New Chapter for Ashwinder
DawnEB10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
Hermione is Snape's captive in Voldemort's Lair. Sound familiar?
Post HBP. Not a happy tale.
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About DawnEB
Member Since 2005 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 31 | 236 Reviews Written | 276 Review Responses
55 year old UK female with nothing better to do with her time than read fanfic (and occassionally d(r)abble a little herself). Married with 3 kids (two girls and a boy, 22, 18 & 14 years). Been with husband Brian for *gulp* 30 years; we met digging up bodies in the same cemetery - seriously :}
Reviews for Ashwinder
Did it work? Did this unblock your WIP trouble? I liked how the story lead the reader to think it was evil!snape when in fact he was saving her. I like to be fooled
Response from DawnEB (Author of Ashwinder)
I love ambiguity and twists in stories (probably explains my obsession with Snape). I'm glad you liked the story :)Sadly, the WIP remains stalled, although I have recently decided to go back to writing fanfic after dropping out for a while. I'm hoping to put a few scraps up on LJ soon for some opinions, try and get myself motivated.Thanks for the review
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
I did not realize you were on LJ. Same user name?
Response from DawnEB (Author of Ashwinder)
No, on LJ (and DeviantArt) I'm eoforyth, but I tend to witter on about my kids and aches & pains more than anything else, I'm afraid.
Good luck on breaking your block ... I thoroughly enjoyed this.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Ashwinder)
Thanks, and there are a few trickles seeping around the blockage :)
WHAT! Sometimes I seriously wonder about you authors who leave things as oneshots! Some are just meant to be that way, but others just scream to be continued. Hint, hint . . . Okay, so I like it as a oneshot, but it does have that potential . . .
Response from DawnEB (Author of Ashwinder)
Had me fooled there, for a second....No happy ending? I think not.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Ashwinder)
OMG! ::starts chanting:: Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Please, oh please don't just leave Severus to Voldemort's oh-so-tender mercies!!!!!
Response from DawnEB (Author of Ashwinder)
I have too much else I have to work on to even think... about... watches plotbunny scurry furtively across floor ... a sequel.Don't worry about Severus, he had plans to save himself. His biggest worry would be explaining things if Hermione didn't keep herself out of sight after her escape plot bunny sits up and washes its whiskers.
Thats pretty cool. I like how he manages to save her. its a very interesting, and clever idea.
The story is also very good!
Response from DawnEB (Author of Ashwinder)
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Nice, and very original. Thanks for sharing.
Response from DawnEB (Author of Ashwinder)
And thank you for the first review :)
Great story, it needs an ending but that doesn't matter, you have given your readers enough, so that they can finsh it any way they want, in their minds of course.
Wow! That is some great dabbling, I wish I could dabble like that, I really enjoyed this, and I like the fact that Hermione escaped. Well, well done :)