New Chapter for The Ninth Step
The Ninth Step
Minerva23 Reviews | 23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Hiding in the basement of a church after a raid gone wrong, Severus Snape gets a surprise.
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About Minerva
Reviews for The Ninth Step
I love the exploration of Severus' PTSD and his relationship with his father. We definitely need more stories like this!
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you for your review! I am currently working on a story about how Hermione works to repair her relationship with her parents.
I always like a Severus and his roots story, and this is a lovely one, well done! I like the random way you have them meeting, and the way they work through their relationship. Very nice!
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you!
cute story, I liked to see Severus and his father mending fences, and start a fairly normal relationship again. the ending seemed a bit rushed to me, but that's probably just me. :)
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you for your review! You may be right about the ending. I do not think that their being together is rushed, but the kids may be. I had this metal picture of LM laughing about a Potions master owing a child to a defunct potion ...
Thank you for a brilliant story, it has been a oy to read:-))
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you for your review! Sometimes I come across truly tragic plot-bunnies, but usually only the lighter ones grow up to become stories.
What a lovely story...a bit unrealistic, perhaps, but one of the wonderful things about fiction is that it makes the sort of happy endings that happen so rarely in real life a much greater possibility. I love the idea of Severus throwing his father out (instead of murdering him as some fanfiction writers imagine) and reuniting with him after surviving the war. I also love the idea of Lucius Malfoy becoming more open-minded with regard to Muggles and their technology.
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you for your long review! I have always felt that Tobias Snape must have been a special man to have appealed to a pure-blood witch as Eileen, she hardly would have fancied him if he was an average lad playing darts with his mates (not that there is anything wrong with that, but imo it would not have made him interesting for a witch that presumably has not a lot of contact with Muggles). We do not know anything about their courtship which leaves room for imagination. And alcoholism will do horrible things to a person.
I'm glad that they getting on so well.
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you! I always strive to give Severus some happiness, or at least contentness.
I like the continiuing of this whole idea of Severus and Tobias getting along well. I've never read that before, if there is an amicable bond it's always with Eileen.
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you very much for your review! There is a wonderful story by proulxes where a sober Tobias resurfaces in Australia, you might enjoy that.
Excellent start; can't wait to read more.
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you for your review, the next part is already in queue.
I always enjoy a good "Severus and his muggle roots" story, and I look forward to reading more from you!
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you very much! The following two parts are already in queue.I do enjoy these stories too and found some very lovely and/or funny ones. For example Severus & IKEA, Severus & Glamrock and even one Severus & ABBA (shudder - might be the real reason for joining the DEs ...)
Response from Who (Reviewer)
The mind boggles at SS/ABBA. *Scurries off to google*
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
I think it was a story about Sev and Lily's childhood, with them listening to her ABBA-single.
hmm, interesting start to the story so far, I'm always interested in how differently people imagine his relationship with both parents. please update soon!
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you! I like about the Snape-family that there is a lot of room for imagination.
This is an interesting characterisation; I think you've done a nice job imparting your vision of Snape's upbringing and fraught relationship(s).
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you! As Severus in JKR's book is portrayed quite black and white, which is logical as it is from a child's - Harry's - view we read about him, I always felt that there was room for imagination ...
This kinder version of Tobias and Eileen Snape is a refreshing change from how they are usually portrayed. I can really see Toby going to AA meetings, and I'm looking forward to where you go from here.
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you for reviewing! I have felt for a long time that Severus must have experienced some kindness in his childhood. The plot bunny bit when I was re-reading some Matthew Scudder books - voilá!
hmm, interesting start to the story so far, I'm always interested in how differently people imagine his relationship with both parents. please update soon!
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you for your review! The story is finished and betaed, the next part is already in queue.
A great story about redemption and forgiveness. That part was missing in the original tale but thanks to you the end is better. Thank you for writing and sharing.
A lovely story, I love a happy ending, and there are happy endings all around. Thank you
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you, my faithful reviewer!
I'm so glad that Hermione's parents have come around, I always thought it was very brave of her to give up her family in order to keep them safe, she was so young and they were all she had.
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you! Hermione's parents and her relationship with them after the war have had me thinking for a while now. I have even started a story where their making-up is quite difficult. I am stuck at the moment, mainly because a naked Potions master is distracting her from that problem and I really suck at writing such scenes ...
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
I can't blame her for being distracted, just the thought of a naked Potions Master is enough to distract anyone. I will keep an eye out for your new story.
This was wonderful! Thank you
Very nicely done. Thank you so much for sharing. It was lovely.
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you!
The beginning confused me a bit--I had to check to make sure I hadn't skipped a chapter. But it cleared up and all was well. Very enjoyable.
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you! You are right about the story being a bit confusing. I wrote it over a long time and sometimes later scenes before earlier. Going over it when finished it seemed all right to me, but then I do not have a first time reader's view.
This chapter could easily stand alone as a solace/redemption piece. Nicely done.
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you!
Lovely, uplifting story! Melts my ol' grumpiness--enjoyed everyone getting a second chance and building/having a new, more constructive meaning in their lives with moving on to a further level--lovely work!
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you for your thoughtful comments. This story really is one of my special babies and I am glad that it shows.
Lovely development and inclusion of Hermione into his life, as well as her resolving and dealing with her parents in her life. Tobias' 'goodness' is allowed to be explored and be involved in his son's life. Wounds are being healed. Lovely work!
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you very much for your long review! I must confess that I was so caught in writing about Snape Sr. and Jr. that Hermione got a bit pushed aside. Thankfully she is determined enough.
Lovely engaging narrative, love the development from his past relationship with his father to the present one. Lovely work!
Response from Minerva (Author of The Ninth Step)
Thank you for your review!