New Chapter for They're Hanging Me Tonight
They're Hanging Me Tonight
Doomspark10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Doomspark
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 152 | 35 Reviews Written | 531 Review Responses
Male. Married. Live in Florida. Owned by two Egyptian Maus, a red tabby, and a hairball-emitting pile of fluff.
Reviews for They're Hanging Me Tonight
Why?Why would she do this? For Ron?! Really?! I don't understand, sorry...I can relate to Severus, though.
Response from Doomspark (Author of They're Hanging Me Tonight)
That's the point ... Snape doesn't understand why she dumped him.
That is horribly sad. A bit OOC on HG's part, but still a very strong tale.
What a thought provoking story. I don't believe I have read any like it before. I must say that it was very well written and leaves me wondering how he allowed her to bring him to such measures at such a short span of time. Especially it being Snape, who I would have thought would just make their lives a living hell, not died. Truely amazing work. Bravo. Tamara
Hi there,Interesting story...I am puzzled though.Why was Hermione so cruel or better yet why did she accept him in the first place?Pansycat
This is a great example of cold calculating dark approach to the traditional hearts and flowers HG/SS. You have captured how I assume Severus to be, Traumatised by war and the part he played. Relief at the fact life can go on. Consumed with anger and pain at the treatment he has received from his love. A dark approach for a dark character. A man who has many sides to his character. Really encapsulating fic! Well Done!!
wow my heart breaks for him.
what was she playing at? was it a set up? too bad everyone lost in the end.
great one shot.
Response from Doomspark (Author of They're Hanging Me Tonight)
That was one of my "I hate everyone!" fics - I wrote it one night when I was in a VERY bad mood. Maybe one of these days I'll clean it up a bit.
Response from pickles (Reviewer)
maybe her pov or what happen over summer to change her mind.
or were her friends to much they bent her towards their wills.
I read this a long time ago on a different archive. That was way back when I didn't know who you were and someone recommended your stories to me. I even remember leaving a review for it. So now, since that review has been relegated to the vast vacuum of the space-time continuum, I shall leave another here. *giggle*What can I say, I like unhappy endings. Not that I love killing off Hermione or anyone else, but I think it takes a certain skill to deviate from the standard "happy ending." And do it well. Scary part is, a girl never really sees her rejection of a guy from the guy's point of view. It was an ordinary situation, growing apart from one man and fondness growing for another, though feelings on his part never changed. Thankfully, most men do not see killing as an option. Yes, you scared me a little. (I am extremely happy my dating days are over right now.)
Response from Doomspark (Author of They're Hanging Me Tonight)
I've got a horrifically nasty temper, so I empathize with Severus' desire to commit mayhem all too keenly. It's probably a good thing I'm not a wizard.
I think I like it that he's not particularly sorrowful over what he's done, merely factual. You must have been in a particularly dark place when you wrote it. Still brill, though!
sad and painful. thanks