New Chapter for Return to Me
Return to Me
GinnyW24 Reviews | 24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )
Severus learns that Hermione is to be married to Ronald Weasley. He becomes obsessed with stopping the wedding and attempting to convince her to marry him instead. This emotional journey forces him to face his true motives behind his sudden change of interest.
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About GinnyW
20 Stories | Favorited by 251 | 164 Reviews Written | 529 Review Responses
I'm a 40+ year old mother of 4 who works full-time, goes to school, and writes in what little spare time I have. Once upon a time I co-moderate the SS/HG Gift Exchange with Shiv5468 and Scattered Logic.
Reviews for Return to Me
I like the fact that you made them so distant during their first matrimonial go-round. With something of that nature, and with the characters involved, it would only seem appropriate to have the distance between them. I also like how you brought it all back around. Nicely done.
I'm sorry to say I wasnt too thrilled with the first few chapters of this story....I'm not real impressed with the story in general. I was pretty dull in my opinion amd it seemed to drag on....Sorry if my honesty offends you
Response from GinnyW (Author of Return to Me)
I'm sorry to say that I wasn't thrilled with your review. I'm not very impressed by people who are rude and inconsiderate. It's poor taste in my opinion, though really I couldn't care less what you say. Sorry if my honesty offends you.And just in case you weren't aware, the star rating system isn't for whether you like or dislike a story. It's for quality, which this admittedly isn't the best fic on this archive, but it certainly isn't the worst either. Just so you know, you have the option not to rate at all.Really, if I was still writing in the HP fandom I would care. This sort of review, back when I wrote this story, would've crushed me. I likely never would've been able to finish or it would've stopped me from writing anything else altogether. I'm not that sensitive anymore, insomuch that I know that I don't suck. People all have their individual preferences and quite frankly, I didn't write this to please you. In the future, try to remember that your words can hurt and deal a crushing blow on people. The star rating system is not for slamming people and kicking them after you've already knocked them down.
I still say she should have stomped that bug a long time ago. This is a very good story. I really enjoyed reading it. Tamara
Ron is not going to take this well, I don't think. You are a very good author. Tamara
I get that he loves her but why be such a git about. That's not the way to her now. Surely she wont go through with marry Ron. I know he means well but he's not the guy for her. Tamara
OMG she is pregnant and I bet it's Severus and now she is pawning it off on Ron. I wonder if he knows. Oh no, this doesn't look good. Tamara
Oh so he didn't want to admit he had feelings for her when he had her and now that she is going to marry Ron, he don't want to let her go. Just like a man. Tamara
Great ending! Hopefully they will have a nice long life together.
Nice chapter, I'm surprised Severus is taking all the blame however.
This fiction was mentioned in a group e-mail and I thought I'd check it out. Very good start!
I'm glad Albus is interferring again, looks like Severus needs all the 'help' he can get.
Ouch, Severus certainly never was one to empathise with another person. I wonder how long it will be before the penny drops?
Lovely Story my dear.. Lovely.
Response from GinnyW (Author of Return to Me)
Oh, thank you. Glad you liked it!
This was great. I'm glad they finally got it together, and thanks for sharing it!
Response from GinnyW (Author of Return to Me)
Thank you for reading,
Response from GinnyW (Author of Return to Me)
! Glad you liked it!
Oh my. Looks like Severus is going to have to take a harder look at what he lett go off. If this IS a tactical move on Hermione's part, who can blame her?
Response from GinnyW (Author of Return to Me)
*snicker* Yes, he certainly did need to look at things... he just needed to be forced to do so. ;)
I loved this story it was so beautiful.
Severus I think changed from wanting her to realising how much he loved her and how much he needed her. I can only start to say how much I love that in a story an you captured it perfectly, Hermione as a scarlet woman I loved that really I did and Though Ron got hurt a little there was no fall out. Another brilliant story so glad I have your rules it encourages me to keep reading even when i get a little nervous. I loved the ending it was so sweet.
Thank you
Response from GinnyW (Author of Return to Me)
Oh, thank you so much, Semperputus! I'm glad that you liked this! I promisethat if I deviate from the rules in any story, I'll have a warning at the beginning of the first chapter. ;-) I really appreciate the review, thanks again. Cheers! ~Ginny
Excellent story what a great random find:)
Nice, thank you.
Great read - this was a gem to find - I enjoyed how they courted and moved slowly - it takes time to heal what happened between them - good work.
It is his baby and now he knows - wow I bet he is ashamed at how he acted. Ron was doing this to spare Hermione the shame. What a good chapter.
Wow - Severus is trully coming unglued and now he is attacking Ron - great save with Albus there - Albus always knows does he not? LOL - Good chapter.
What a horrible marriage experience - he destroyed a part of her in the process - cold is one thing but he was cold and cruel. The nausea - I am thinking she is pregnant and does not know.
I read one of your works and liked it so much that I found this one. What a chapter - so this is post marriage fic and they are divorced - I can see something like this happening. I wonder which way you will take this - very interesting.