New Chapter for Better Than Me
Better Than Me
potterbrat17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 31 Favorites )
This is a one-shot story set after Hogwarts. It spans the time before and after the Final Battle. Our favorite hero and heroine find each other and then lose each other. What happens when they find each other again?
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About potterbrat
Member Since 2007 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 28 | 176 Reviews Written | 444 Review Responses
I've been posting on here for a while and have decided to update my profile. I'm 30ish... I have a husband... I have two daughters... and other various creatures living at my house. My real life consists of work, fanfiction (which sometimes supercedes work), and chasing after my teen and tween.
"Don't just survive the storm; learn how to dance in the rain!" authur unknown
Reviews for Better Than Me
Umm... pretty good considering you dont do songfics. Just not enough struggle and strife before the breaking day. Good anyway.
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
Ummm... Thanks? Honestly, I wrote this ages ago and I look back on it now and see many flaws, but writing fanfic is a learning process. Thank you for reviewing.
That was so lovely! I love a bit of fluff, but this was extra good, because there was a bit of smut and a bit of heartbreak but it ended happily, which I always love, and I think Snape deserves it too!I'm off to find the song as I don't think I know it. Nice work, any chance of anymore?
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
Goodness -- thank you so much. I am currently working on a Draco/Hermione novel called, "Broken." I've gotten a lot of great feedback on it from people who don't even like the DM/HG fics. There is a little H/G in it as well. Check it out if you have a chance. Snape has a leading role. I update at least once a week. And when I'm finished with it, I will be working on another HG/SS fic that is pretty much written in my head.
I loved this, a beautiful one-shot!!! Absolutely brilliant:-))
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
Thank you so much. I've had some great feedback on it. I think I'll write some more once I'm finished with my other story.
Very romantic and the ending was very sweet.
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
Thank you for the review. I'm glad you liked it.
Awwww! *watches the bunnies running around the place* Nice story, loved it.
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
I'm glad. I've said it before; I don't like songfics, but I just HAD to write this one.
I absolutly adored this fict, a bit of smut, a bit of grief, a touch of sneaky meddling and a happy ending!
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
I'm so glad you liked it. I was so nervous writing it, because I don't like songfics. But, I've gotten terrific feedback on it.
Response from sinbad (Reviewer)
I think its because you based it on the song without making it into the song, if you know what I mean.
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
YEAH!! That's exactly what I was trying to do.
I loved it! I just love stories of heartbreak and a happy ending.
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
ME TOO!!!! I'm such a sap.
“I want to thank you, Sophia, for putting your reading aside long enough to help me, because I don’t know where I would have gotten the courage to do this without you.”YAY! Some fluff from Severus! (Okay, so it's a special kind of fluff... but no one is prefect.) I had up when I opened this... so I thought... I'll look up and listen to Hinder to set the mood for this story.... Alas I am a slow reader and had to play it like four times before deciding I was sick of restarting the thing... hehehehe!I love that they didn't have a completely blissful time of it... their stubborn personalities have to get in the way of that. *wink*Thanks for the SS/HG... I feel a little spoilled with the two chapters of Broken and this all around the same time. ~*~Selene~*~
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
You're very welcome. Did you happen to read the A/N? You were mentioned.
Response from seleneangel (Reviewer)
Yeps... thanks so very much!
ya know, it is really funny that u got attacked by a plot bunny from this song. the first time i heard it i just had to add it to my itunes forld of songs that reminde me of the SS/HG ship there are now like 50 songs in it and they all reaminde me of how they sould be . actually i am listening to it right now, better than me. i love this story! i may need to not only put this in my fav.'sbut make a copy for refuring friends to. it was a well put to gather piece, and i am glad that it has a happy disney ending, i just love those. if u are interested in the song list just say so and i will try to send it or post it here for u. Thanks for writing, Huanita
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
WOW! I have never had such a response. Thank you so much. I would love to see your list. If you go to my profile, and click on "contact," you'll be able to email it. If I do another one from the list, I'll be sure to credit you.
I loved that! And I was mentioned in the author's note! I am overusing exclamation points! A lovely story. I really enjoyed it.
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
I'm glad you caught that. A lot of people skip the a/n. I do it myself a lot.
Delightful! I was very glad to find it here tonight. Happy weekend!
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
I'm glad you liked it. I always thought one-shots would be easy. Boy was I wrong.
So nice... my heart melts.
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
Thank you very much.
This was sad and then sweet. Thank you for sharing.
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
I don't think I've reviewed this yet - it's so beautiful!! A really lovely story! :-)
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
Thank you so much for posting. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
That was lovely, I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
This is really nice. I haven't read your other stories, but I intend to now.
Response from potterbrat (Author of Better Than Me)
Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the other ones. ~*pb*~