New Chapter for The Witch Bower
The Witch Bower
Bambu35 Reviews | 35 Ratings, 0 Likes, 39 Favorites )
Post-war, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have formed an unlikely friendship which has grown into an intimate relationship. When Hermione’s doubts about the relationship appear to derail a happy ending, the nameless, elemental guardians of the Malfoy line take matters into their own hands in order to ensure the future of the family.
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About Bambu
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 542 | 117 Reviews Written | 1,029 Review Responses
I have loved the written word since watching my mother’s fingers trace the lines of a book, luxuriating in riveting tales and well-turned phrases. Many a night I read until dawn, a plastic flashlight hidden under the covers to light the pages as I raced the rising sun to finish my latest must-read.
Since joining the HP fandom, I've been privileged to receive more than 50 awards, including Best Author (Quill to Parchment Awards) and Best Classic Author (Most Potente Passions). Among others, my stories have won awards for Best Hurt/Comfort (Spoils of War, Morning Has Broken), Best Novel Length (Calling Card, Guard…Check…Mate), Best One Shot (A Beach in Ireland), Best WIP (Saving a Death Eater, The Summoning), Favorite Overall Story (Complexities), and Readers’ Choice (A Quest of Paladins).
Aside from a judicious polish for formatting and egregious typos, I don't plan on revising my early work. Those stories are the stepping stones of my writing journey. Please note some stories contain adult content. None is more graphic than equivalent scenes in the television shows True Blood or Game of Thrones, and age appropriate warnings are posted.
I no longer write fanfiction prolifically. Like many fanfic authors, my focus has shifted to original work. A member of the Romance Writers of America and the Southern California Writers Association, I write under my name: Lin Thornhill.
My original story Verisimilitude published in Thoroughly Modern Monsters (Story Spring Publishing, 2013) reached the top 100 fantasy anthologies and broke into the top 10 in the UK the first month of release. Ben and Christine’s story will continue in 2016.
Fixation, my latest short story, slated for publication in J. Aldis’ anthology Immanence, with a winter 2015-2016 release, is particularly exciting as it anchors the Messengers of Inari novel series I’ve been developing for the past year.
Reviews for The Witch Bower
This is very different. I like it, and am enjoying frantic Draco and analytical Hermione.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
It is indeed very different -- even for me -- but I thoroughly enjoyed writing it (especially the research.) Thank you for commenting. It's really made my day.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Thanks, Pickles. I'm pleased you're enjoying it.
Wow, kidnapped by a bower, eh? Was Draco's ancestor planting the bower? Interesting premise. Interesting story. I wonder what will happen if the bower ever makes it through Hermione's mind? Update soon, pls!
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
It's so wonderful to have perceptive readers. You're quite right about the bower (the Proto-Malfoy was a hundred miles north of the forest,) still you're very close.I'm so delighted you're enjoying the premise. It was a blast to toy with.Thanks so much.
Great chapter! You really captured the emotions well. Poor Hermione. What a horrible thing to have to discuss!
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
I'm thrilled you're sympathetic to Hermione's situation. It really would be an awful thing to have to raise with someone you love. I just love to read your reviews. Thanks.
I'm so interested to see how this experience will unfold with Draco and the bower. I look forward to more.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Thank you very much for your encouraging comment. I hope you enjoy the rest of the adventure.
This is such an amazing story! I love the magic in it. I love the history. And I love Hermione and Draco!
i love the pictures. and the story. sad to see it end.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Please forgive my tardiness in replying. Since I've just posted a new chapter of a story to TPP, I thought I'd check my other stories for any unanswered reviews. Imagine my shock to find yours. I must have a glitch in my spam folders somewhere.Please accept my thanks for your kind words -- even though they're months late. I'm really pleased you enjoyed the story because it's a little different than what I normally write, and I loved doing it.
Nicely ended. They both seem more invested in each other. So, phouka (yeah, traditionally they're supposed to be black, but I can't see one on Malfoy property as that plainly colored)? Or just a feral pony?
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Thank you very much. I really wanted to cement their bond with one another, and to play with the whole magical history of the purebloods, per se.I wish I'd known about phouka before I wrote the new forest pony into the story. What a fabulous creature. Regrettably, mine is merely a genuine wild pony from Britain's New Forest.
I want that pony. Seriously, what a little cutie.And what a great story! Very hot ending. Five stars!
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Isn't it an adorable pony? Thank you for reading the story. I do so appreciate it.I hadn't realized (having had an email server crash last month) that I had this review, so please accept my apologies for taking so long to respond.
What an INSANELY cute pony!Lovely story! Though I was hoping we'd find out if the newfound heart of the Malfoys was magical enough to restore either Harry or Narcissa's health.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
You are a very kind woman to have read my story ... and I had not idea that you'd left a review. We lost our email server for a week, and then I -- like a complete idiot -- didn't realize until tonight that when you check for unanswered reviews you have to choose the story. ::headdesk::I realize I left several things unanswered, but I wanted it to feel like a slice of life where not everything is neatly tied up at the end.
Lovely! Perfectly wonderful story. I really enjoyed this. Great jokb!
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
I beg your pardon for not responding before now. I've somehow -- all these months -- missed the part of the 'unanswered reviews' which says you have to choose the story. I thought I didn't have any left unanswered.You are very kind to have liked my slightly unorthodox method of bringing Hermione and Draco into an understanding.Thank you.
Wow, hot chapter. I'm glad they're back together! And you didn't write "The End", so goody that there will be more, I hope. It's funny how Hermione is schooling Draco on the ritual, and that the magic didn't take him instead, since he's the heir. I wonder if it's because Hermione is a woman, and that makes her like the earth, so the Bower knew that she would understand it better than Draco would? Anyway, waiting eagerly for the next chapter.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
I didn't write 'The End,' yet. There's one more chapter to come (probably today or in the morning.)Interesting that you should mention Hermione being like the earth ... there is an element of that in this ritual of theirs. She's the earth power and he's the moon (which is, I realize diametrically opposite much of the Wiccan lore I've read.) But my idea was that the Bower yanked her from her cozy existence because she was a Muggle-born and had no concept of the ancient magical ties to the land. That because the Malfoys had deviated from their ancient vows (and moving down dark and murky paths) someone needed to bring it all back into use. Without her cooperation, it wouldn't happen successfully.I'm really pleased you've been enjoying the story. Thanks so much.
Intense, and with an amazing description of ritual.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Thank you. Because it's first person, I thought I could get away with so much description. I didn't think a second person, simple past tense narrative would have worked as well.
I really liked this part. I hope it doesn't end here though. If it does, it seems rather lacking somehow. It needs something more.Good job on this story!
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
There's one last chapter to round it out ... I do hope you enjoy it.Thanks for letting me know you've kept reading even when it took a bit of a left turn.
Response from Satai Delenn (Reviewer)
I am enjoying it.I am a big believer that we need to protect the land because if we continue to abuse it as we've been doing, we're just screwing ourselves over and in the end, nature will get it's revenge on us. I'm not a tree hugger or anything (not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not me) but I really despise all the cutting down of trees and destroying of rain forests and destruction of National Parks that we seem to have no trouble doing these days and I really believe there will be serious repercussions for these actions.And I do look forward to the next chapter.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Thanks!I think you and I have similar outlooks on the husbanding of our natural resources. I live in a big city, but I do think we have to pay attention to what makes the planet such a viable and unique place. After all, there isn't another one we can go to when this one is used up!
Response from Satai Delenn (Reviewer)
I live on the outskirts of a big city but I have ALWAYS felt that nature is an integral part of things, and the more areas we cut down to make for million dollar homes that only house two or three people, and the more prairie and forested areas we destroy to make room for another shopping center, is very wasteful of our resources.And you are very correct when you say that basically, this is it, this is our home, and once it's destroyed, we've destroyed ourselves! The problem is, most people look at it as, "Well, yeah, we're destroying this or that, but why should I care? By the time it's all gone, I'll be dead and gone anyway!" Which is a very sad way to look at things. But yeah, you and I do seem to think similarly about this kind of stuff. (funiest thing about my views? I'm a staunch Republican, lol. Kind of contradicts things sometimes, lol. I guess you could consider me a Liberal Republican.)
Well, this story has taken quite a twist that I wasn't expecting since my previous review. But I like it and I think I'm beginning to understand (I can be rather dense sometimes). I am off to the next chapter now.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Er ... yeah ... there's a rather large left-field factor involved.This is a big stretch for me in terms of storytelling -- it's not quite what anyone (least of all me) was expecting when I started writing it.If I tell you that in some ways it's not really Draco and Hermione's story ... but it's the Bower's ... will that help?Still thank you for giving it a try.
Response from Satai Delenn (Reviewer)
Ah now, I have to disagree, it is still their story in a way. Their love and happiness with each other comes from the Bower's need to find a way to make Hermione & thereby Draco, to understand that the land needs them to protect it, as much as Draco and Hermione need each other. At least, this is what I was gathering from what I was reading. But yes, it is definitely the Bower's story first.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
You put it so nicely ... it is their story, but the Bower is an integral part of it; not really a triad but an interesting embellishment to a coupling, if you will.
“Good luck tomorrow,” I said.He gave me a sharp look. “What do you mean?”“You know, with whatever it is you’re doing at the estate. I know you’ve been working on it for months.”The tense look vanished. “Thanks, Granger. I look forward to showing it to you soon.”Lol. This part of the conversation reminded me of a story my Grandmother told me once.My Grandfather was away on business in NY working on a hush-hush deal and only called once a night to say goodnight to my Grandmother. Well, he concluded the deal but it hadn't been released to the media yet and my Grandmother was getting fed up with all the "keep it quiet" nonsense and the day my Grandfather concluded the deal for his boss he called my Grandmother and they talked, but he still wouldn't really say anything. My Grandmother had had enough and innocently asked, "Goodness, what are you doing that you can't talk about anything, purchasing the Empire State building?"My Grandfather got immediately on his guard and responded with, "What? What do you mean?" and my Grandmother was baffled by his response and said, "Nothing, I was joking. You're just all hush hush."This slightly unruffled his feathers and they talked briefly and said goodbye...A few hours later my Grandmother was watching the news and they announced that my Grandfather's boss had just concluded dealings to purchase the Empire State building, lol.She just about fainted on the spot, lol.Anyway, I am enjoying this story. I like the frustration and confusion on Hermione's part and that she wants to work through things. I hope that she can do it without deeply offending Draco and that Draco can work on his "little problem".
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
What an utterly charming story! I love this. Your poor Grandfather must have practically had a coronary, and your poor Grandmother when she realized what had really happened! What a wondeful legacy to have.I'm delighted you're enjoying the story so far, and I'll warn you that it takes a really big left turn! I do hope you find something still to enjoy.Thanks so much for the review.
Response from Satai Delenn (Reviewer)
lol. Yeah, he apparently was freaking out trying to figure out who had leaked the info and how much damage control needed to be done, lol. Until of course she told him she was only joking, lol.And yes, I found the twist, lol. Goodness, what a twist it was!
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
How terribly amusing for your grandparents. I imagine they joked about this for years. It's a pretty unique scenario.::shrugs:: I know. It was a really big left turn!
An absolutely beautiful ritual. I love how they did it in tandem, both feeling the power. Great chapter!
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Thank you so much. I'm utterly thrilled you liked it.
This is such an interesting story. I am loving the family traditions, and the connection to the earth. I am such a sucker for history.
The pictures you have been including are timed perfectly and really add so much to the entire feel of the story.
I am really enjoying this and can't wait for the next update!
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
I'm so glad you're enjoying the history and the Malfoy family traditions. I started with the concept that the Malfoys' couldn't have such a prominent place in the wizarding world if they had all been Dark. So I figured there had to be a schism, and then I played from there.Thanks so much!
Nice explanation of one of the more annoying aspects of Hermione. Gratitude that something perceived as unnatural actually *had* an explanation would certainly make someone desperately attempt to fit in to their new world.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Thank you very much. It just seems terribly logical, especially considering our canon knowledge of Harry's early childhood. Neglect and odd instances of magic which isolated him from any potential, developing friendships. I can easily see Hermione's early childhood being similarly difficult, only with more doting parents attempting to 'fix' their only, seemingly defective, child. She would be desperate to 'fit in' and to prove to herself that she's 'normal' in this world.Thanks for giving the story a read and enjoying it enough to make a comment.
I realize that the force that Hermione is in contact with is very deliberate about what it does; however, it does seem odd that she would pass up this opportunity to ask it whether it could help heal Harry. I mean, after all, it is quite powerful. Who knows what it might be capable of.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
I'm not sure how to respond to your point about Harry -- it's an excellent question. I don't think Hermione really has much of a rapport with the entity yet; however, you've given me much to think about.Thanks so much for giving the story a try and letting me know what you think. I really appreciate it.
Is she seeing what Draco was doing before she arrived?
Great story. Waiting for more. p
Hubby will enjoy this story once its done. I have to wait or he gets discouraged when a story isn't complete.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Yes, exactly. She's seeing what Draco did on the summer solstice, which is what woke the bower. I'm so pleased you're liking it,
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
, and I've always loved that you share with your hubby. I certainly share with mine! You can let him know that the story is finished, I'm just proof-reading -- there are two more chapters to go.Thank you again for your kindness in letting me know what you think.
Response from pickles (Reviewer)
Awww your so sweet.
Will do.
What a yummy story! I love historical fictions like this.
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Why thank you! It was originally going to be a bit more travelogue-ish, but then I started looking into Wiltshire and it evolved! It makes my day that you're enjoying it.
Another great chapter. It was interesting to read all of that. You're certainly setting the story up well. I guess there's hope for Draco after all. :-)
Response from Bambu (Author of The Witch Bower)
Thanks. I was having a lot of fun with the historical timeline -- a bit like a skipping stone. Because it was an exchange piece, I had limited time to write and the story resolves rather fast ... part of the reason for a history lesson, as it were.I'm thrilled you've enjoyed it so far.
Response from zambonigirl (Reviewer)
I thought that the skipping stone part was a brilliant analogy. Hermione really is sort of ping-ponging through time right there, and it must be very disconcerting for her.
VERY neat, it felt like you were drawing many of the old Celtic myths into this! :)