Chapter 5
Chapter 5 of 17
nogod1215After nearly being killed by her husband, Hermione returns to Hogwarts. (Ultimately a SS/HG, but starts out a little different.)**NOW COMPLETE**
ReviewedDISCLAIMER::: Everything you recognize belongs to JKRowling and Warner Bros. I just love them so much I wanted to play with them a little.
Summary::: While in Hogsmeade, Hermione remembers the night she almost died.
New Beginnings
Chapter Five
For being only the third week in January, the weather was surprisingly warm as Hermione made her way towards Hogsmeade. She was supervising the first trip since the students had returned for the term, and she was faintly aware that she had not even set foot in the town since that horrid day four months ago.
That day, the weather had been unseasonably cold for mid-September. She had just walked in the door of the tiny cottage she lived in, after spending the day shopping for their dinner with Bill that evening, when she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head. Dropping her groceries she grabbed her wand out of her back pocket, but her wrist was grabbed in an iron-tight grasp before she could level it on her attacker.
"I have told you countless times to NEVER point that thing at ME," growled the voice that made her cringe. "Now, you will have to be punished for disobeying me."
With that said, Ron backhanded her across the face hard enough to bring her to her knees. She tried to crawl away, but he grabbed her by her long hair, and dragged her across the room. She clutched at his hand and kicked her legs.
"Please, Ron! Don't do this! Not today! I have to cook dinner. Bill will be here tonight for dinner. You know he always comes on Saturdays," Hermione pleaded with her husband.
"Shut up, wench! You know fighting your punishment only makes it worse."
He was dragging her down the hall now. He stopped briefly to open the bedroom door, then pulled her inside. Bending low, he grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her to her feet. Once she was up, he pushed her toward the bed.
"You know what happens when you pull your wand on me."
His eyes held nothing but pure fury.
"Get on the bed."
Hermione paused a little too long, and he slapped her again.
This time she was quick to respond. She climbed onto the double bed and lay flat on her stomach. Tears started to build in her eyes as she felt him move in behind her. She heard him unfasten his belt, and he lifted her skirt. As he grabbed her hips, she blacked out.
When she came to it was dark outside. She was lying on the floor, and he was snoring in the bed. Slowly she took inventory of herself, and realized, that considering what he had just done to her, she was relatively unharmed. Kneeling, she quietly straightened her clothing and crawled out off the room. She needed to send Bill an owl, to let him know that dinner was canceled. There was no way she could make it through hours of laughing and joking with her husband's oldest brother tonight. One look at the black eye she knew had formed on her face, and he would know that something wasn't right.
'It's funny really,' she thought, as she crawled out of the room. 'I've only been out of the hospital three days, and already I wish I was back there.' At this, she actually chuckled softly.
Once she was out of the room, she slowly closed the door behind her and stood. Her legs ached from crawling, and she was a little wobbly as she made her way back down the hall and into the kitchen. She quietly opened a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a quill and piece of parchment, and quickly wrote a brief note to her brother-in-law telling him they had to cancel dinner, making the excuse that something had come up last minute at work. That was the usual excuse, and she knew he would accept it without question. Rolling the parchment, and tying it with a small piece of twine from the drawer, she walked into the front room, where Pigwidgeon's cage was and pulled him out. He hooted softly, and she tied the note to his leg, but when she turned to take him to the window she collided with a hard object. Freezing, she looked up into the once kind eyes of her husband and shrieked. Throwing her arms out, she caused Pigwidgeon to fly into the air. He then came to rest on Ron's shoulder.
"What is this, my dear?" he asked, pulling the note off the tiny owl's leg. He placed the bird back in its cage. "A note to your lover? Or perhaps a note begging that Slytherin sneak to come rescue you. I always knew you would go crawling to him the moment you thought you could leave me!"
Ron's voice was fierce, but his eyes were much worse. He glared at her as if she were nothing to him. It broke her heart to know that she loved him so much when he hated her so. She continued to stare into his eyes as he spoke horrible words to her, things that she had never known could be spoken anywhere but perhaps hell itself. But then again, this house was as close to hell as she had ever been.
"What are you staring at? Do you dare to challenge me?" Ron was screaming at her now. She held her eye contact with him too long. She knew better than that.
'He will be angry now, if he hadn't been before. Damn, what had I been thinking? That's right, I hadn't.' Hermione thought as she watched his hand rise to her again. She tried to turn away from the blow, but he was too fast. His hand made contact, and she dropped to the ground again.
"You thought you could just run off," he growled and hit her again, but with a closed fist this time.
She started to crawl, scrambling with all her might to get away, to get anywhere but here. She felt his booted foot as it came into contact with the back of her right thigh, and she rolled to the side as the leg gave a little. Righting herself quickly she crawled faster. Making it to the kitchen, she tried to escape. He followed her and kicked her again, this time in the ribs of her left side. This time she rolled all the way over on to her back, and he kicked once again at her side. She heard more than felt the sickening crack of the bones breaking. Screaming, she tried to roll away, but he dropped to his knees and grabbed her hair. Pulling her head up toward him, he punched her in the nose. Then again, in the left cheek, shattering the bone there also. Hermione was screaming, and he continued to hit her.
"You will NEVER challenge ME in MY home again. Do you hear me?" he ranted. "NEVER AGAIN!"
All the while, Hermione screamed, as he continued to strike her. When he landed a heavy blow to her jaw, her screaming stopped as she blacked out once more from the pain.
The next thing she remembered was waking up at St. Mungo's and being angry that she was still alive. Harry had been at her bedside and explained how Bill had found her and brought her here. He explained that Ron had been captured and banished from the Wizarding World for crimes against society and spousal abuse. He was never allowed to return, and was only allowed to see his family for a few hours once a month in Muggle London. Of course, under heavy guard from Aurors to prevent him getting a hold of a wand and doing something drastic. She had been so grateful that the nightmare of the last ten years was over, that she had cried herself to sleep and slept for nearly three days.
When she finally woke up again, her Healer had explained to her that she would need some time to recover her strength. She would be staying until she could breathe without pain and walk without limping. It seemed that Ron had broken the bone in her right thigh, and her broken ribs had punctured one of her lungs. Both injuries would heal best with time, rather than charms or potions.
It was a full two months before she left St. Mungo's and went to stay, at Harry's insistence, with Harry and Draco. She had been fired from her job, for missing so much time, and had no money to rent a place until she found another. She still had the cottage, whose rent was paid up till the first of the year, but had absolutely no desire to return to the place she had almost died.
Hearing her name being called, Hermione snapped out of her memories. She turned around to she who had spoken her name and found herself staring into the eyes of a man with red hair that reminded her of another. Gasping at the sight, she fainted.
AN::: As always, I would like to thank my betas Pixie and Allison. Without them this story would be junk. In the next chapter Hermione has an encounter with a Weasley.
AN2::: IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW ARE BEING ABUSED Physically,mentally, or emotionally you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799 SAFE (7233)
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Latest 25 Reviews for New Beginnings
237 Reviews | 5.8/10 Average
So sorry to read that you had to write this from real life experience. Nobody should have to go through anything like this. This story is so plausible it is frightening, and I guess we now know why. I hope writing this helped you and very glad to see you are not in that relationship anymore. Thanks for a compelling read and my thoughts go to you for love and healing for the rest of your life.
Wow! Great story! I wish this kind of thing happened in real life as well - where the abuser/rapist was given the harshest possible sentence and the woman was protected by all means necessary. I like your world in which that happens. Too much of the time of course, the judge gives out a useless restraining order or worse, doesn't believe the person making the charges and she gets killed by her abuser. I can't wait to finish this story. Thanks for writing it.
Very well written! Congratulations for having the courage to leave your ex! That takes a LOT of strength and determination to do, so kudos to you!
ii do love when ron gets smacked down i have always felt JKR never shouldhave married ron and hermione!
Thank you so much. It's a great story and really well written. I had enjoyed it up to the point that you mentioned your personal experience. That knocked the wind out of me to be honest.
It's hard to believe how cruelly people can treat each other. Hope writing brings you some relief. x
Really liked the story, just one thing bothers me greatly. On your warnings list, you have BDSM listed, and nothing in your story is true BDSM. I would ask that you research what true BDSM is before trying to pass off rape and sickness as something that has nothing to do with it. Yes, BDSM is different than regular sex, but everything is consentual, no one is taken against their will and forced into acts they don't want to be in. There are numerous safety guildlines used in almost all places, and while, yes sometimes things happen, and someone gets hurt, its not rape, not anger or hate or violance in any way shape or form. BDSM gets a bad rep because of luntics that use it as an excuse to be sick and hurt others without their consent, and polute something that can be truely beautiful. And yes, there are a lot of things claiming to be BDSM, that are not really truely about the power exchange that happens in a BDSM relationship. So again, please consider researching BDSM and try to understand why rape and violance has nothing to do with healthy BDSM. Thank you for a wonderful story.
Response from nogod1215 (Author of New Beginnings)
Response from nogod1215 (Author of New Beginnings)
,Thank you for your comments in your review. I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond, but I kinda lost the password to this acct and it took me forever to find it again.As far as your concerns about me equating BDSM with rape, I would like to first say that No BDSM isnt rape when performed in its proper fashion. However, there are many people in the world who see tieing your girlfriend to the bed posts and have consentual sex with her as just as perverse as rape. I personally am not one of these people.Second, I am sure you have come across authors who over rate and over warn just to be on the safe side. This is what I have done. I would rather warn someone of BDSM to prepare them for something they might not be interested in then to not warn them for it and get blasted or even removed from the site by the mods.I am sorry you feel that I was demeaning a lifestyle and those who participate in it. I did not mean to offend, just to caution.Thank you,nogod1215
Response from AlanaVawn (Reviewer)
Thank you for clearing that up. I understand over rating a story rather than underrating and getting the story pulled. I feel strongly about this, because I've been on both sides, raped and in the lifestyle. They couldn't be more different. It would mean the world to me and other if you would be willing to write a note at the bottom, disclaiming that what was written isn't bdsm, it's pure rape. This would again, mean alot to me and also clear up any possible confusion. :) Thank you again!Alanavawn
Response from nogod1215 (Author of New Beginnings)
Response from nogod1215 (Author of New Beginnings)
,I changed the warnings to not include the BDSM warning. If the mods want to contact me about it I will deal with it then.nogod1215
Response from AlanaVawn (Reviewer)
THANK YOU! I really appreciate that you did that! I didn't want to ask you to do that, simply because I understand why authors have to be careful about not reporting things, but that's so wonderful of you! Thank you!!!!! :)Alanavawn
A heartfelt Thank you or providing the DV Hotline here. Why not see if anyone around here knows the UK equivalent since we have so many from the Old Country as readers and autors here?
The description of Ron 'giving up' on a job and deiding to booze to make up for it sounds eerily like Marvolo and Morfans Gaunt. Hmmm. Did you pictue that while writing this?
That was a very intense story. Some aspects of the characterization were way off. I don't mean canon off, as in real life reactions off. However, looking beyond that, this was a very intense story.
And so we have reached the end. An excellent story, and painful. both you and I as well as billions of women and millions of men have been through abusive relationships.
Abuse is a sneaky thing and starts out like a small virus. It can be little things at first, Jealousy, extra overprotectiveness, OBSESSION with most, if not ALL aspects of ones life, then it progresses faster from there, usually manifesting in physical abuse. But dont forget! Abuse can be Physical, mental and emotional. Even spiritual (Think REV. JIM JONES) AND men, YES men can be victims too! It does not have to be your partner. It can be a friend, relative etc. Domestic Violence charges can be filed against ANYONE who has abused you in any way. One does not have to be involved in a sexual relationship or even living with the person. Once again the National Domestic Violence Hotline Toll-FREE number is 1(800)799-SAFE (7233). If you or someone you know are being abused or suspect that you or they are, CALL. Help is out there! PLEASE, take it from me and the author of this story's footnote. Remember if they are violent, especially extremely violent, like RON was in here, DO NOT CONFRONT THEM ALONE! It will incite more anger if you are threatining them with leaving or calling the police and could get you seriously hurt or (sorry to say) killed. Wait until you can slip away (but dont wait long!! I left when my EX husband passed out drunk and left that day. He woke up in jail with a lifetime restraining order from me. But mak3e sure once you are gone, you get a close support network of family friends etc. to check up on you until the person gives up or you know its finally over. Unfortunately, a piece of divorce paper and a restraining order did not stop a lady in my town from being shot in the head by her boyfriend. I apologize for being so blunt, but its necessary. Peace be with you.
IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW ARE BEING ABUSED Physically,mentally, or emotionally you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799 SAFE (7233)
Response from nogod1215 (Author of New Beginnings)
I have added this information to the author notes for each chapter... I hope it helps!nogod1215
Ummm, 8 wizards with 8 wands, most of them extremely skilled and they need Harry to trick the resident in #1 to buzz them into the flat? THEN they use the Alohomora to get into #3? Tsk, tsk. The shame! I'm kidding with you!
(figured I could use Ginny for Bill Cos the long hair and another set of redheads for Arthur and Charlie!
Once again the number to The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1(800)799-SAFE (7233)
Once again the number to The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1(800)799-SAFE (7233)
'The number to The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1(800)799-SAFE (7233)
The number to The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1(800)799-SAFE or :(7233)
The number to The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1(800)799-SAFE or :(7233)
Once again, if you are being abused emotionally, mentally or PHYSICALLY, you DONT have to put up with it! There is help out there. The number to The National Domestic (and you dont have to be married or residing together for it to BE domestic violence, it could be your own mother in some cases!) Anyway The number to The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1(800)799-SAFE or :(7233)
~The number to The National Domestic Violence Hotline is Toll-FREE:1-800-SAFE (7233The number to The National Domestic Violence Hotline is Toll-FREE:1-800-799-SAFE (7233)~I agree. Bill would be the best of the Weasels and he DID save her life a few times, and got his bro exiled, BUT it was about ten years too late, dontcha think? Anyone decent wouldnt watch that continue. I like this story because I know how it goes, but I have always had a couple of problems with it. First of all, it is waaaay too OOC for Hermione (even under threat of death, or misguided love) I would know I was abused by 2 different men, that she would have stayed with him after the second beating. Maybe even the first. Her persona is right I just dont find her sticking with Ron feasable. Maybe dull it down to a couple years instead of 10 and have it start out with mild abuse if you want to make the beginning situation more in character. 2. (okay I really have 3 problems:] ) HARRY would NEVER let her go through this for 10 years or even one. He would kidnap her himself just to 'play the hero' or kill Ron in her defense. 3. I DO NOT believe half of the Weasleys would have let this go on at all. Since you need Molly to be a bitch (in canon she would KILL her son herself!!) I understand, BUT Arthur, Bill, Charlie (whenever he's around) maybe the twins and surprisingly but DEFINATELY stick up his arse PERCY would have never let this go on. Percy is so to the letter of the law he would have 500 feet of parchment in notes to hand the minister and lock Ron up himself, just to get ahead!!! OK Im done picking at you. But I have something to say: *TO ALL WOMEN OUT THERE: IF YOU ARE BEING HIT, or called terrible names, or your mate doesnt like you to even go to the store SEEK IMMEDIATE HELP! THERE ARE PLENTY OF HOTLINES FOR BATTERED WOMEN, The number to The National Domestic Violence Hotline is Toll-FREE:1-800-799-SAFE (7233)~~YOU DONT HAVE TO UP AND CALL THE POLICE TO GET HELP, EVEN IF HE/SHE THREATENS TO KILL YOU. I have been there. Dont stay with an emotionak/mental abuser or anyone who hits you, in MY opinion the emotional abuse is worse. PLEASE get help.* AND REMEMBER: Emotional/mental abuse is STILL abuse, it just takes longer to heal from and statistically wont kill you, but I cut my wrists and a friend saved me 5 YEARS after I left the jerk!
Response from nogod1215 (Author of New Beginnings)
I know that canon Hermione would never put up with something like this, but using the Harry Potter characters was a therapeutic way for me to fight my own demons of spousal abuse.nogod1215
not to be a nettle in your side, cos it is semantics, so it does'nt matter: ME<------GRAMMAR FREAK! Hagrid always said 'yeh' when referring to one or more individuals. JK Rowling never had Hagrid use the old english (which I know you weren't meaning it that way, just making his garbled hackney accent) 'Ye'. There was always an 'H' on the end. Sorry Im a butthead, but the story is great, Ive read it once.
Glad to see that Ron got what he deserved.
Gosh, the things that Hermione has put up with, but I know that she is strong and that she will through it--at least I hope so.
I just knew that Ron had to the one to nab Hermione, and I cannot get over Molly helping her git of a son. Wonder chapter as always!
Another awesome chapter! I just knew that Bill was a good man, however, his brother, Ron... not so much.