New Chapter for Idiot's Repose
Idiot's Repose
PlaidPooka40 Reviews | 40 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
He'd Avada Kadavra himself if he could move. An Epilogue, what epilogue, in which Severus Snape is not killed by Nagini.
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for Idiot's Repose
I love how you write this pair!
Very nice! (for the record, Poppy's infirmary and Severus' infirmity are two different things...)
Yippee, just as fun the second time around. But sadly it's an hour past my bedtime and I got to work tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story that's so great that I stayed up late reading it again!!
I've already read this over at Ashwinder. But was so happy to see it posted here also that I decided to enjoy it a second time and leave you more happy reviews. The idea of being trapped frozen inside one's own body is truly horrifying. It's the stuff of nightmares as far as I'm concerned.
Well that was nice. Abrupt but nice. Sorry to see you giving up on Potterverse story telling. Good luck with your writing.
Such a wonderful story. Well plotted and well written as always:-)
A lovely ending, thank you.
It is nice to see everyone with a hope and a future... and a bit of peace and calm. Thanks so much for sharing your imagination with us.
I am enjoying this story a lot. Thank you for sharing it
Been reading this while under the weather, so lack of reviews for other chapters has nothing to do with the story and everything to do with me being tired and lazy. I love that her potion worked and that they have a budding relationship forming. I do think the direct approach is best with these two. If there are too many misunderstandings, you would need a lot more than a couple chapters to resolve this thing. Not that I'm complaining about more chapters ...
Poor Severus! Being in the dark and not being able to communicate must be maddening. Still, I hope it works out well in the end.
Oh no! If he is buried alive this would surely be a shorter story, right? Right?! Sigh. Could someone just get Poppy so Severus (and I) can rest easier? Glad to see another new story from you!
This is a fantastic little story! I do hope this will have a happy ending - one in which Severus goes utterly insane with infrequent flashes of lucidity and dies in eighty years would be grim. But I have hope. He is strong and clever.
I'm happy to see a story from you again. You have always been one of my favorite writers and I have several of yours in my favorites. Thank you!
Great story so far!! Oh, I was wondering if you meant to put 'infirmity' where you used "infirmary'? I think maybe you're auto correct changrd the word on you.Can't wait to read the rest of this!!!
Dear sweet Merlin, the mental image of Shape listening to a romance novel is epic!
Really enjoying this so far. So glad to have you posting again.
Sorry you are not feeling the best at the moment, I hope you feel better soon. { I wish the flowers were real } Another wonderful chapter look forward to more soon.
Dear Plaid Pooka:Indeed, NEVER say Never! I do hope that---as this iteration of Severus changed his mind about Hermione, you will change your mind about writing again (and again) in the Potterverse! Do you know what you've done for me? I dragged myself here tonight (after many years' absence) thorougly disheartened and discouraged by life in general, and ran across a notice you'd posted a new tale. Began reading. My dear--by the end of your story, I felt as rejuvenated as your Severus after Hermione's doses of antidote. YOUR stories ARE an "antidote"--to life's stresses and depressors--by lifting us just for a few moments OUT of it all into the magic of your world. PLEASE---NEVER say Never! And THANK YOU for this little uplifting tale--I needed it, so much! What a great Christmas gift (as I just discovered it here at Christmas). You're a love!
Author's Response: Hi Countrymouse! Well, honestly I should never say never, because I totally wrote another story after this one, lol! I'm so happy my story could cheer you up during a hard time. A writer can't ask for anything better than that. Smooches! Pook
Aww, yea for a happy ending for our poor potions master! He definitely moved faster than I figured he would Lol.
I know you said you'll likely not be writing anymore potterverse fics, but I'd love it if you considered adding to this (or a short sequel) in the future! I'd love to hear all about his potions for George, and maybe even see a friendship develop there as well. Thank you for sharing your story with us!
Yay!! He's finally able to tell Potter to sod off, or Neville to stop blathering about his plant, or tell Hermione her loves the voices she uses when she reads to him. ❤
Hmm.. I'm left with the ongoing curiosity I what, exactly, is Hermione's big project? I wonder if they managed to find a journal of Snape's (potions notes, not a personal journal) that described what he'd previously made and taken that's landed him in this predicament?
Poor Snape, falling slowly for Hermione but unable to do a damn thing about it. Or anything else.
Hope he's brought out of it soon!
Yes!! I've been looking for this storey for ages! I started reading it a good while ago then lost it apparently. All I could remember was Snape lying, dying, on a pile of bodies.
This chapter stuck in my head for a very long time. I can't wait to finally see what happens to our hero!
I absolutely loved this one, what a great story!
Pookamypooka!! Loved it! Thanks so much