New Chapter for His Succubus
His Succubus
dracontia12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About dracontia
Member Since 2006 | 69 Stories | Favorited by 208 | 51 Reviews Written | 1,397 Review Responses
Mostly Harmless! Though I have to admit, I'm even stranger than I appear. ;-) There's a pile of unbeta'd stuff on my LJ (dracfic) if you're interested in Raw, Untamed, fanfic.
Believe it or not, "How Argus Filch Got Wild, Got Laid, and Got His Magic" has been rec'ed by Know It Alls! It's true! They gave me this pretty lil' ribbon and everything! And in March 2007, they saw fit to likewise reccommend (as an antidote to angst) the story that started it all, 'Courtesy of Your Fairy God-Jarvey'--just in time for the first anniversary of that story's posting! *hugs Harm*
(I also have to admit that 'mostly harmless' may not be the most apt description of a member of the Mad Chatters...)
Finally, I just have to say... Storyville. If you were there, you know what I mean.Reviews for His Succubus
ooh, spooky!
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
Thank you! I think I felt cold the whole time I was writing it...
This sis so sad and moving. wow. Narcissa, seeking to bear a child as a ghost! It's odd that Harry doesn't consider sex with Narcissa's ghost cheating on his wife... errie
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
Thank you. I must have cleaned out a particularly chilling closet in the mansion of my mind the night I wrote this one. It all came to my mind as images, with no explanations as to why each character behaves as they do.
As you observed, Harry's thought processes are odd, and Narcissa doesn't act like an HP ghost, either. I don't think I will ever be able to decide if it all was 'real,' or Harry's guilt-ridden hallucination.
*hands over a blanket to stave off the eerie chill*
I would have never guessed the last line. Interesting and intriguing. But it makes some wicked sense that Narcissa would 'haunt' Harry and use the most powerful wizard around for her own needs. This however feels like a first chapter, rather than a one-shot. Any chance of continuing it?
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
I truly had nothing more in mind when I wrote this--especially as the piece itself arose in my mind rather like a haunting, compelling me to write it down to exorcise the eerie images. I prefer Narcissa alive and snarking, and Harry finding healing, getting on with his life, and learning to confide in others--however unrealistic either of those desires might be within the context of canon.In all honesty, I've never decided to my own satisfaction whether this is 'really' Narcissa (an actual ghost) or just a vivid hallucination... a product of Harry's various guilts and traumas manifesting in a form he can deal with (albiet a rather disturbing one).Thank you kindly for reviewing.
Wow! Awesome snapshot! Gave me shivers it did! Missy
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
*bows* Thank you kindly! Your review (and shivers) are much appreciated.
Don't know what to say...
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
Yeah... this one's a bit of a departure from my usual fluff. All I can say is that the final lines of it popped into my head, accompanied by a feeling of cold and eerie, frosty images...Thank you once again for taking the time to review!
Poor Harry and Narcissa... Thank you for a powerful tale!
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
*bows deeply* You are most welcome. Thank you for the kind words.
Interesting story.
I like the atmosphere you created. It was weird to see the Drama genre in something you wrote... you did it great.
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
Thank you kindly! Every once in a while, I can be weird in a genre other than comedy. :)I am glad the atmosphere came through--it's a cold night here, and yet I get colder still thinking about those two...
You wrote drama, and I love it! The fic was shocking, especially at the end. Where'd you come up with this?
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
Is this where I jump out and yell 'Surprise!' ?I know... not my usual fare! But I do have one other drama piece up, so not entirely out of left field. Usually I do keep the serious stuff to myself, for fear of bringing anyone down.As for the ending, it just sort of popped into my head one day, in all its chilly eerieness, and demanded I write the rest. I'm glad you enjoyed it--and that the shock came through, as it did when the image abruptly occured to me. :)
That was very interesting. a brilliant ending, one i would have not guessed my self.
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
Thank you--I'm glad it came across well. :)
Ohhhh... wow. that was great! I never saw it coming and I love it!!!
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
Thank you! It rather surprised me, when the end part of it just sort of popped into my head one day... obliging me to write the rest. *shiver*
What a (literally) haunting piece. This was lovely. Thank you for sharing.
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad the atmosphere came across.
That was... intense...
I'm a bit at a loss for words, really. What about Lucius? Did he die, too? I confess I'm a bit dazed by this, it made me shiver when I read the end.
Good job!
Response from dracontia (Author of His Succubus)
To be honest, I didn't think it mattered whether or not Lucius was alive. Even if he were, I somehow can't imagine Narcissa going to him with her... need... since it was his involvement with Voldemort that caused her death and Draco's.Which brings up an interesting question... Is she a real ghost--or are these recurring incidents all an intense figment of Harry's tormented imagination, condensed into one manageable phantom?I'm afraid I have no answers. Just the sudden, intense mental image that inspired this story. Thank you kindly for reviewing.