New Chapter for Mister Mom
Mister Mom
zambonigirl19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 1 Like, 37 Favorites )
When Hermione goes to a Charms Symposium, Snape must deal with their three children, and one of them is just as Slytherin as he is!
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About zambonigirl
Member Since 2005 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 67 | 95 Reviews Written | 154 Review Responses
Reviews for Mister Mom
I ADORED this story so much! It had my Daddy!Snape heart rolling with laughter and cooing and ahhhing as well. :) Loved all of the children, especially Fortuna (bless her!). Thank you for giving Severus such a loving, fun-filled family.
snape was awesomein telling remus and tonks off.
I was in a weird mood the other day and wanted to read a few Snape with children stories. This one helps scratch that "itch". *smirk* So, I sat down this morning, with tea in hand, and nearly spewed the herbal essence across my computer screen when I read the first line of this chapter. "Daddy! I'm done! Come wipe my butt!" The visual of this will have me chuckling for quite some time. Thanks for staring my day out with a good laugh.
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I really loved writing this story.
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I really loved writing this story.
Why do I feel the suden urge to grin?
Poor Severus, three bad cases of Dragon Pox. And that sneaky daughter of his on top of that. She's quite a pain in the arse if you're able to read her intentions. Daddies and their little girls.. never understood THAT special bond. Lovely, love fic, though.
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
Quite honestly, I don't think she's any worse than any other girl her age. Maybe a little more devious, but she just loves her daddy, and doesn't get to see him that often, so she milks every oportunity. And yeah, who could possibly understand what it's like to either wrap daddy around your little finger, or to be wrapped around your daughter's little finger? It's a mystery...
Waiting for the ending on this one!
I can relate--I've had weeks and months like this weekend SS is having. LOL
No lie, I felt exactly like Fortuna during most of my childhood, only with my little brother. Always responsible for the mess and never ANY thanks for the help. And I know for a bloody fact they liked the boy better because my mother told me that was the bias in the culture. Well I hope Fortuna kicks ass in this story! Write on!
LOve the internal thoughts of Fortuna you have here. That could easily turn into a whole story all by itself. LOL. Nice job with torturing poor Snape. Gotta love leaving a man home with the kids for the weekend. :)
i think hermione and Fortuna need to talk and need some big time mother and daughter time. any 6 yr old is going to think her mom hates her when she is sented with her dad all the time. i' am just like my mom and she never sent me with my dad on a shoping trip.
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
Children are virtually incapable of seeing life in the gray shades that adults do. Children don't understand "slightly unhappy" or "mildly amused". They either love or hate, are happy or sad. That's why children shout things like "I hate you!" and "You're the meanest mommy I ever had!" after being chastened. And since the child feels that she hates her parent after a scolding, the parent must then, in the child's thinking, also hate her. As for the shopping, the parents only split up on big shopping trips, Fortuna spends most of her time with her mother. That's why this story exists. If Fortuna spent most of her time with her father, he wouldn't have such a hard go of things, would he?
I just love this story, Zambi! I'm so glad that you've finished it! The dragon pox made me giggle, especially the drooling. I also think that you've done a great job with your Snape. You've managed to make him a caring father and still delightfully Slytherin. Good job! :)
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
I'm glad I finished it, too. Thanks for being such a great cheerleader for this one! Now go write some more Madness! (just kidding) (kind of)It's been my biggest fear that I've butchered Snape, so thanks for saying that about him. I hope he doesn't try to hex me, still...
Response from PlaidPooka (Reviewer)
If he hexes you, it's your own fault for leaving him so in character! If he was lovey-dovey Snape, he'd never hex you!I'm writing more, even as we speak. You should write more too!
Lovely fic! What a great dad he is too.I wonder if he's available at the end of June for a weekend? Either Severus or at a pinch Remus and Tonks would do. Great writing with good dialogue and understanding of how kids think. Fortuna could be my daughter at the same age! She didn't want to share daddy either! Brilliant. LOL
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
I don't have kids myself, so writing them was a bit frightening. I think that's why I took on this challenge, to see if I could do it, even if I did butcher Snape in the process. Thanks for the review and the flowers! I gratefully accept them.
I know this is posted on other sites. I've never opened it. Today, it called me. I read it start to finish and LOVED it. How funny. I really think you did a beautiful job. Thanks for sharing your talents with us! Now, if you're in a good mood, could you please continue sharing your talents and update 'Hermione Walks into a Bar' on Ashwinder. I am DYING to see how that plays out! PLEASE!!!!! PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP... AND A CHERRY TOO!!!!
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
I got ahold of Michmak the other day, and we discussed WIB. We know we need to continue it, and I need to get it posted here, as well. It's a great story, and I'd hate to see it abandoned. Maybe she and I can finally get cracking on it soon. We've both been so very busy. Thanks for the review. Glad you liked my strange little romp.
Response from mugglemomof3 (Reviewer)
Oh, BTW, I wanted to let you know that you expressed his frustation perfectly, if not being a little easy on him. I am the mommy (read 'primary care giver') to 3 little ones who all had the chicken pox ( a milder form of muggle Dragon Pox) all together during this past Easter while hubby was out of the country. Unfortunately, I had no Tonks and Remus to call. I guess, based on that experience, I felt a deeper connection and love for this fic than most. Just thought you ought to know. Did I mention how perfect it all was???? Oh, and I'm happy WIB isn't abandoned. I reread it start to finish again recently just because its just so cute. I'm looking forward to seeing that update.Thanks again for sharing your marvelous talents with us!!!!!
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
Oh no! Bless your heart! Just like Snape, weren't you? I'm sorry that there was no werewolf to pull over and help you. I wouldn't have had him in this story, if it wasn't part of the requirements. Actually, I would have gotten extra "Points" if the kids had gone on to St. Mungo's, but I couldn't do that to him, or Hermione.
This was great, and such a lovely ending--Severus talking himself into being happy about a 4th baby! Thanks so much for this entertaining story!
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
Poor Fortuna, though. Mummy really did come back from Lativa with another baby, she just doesn't know it yet! Thanks for reviewing.
LOL, again! Oh, god... LOL!!! Thanks! This is great comic relief!
LOL!!! Oh. my. goodness. Priceless!
That's very funny. Poor Severus. Though I wonder why he choose Tonks of all people... update soon.
Glad to see this updated. Looking forward to the next part.
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
Thanks! I'm hoping I can get it done today. It'll be the final chapter.
Heh-heh! Well, I don't know if Tonks and Lupin will tell Hermione about it, and if the kids tell her she'll figure it out and laugh. Maybe. Glad to hear Severus is still doing well with three sick kids. Thanks for updating - new chapter soon? Waffles soon?
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
I've just about got the final chapter written. Then I can move on to other things! I have the beginning of something completely different written, too. Thanks for the review!
ohh, this chapter name is a Johnny Cash song, isn't it? I love him! And I love this fic, very cute! :D I don't think Fortuna will be too happy about this new baby though... ;)
Cute story so far. I'm a big fan of Severus Snape and I like the type of father you made him. Fortuna is adorable. I have to say I think Tiberius would be my favorite. LOl. What was the tatoo/scar on Snape's back you mentioned? Hope you update soon. Its a great story so far.
Response from zambonigirl (Author of Mister Mom)
Well, the scar is from Fortuna's perspective, but I would assume that he received it during one of the wars. I put that part in because I used to love to play with this scar of my brothers that was really squishy. He got it when he fell on a bolt, puncture wound. I didn't know that when I was little, I just loved the way it moved around. I now know that it's called a Keloid scar and is a benign sort of growth that plastic surgeons have to deal with a lot. (Thank you, Dr. Jan Adams, you sexy man, you!)