reading.
These three should immediately stop their babbling and search for Hermione!Hey, what's that part about Hermione's divorce? Are we going to hear more? Even how she ended up with Ron? My response also to another reviewer for this chapter: To me, it fits perfectly that canon-Draco kidnapped her. In HBP he gets a task that should mark him as a man. In the disappointment that is called DH, we never hear if/how he was even punished for failing to kill A.D. Was he ever taken seriously by the Death Eaters he admired? No, Draco was degraded to a mere schoolboy; he was attending classes as if the outside world didn't exist. After the war, he must have heard all sorts of heroic nonsense from the wrong side--from people barely older than himself. His acquaintances seem to outshine him--him, a Malfoy!Since Lucius sneaked out of prosecution, Draco never got out of the influences of his father or of their wealth. Wizarding Britain fails to learn from history, and we see nothing that would trigger Draco to develop a mindset of his own.It's a shame to me, that Draco didn't get a better role in DH, but since your story is canon to DH, here we go.
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Actually, Ron is dead in a car-crash, they were still married when he'd died. As for how did they end up together-- I haven't the foggiest, you need to ask Rowlings, she made them marry and have two kids. My story start right after the DH epilouge ends.You are right about Draco, good analysis. Thanks for the insightful review. I liked it.
Response from Bettina (Reviewer)
Oops, sorry I misread:... when she came back from Merlin-knew-where after her divorce with…This 'she' was Luna, not Hermione.I probably hoped someone would (finally) explain something like Ron picked up Hermione after a desaster and this is how she came to marry him... Yes, JKR failed to make it clear to us.
I'm so surprised. I alwasy took Draco for a good guy who only did things the way he did because he was raised that way and didn't really have the choice. I would never have thought he would chose the wring side willingly.I hope Harry and Severus will be able to free Hermione before anything really bad happen to her.
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Lovely to hear from you.Remember,in the book VI, Draco had accused Snape as a glory seeker? He had it in him, he wanted the glory of defeating Albus Dumbledore enough to not let in Snape in his plan, he wanted to kill an old man. He didn't know AD was near death already,no one asked him to mercy-kill either.So the motivation to kill was there. He joined Umbridge on his own will. The dark lord may have asked it of him,but was eager none the less,tried many times. He was cowardly, not much of a good guy. even when Harry saved him in book VII,he went with the death eaters. Dumbledore offered him choice to be good, he ignored it.Oh yeah, they will free her eventually, or maybe not, maybe she will free herself... hang on for the rest.
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
I hadn't thought of it considering this side of things. I guess I read too much fanfictoin and it twists my vision of things.
Um. I think Draco is the potty one. :)
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
perhaps Hermione can start reading the Quibbler to him, annoy him so much he has to wake up and argue!
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Hey! There's an idea! Maybe in the next story....hee!hee!
what is it with cockroach clusters.. eewwwkkk!
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
I know! Personally, I wont go near any bug/frog or whatever dead or alive no matter what they are coverd with Chocolate or Diamond...
what a convulted relationship Neville has with Severus, still terrified of him in a coma yet desperate to care for him, poor boy needs counselling !
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
oops I mean convoluted, fingers got tangled on the keys!
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
I heard the other day Dr.Phil was desperately looking for him everywhere.
Good ole Nev, always comes thru in a crisis!
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
True Gryffindor that one is and a fine human being.
sneaky old Minerva knew just what buttons to push
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Clever cat, isn't she? Thanks for the review.
clever correlation with the epilogue!
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Thank you.
Nice to see him awake and snarking! It's reassuring to know that some things don't change. I'm guessing there is still a lot of healing to come.
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Thanks for the review. Severus won't be Severus if he lost his snark power, right?
What a pleasant surprise that woke up because of the presence of a child. Now I'll look forward more than ever how the relationship between the two will go.
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Children have the power to do amazing things by simply being there.Thanks for the review.
Well he is awake - suprise, suprise - much had happened in these following nineteen years - I cannot wait to see where you take him from here.
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
It's about time! Thanks for the review.
Good chapter, Severus seems to have a bit of catching up to do.
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Oh, yeah! Here he was thinking he was out for a few days, months at most; but we know the length of it. I don't know why Jk chose 19 years! That's awfully long! Perhaps, she thought S/G writers would give up at this. But if we have to go that length to bring SS back,so be it, and worse she made a writer out of me.Strange things happen between heaven and earth!
Very good! I've been waiting for this chapter. I laughed at his reaction to Albus Severus! So snapish to think it was a great joke, the neourotic prat! Bless him! Great work, keep it up!Livvy
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. Paranoia! ...the poor thing had a tough past because of the "Granddad Potter", so I don't blame him.
Oh no, where is Hermione? And Severus is just getting a harsh lesson in listening and not being stubborn. Please update soon!
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
Thanks for reading and reviewing. The next chapter is with beta now.
Marvelous Medicaments for Muggle's Mythical and Magical Maladies by Malcom Mathew McDougall:->
Response from mauvemagique (Author of Nineteen Years Later)
UH-UH! Try quicker! Hee!Hee!Thanks for reading.