New Chapter for Surprises and Choices
Surprises and Choices
Clara Minutes14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
Hermione Granger is in hiding. After shopping for food, she finds an unexpected visitor in her flat. Written for snarkyroxy in the Winter round of the SSHG_exchange.
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About Clara Minutes
Clara Minutes
Member Since 2005 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 13 | 2 Reviews Written | 98 Review Responses
I'm a 20-something musician that loves Harry Potter. I've been writing for a while now. I've taken a little bit of a break from HP to focus on some other writings, but I'm making a comeback!
Reviews for Surprises and Choices
You definitely need to continue with this story. I'm hooked.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
This story has been pushed to a backburner, but is not gone completely from my mind. I should have some more time to write this summer, so hopefully, I can add to it. :) Thanks for reading.
This has real potential. I would love to know what happens next. How will Snape avoid Fenrir? And the Malfoys? Will they be good loosers? (I doubt that). Complicated situation for Snape. And Hermione? She will be a bad slave, I guess. Never being one who takes orders easily. And does have Snape a secret agenda?Please, continue this story. Can I bribe you with some virtual cookies? Don't worry, they have almost no calories. ;-)
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
Wow, a bribe! :) Thank you for letting me know what questions you have. I have started working on an expanded version.
I can honestly say that I was surprised with the ending. I thought it was a prologue instead of a single one shot. I don't see why Hermione would simply turn herself in like this without a fight. Seems like she would be running to hide and fight later with the others. She admits she doesn't trust Snape at all. Just seems a bit odd to me. Also, the part about Fenrir, I realize at the end why he wants to "get" Snape, but if Snape's such a favorite of the Dark Lord, wouldn't he be afraid to go after him? I guess I would just like to know a little more about that and maybe a little more about why Snape chose to "warn" them and how he'll explain her "capture" to Voldemort. I do like the premise and would like to see more of it. I guess I'm a greedy reader and simply like longer stories or more background info. Teehee.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
Thank you, Sun. I originally wrote this as a stand alone piece. Through the feedback I've gotten, it seems that I was deluded in that thinking. :)
I have written a little bit more to this, and I'm thinking of expanding this and working with this as a larger story.
Thanks for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate it. :)
Please continue. An great start and I would love to know what would come next
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
Thank you for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate it :)
This is great! Please tell me there is to be more.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
Thanks for letting me know! I'm slowly working on more...
I have to agree with Maegwen's review (although my demands are somewhat scaled back). This could use some fleshing out. There needs to be some backstory so we can understand the significance of events within the story. And the finish is too open ended. How can we know or even guess if Hermione's decision is right or a huge mistake. What is different about her (situation, feelings) that makes her choose differently from the other order members. And Snape--always an intriguing character--is a little flat here. I would love to see you expand on this very brief, but enjoyable, story.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
I'm working on expanding this. It was written for an exchange, and I had some trouble, so I left out a lot of the detail. I'm seeing now that I shouldn't have done that. Thank you for taking the time to read and review.
I would love to read more about this situation.?
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
There are ideas going through my head to continue this story. Thank you for reading :)
Will you ever be adding to this fic? My intrest is peaked and I want more...please have mercy on a poor reader.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
I will probably be expanding this and possibly adding further chapters. Thank you for reading. :)
What?!? This is done? I loved it! But I need more please! what happens after she becomes severus' "slave"?
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
I like your enthusiasm! Thank you for taking the time to read. I've started on an expanded version as well as a later chapter.
Response from Krum_lover (Reviewer)
Woohoo! Ican't wait!
Well. Here are my two cents. As a piece for the SS/HG exchange, it works well for the most part. The ending is slightly more abrupt than vague, so we are left more with a "what the hell happens next" feeling than a "either this or this" sensation. Still, it's well written and a good read.
If you were to continue, what I'd really like to see, rather than just *adding* to it, is EXPANDING it. Put your skills toward fleshing out the story
We don't need to see the entire battle in which Harry runs off half-cocked, but we could have more than a few graphs setting the scene.
"Severus Snape was a dangerous man. He'd proved as much by killing Albus Dumbledore, and then again at the recent battle." Tell us about that battle. Tell us more about why in your story Fenrir is out to get Snape. Give us some insight (preferably fresh insight!) into why your Voldemort has decided to enslave muggleborns. What's behind her "inner turmoil?" Show us some of that frantic Order meeting. Give us some Snape POV.
Demanding, aren't I? ;) I think what I'm trying to say is, I really liked this, but it makes me want more in lots of spots.
BUT, finish 'Deception of the Night' first. :)
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
Wow... thank you for your thoughts! It's always fun for me to see what people think.
As for Deception, it's completely written and mostly beta'd. I'm just slowly updating it.
Again, thanks for writing this review. You've given me a lot to think about. I've actually started rewriting a little of it before I got this review.
That's it? It seems more like a first chapter or a prologue instead of a compleated piece. I see a whole story waiting to unfold from this!
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
Thank you for letting me know. I didn't want to get into a huge story for the exchange itself. I've kind of started rewriting and expanding this story. So, sometime in the future, expect more to this.
I think you should add to it!!! that is not enough!!!
i need to know if her decision was the right one!
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
Thanks for letting me know. I've started working on more to this.
I'm going to take the time right now and beg you for a sequel! OMG I want to know what happens. This is a very intriguing plot bunny.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
Thank you. I've started rewriting this chapter to expand it, and I've got parts of a "sequel" written. I don't know how long it will take me to finish it with school, but do know that I've got ideas floating around.
Oh, please write more! I'd love to see this story develope, it has certainly gotten my attention.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Surprises and Choices)
Thank you very much for letting me know! All of my writing has been put on hold for the moment because of real life, but it's definitely not been abandoned.