New Chapter for Eternity
LariLee6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Waiting in line can be eternity, but for the Reverend Barry Selwell, eternity is just getting started.
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About LariLee
3 Stories | Favorited by 4 | 3 Reviews Written | 11 Review Responses
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Reviews for Eternity
that was almost to good. I'm not sure if it was intentional, (I'm sure it was though) but in light of the whole priest/alter boy disgrace i thought the pedophile note was gold.
Yes, pretty sobering reminder and very well written. Love and serve your neighbors. Are you as tired of all the polarized, hate filled posts going around too?
You know, I just love this story more every time I read it. *giggles happily*
(OMG these emoticons are awesome! Make sure you check them out!! You know you want to...
Response from LariLee (Author of Eternity)
Thanks! But why would I care about emoticon?
I'd never use one.
Okay, i want to use them all!
Terrific touch! And thanks again!
Recent developments made me think of this tale I've read some time ago - and here I see it posted.Very thought-provoking.
Response from LariLee (Author of Eternity)
Thank you, apisa! I wanted to make people re-think things. In this country, so many TV preachers make their way by saying it's okay to hate certain groups. Obviously, I disagree. :-D<br>~Lisa
The reverend's arrogance kept me shaking my head and wide-eyed. And just as I was about to swear properly at the screen, you wrote in the best bit of retribution. Oh, how I would love to watch that man suffer.
Response from LariLee (Author of Eternity)
Thank you so much,
Response from LariLee (Author of Eternity)
! :-) I think he probably made Hell much more like it's supposed to be due to his practice making hell on earth. I'm so glad you liked this!~Lisa
Your outlook is wonderful. I agree with you, thank you.