New Chapter for Time's Treasure: Converging Timelines
Time's Treasure: Converging Timelines
debjunk4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Many wondered what happened to the Hermione that was replaced in the timeline of Time's Treasure. This is her story.
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About debjunk
Member Since 2008 | 76 Stories | Favorited by 271 | 3,083 Reviews Written | 4,563 Review Responses
I am a classically trained singer with three children. I love Star Trek and have watched probably every episode of every series. Favorite HP charaters are Snape and McGonagall. (not as a couple.)
Reviews for Time's Treasure: Converging Timelines
I loved this sequel! I am so glad that Hermione and Severus ended up together in this one too! I was scared when she developed feelings for Perry!
Author's Response: Aww, thanks so much. She can’t help but love Severus, even if he’s different.
Author's Response: Aww, thanks so much. She can’t help but love Severus, even if he’s different.
Hi Deb! I had to go and reread Time’s Treasure all over again, it was so long ago. Still a great story, as is this addition!
Author's Response: Sunny! Hope all is well. Yeah, it was ages ago. Glad you liked the new addition.
I loved the original Time's Treasure and this one is a great companion piece. I enjoyed it very much!
Author's Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the review.
Author's Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the review.
This is an engaging story. I enjoyed it, even though I don't remember Time's Treasure (I read it years ago). Thanks for another good story.
Author's Response: Lol, yeah. It’s definitely a very old story. I’m glad you enjoyed this one as well.