New Chapter for Sweet Torture Returned
Sweet Torture Returned
fyiagcg7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
A little drabble written back in April in response to a series of ficlets in which Hermione has Severus 'bound'... said fics being by LoTM and NSS and much better than this little 100-word drabble
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About fyiagcg
Member Since 2005 | 18 Stories | Favorited by 18 | 27 Reviews Written | 52 Review Responses
I was originally an SS/HG shipper that then fell in love with HG/DM as well. I now read and write both. I also have some original fiction and poetry up here on TPP, and love getting feedback on everything.
I have faced some writer's block on my only multi-chaptered story, but I PROMISE nothing is abandoned.
I do love to write, and I love REVIEWS!!
Ah, last thing. I am NOT HBP compliant. And now that I'm updating this profile in November 07, I need to tell you I am NOT DH Compliant
Reviews for Sweet Torture Returned
LOL. That would indeed put an end to the mood, or at least bring upon gales of laughter.
ROFLMAO! You totally caught me by surprise!
It's wonderful!
ROFLMAO I have actually had to say that before. Tamara
BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! This just made me laugh so much. I'm sure it's happened (to some extent) to so many of us. Real life just isn't always as sexy as we want it to be. ^.^ Love it! (And it led me to read LotM & NSS's story where they combined their battles. So thanks for the directions! hehe)
Cute, but somehow real :-)
Oh, hahahaha!!! Goodness me, that was hilarious. You do realize that the "series of fics" was consolidated into one, lengthened considerably and posted here? Battle on the High Sleaze
Not offended, by any means. Merely thankful I didn't have a mouthful of Diet Coke when I read the last two lines.
Response from fyiagcg (Author of Sweet Torture Returned)
Well there you go. I was rather upset when i couldn't find anything more than 'bound to answer' on this archive or ashwinder... I don't think I ever read "Battle" (before now). I'm pretty sure that i thought the story itself involved pirates and skipped it (looks down, ashamed). I know that i read several of them, though. The strange part is that i don't remember the origami vagina. but i must have read that bit, because that's where 'sweet torture' exists... oh i don't know. I'm glad you liked it. i'm also glad that i got to see your ending to the series... although really those last two render my little drabble AU (last i saw of these two, he was still bound)... anyway. love that you're not offended. love that you liked it. love that you didnt snort diet coke all over your computer and therefore render yourself unable to write any more highly enjoyable stuff.
Hahaha. Smutty Hermione/Severus bondage makes me smile :o)Well done,Sue.