New Chapter for The Plushie Problem
The Plushie Problem
PlaidPooka35 Reviews | 35 Ratings, 0 Likes, 72 Favorites )
An extraordinary accident in Transfiguration class forces substitute teacher for the day, Severus Snape, to take a fresh look at one of his more annoying students. Takes place during book six.
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for The Plushie Problem
Lol. That was great. Now I was a giant pink flamingo.
OMG madly, wonderfully funny
When I first read the description of this story, I didn't think I'd like it. Fluffy pink flamingo, indeed... But, having just finished 'The Price of Madness', and looting through your treasure trove of tales; I thought I'd give it a chance. Boy oh boy, am I glad I did! It was a great read, from the beginning in the classroom with the conspiring students, through the middle with the discoveries, hope, and pink fuzzy penis! (lolz), all through to the ending kiss and point deduction. What a wonderful short story! Truely enjoyable and definately re-readable! Simply marvelous, Pooka. If you do this well with fan-fic and challenges, I'm sure your own original work is sure to be a smashing success. B R A V A ! ! !
Utter brilliance.
That's all I can say.
Complete, utter, undeniable, unquestionable brilliance.
Brilliant story! I absolutely loved it!What a creative and witty writer you are!
Bloody Brilliant! Tears of laughter are still running down my cheeks. This story has also managed to make me feel mushy inside...........grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
HAHA!!! Probally one of the funniest things I've read in a long time:)
Reading the prompt I was shocked - but I decided to trust the women from the know-it-alls-blog who reced your strory! And I enjoyed it! Thank your for that fluffy piece (sorry for the pun). And I really, really admire your writing skills to make something atrocious into something nice must be horribly hard!
I'm in awe -- I'll admit the premise had my teeth a bit on edge! But what an appealing result; it gave me the warm (pink) fuzzies :) . I liked the hopeful but still ambiguous ending. After all, it's one heckuva strange way to begin a relationship! But there are possibilities, and you left them open. Nice.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
Lol! When I first saw that premise, I thought, "what in the world am I going to do with that?" But then I decided that it was right up my alley, after all. I'm so glad that you enjoyed it, and that you liked the open ending. Some folks complained about that, but I couldn't see that Severus and that Hermione suddenly leaping into bed. Thanks so much! :)
Terminally cute, and cut too short. Good job, Pooka!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
Lol! I've gotten such complaints about where that ends, but I think it suits the fic. Thanks so much! :)
Adorable. Poor Snape, of all the ignominious forms to take - a plush toy ;) Very entertaining tale.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
Thank you! :)
Such a lovely story! You created a truly ingenious response to what was, in true Hogwarts Honey fashion, a diabolical request. Laugh-out-loud in some parts, angsty and very touching in others. I love your Snape, I think you explore a facet of his (possible) personality which is often overlooked, the yearning/socially inept/aware of his limitations part. I really enjoyed this!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
I have to say that I'm a big sucker for a yearning Snape. Then, of course, I like to drop what he's yearning for right into his lap. *giggle* I'm so glad that you got a kick out of it; it was big fun to write! Thanks! :)
Now that I'm home from work I wanted to expand on my thoughts from earlier -- you made me late, btw ;)
What I loved here -- and in PoM -- is how you infuse Severus with a hopeful sweetness that I typically do *not* believe to be a part of his makeup. It works, somehow, when you write it because it's simply because of his needing to quell that hopefulness that he comes off as so snarky -- which is totally believeable! And perhaps just a touch of that Pooka magic. I'm not a big one for brown-nosing authors, but seriously, your stories manage to be compelling without dipping into darkness, sweet without sickening, sexy instead of raunchy, *and* absolutely lovely. As stated earlier.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
You were late because of me! Now that's quite a compliment! I'd say that I was sorry...but I'd be lying, I'm pleased as punch! ;) Your comments about my Snapes mean a lot to me. I do my best to let the man be human without turning him into some soppy idiot frolicking through a field of daisies. Thank you so much for your kind words! :)
That was a really cute story! I'm curious to see if there is any more.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
That's all I plan to write of this one, I'm afraid. I like it as a one-shot. Thanks! :)
Great little story! Very sweet, with the endnote of hope.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
Thank you so much! :)
Okay, I confess I didn't read this over on the exchange, because anything that changes someone into a plushie makes me wary - not my normal preferred reading!
But, it's you, so I decided to chance it. And I'm glad I did! Very funny yet very sweet - exactly what I like about your work. Thanks for a great read!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
Believe me, when i read that premise, I was a bit taken aback as well! But it ended up being big fun to write. I try my best to mix a little humanity in with my humor. I'm glad that you like that. Thanks! :)
That was absolutely lovely :)
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
Thank you so much! :)
I want more SS/HG from this story. I want to know that Severus gets Hermione for forever, but I guess I could just imagine it huh? Thanks for writing this story it was both funny and sweet.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
I did rather leave things up to the imagination, didn't I? Thanks! :)
Poor, dear Professor Snape! However will he over come such a traumatizing experience? Remus would probably offer him chocolate... *grin* cute little story, Pook! A nice bit of fluff this evening! Sometimes I wonder where you get your ideas... but then, I decide not to question my good fortune, and simply read where your good ideas take me! *hugs* GG
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
Lol! The mind of a Pooka is a cluttered and dangerous place! I don't know where I get my ideas either! :D Thanks, love! :)
Ha ha ha... this is adorable! Great job!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
Thank you! :)
I liked this story. It was a fitting ending, but are you going to do more?Red
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
I don't plan to expand it. But sometimes I like to think of it as a sort of prequel to PoM. :D Thanks! :)
OMG!! I love you!! I have never laughed and smiled so much while reading a story. First Snape as a flamingo, That visual alone was enough to send me into fits of laughter. Ahh, but the bits that made me smile and sigh happily were when Severus decided to take this chance to get and know Hermione better. Especially when she used him as a giant teddy bear. Loved every second. As always you never fail to entertain.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! I don't think I've ever had such fun answering a challenge. Thanks, NQ! :)
I saw this over at the SS/HG Exchange a few weeks ago, but couldn't figure out how to review.
I wonder how long it will take Hermione to realize tht Snape saw her naked. And I'm so glad you restored Snape's "nonexistent cock" -- future stories would be sooo boring without it. Hilarious and charming!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of The Plushie Problem)
Ha! Well, at least it isn't pink and fuzzy! The review feature was turned off over at the exchange archive until after all of the stories were posted under the correct authors. But it's back on now. Thanks so much! :)