Chapter 6
Chapter 6 of 6
BellamarThis is my response to the Make-Over SexGod Snape challenge By Southern_Witch_69 & PlaidPooka.
ReviewedAuthors Note’s : This story is Pre-HBP. It is my response to the Make-Over Sex!God Snape challenge by Southern_Witch_69 & PlaidPooka. I’m not following the rules very well, as it is late, and I am going to have a couple of chapters, so please forgive me. I’ve been out of the fan fiction loop lately due to work, so please forgive me and take this little piece of fiction as my peace offering. This is my first attempt at posting anything, so please be kind if you decide to review (which I would really appreciate). Challenge rules are posted at the bottom of the first chapter page. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my wonderful beta, Cocoachristy, for wading through all my mistakes and errors. If any other mistakes are here, then they are completely and totally my fault. I’d also like to thank my dear friend, Anijade, for being at my beck and call whenever I need her.
Disclaimer: This all belongs to JKR. They aren’t mine. I’m just taking them out to dinner and a movie. I promise to bring them back as soon as the houselights come up and the credits begin to roll.
Chapter 6
Glass Pyramid
Hermione spent the rest of her Saturday evening in her quarters alone, reading and relaxing. Her conversation with Minerva had been very insightful, and she now knew that she had completely overreacted to the events the following evening. She had even gone so far as writing a letter, apologizing for something that was completely out of her control. She only hoped that the professor saw it the same way. Seeing as how he was a logical man, she was sure he would.
These thoughts allowed her to find some peace of mind, which allowed her to relax and move on to more pleasant thoughts involving the Potions master. Like how attractive she found him when he was walking through the halls, robes dramatically billowing behind him, and causing the children to scatter about like paper in the wind. The man was terribly intimidating, and for some unknown reason, she found this to be one of the main reasons she found him so appealing. This thought, as well as countless others, floated about her mind as she lay in bed waiting to find slumber.
*** *** ***
It was around seven-thirty on Sunday morning when Severus Snape woke up from a long and peaceful night’s sleep. He took a few minutes to stretch and move about in bed before finally stepping out and walking across his chambers to bathroom. After he relieved himself, he went and stood in front of his mirror. He took a good long look at his appearance. He finally turned and looked away when he was sure nothing had been altered. He wasn’t expecting there to be any change, but one could never be too sure when it came to experimenting with a potion from a beauty enhancement book.
I guess the only way to be sure if it works is to go and test it out on the general public, he thought to himself. Well to be more precise, the female staff of Hogwarts, who had the nerve to insult him the other evening in the staff room.
“They deserve this,” he said out load to himself.
It was going to be fun to see them wiggle and squirm about when they saw him. The best part would be that they wouldn’t be able to understand why they suddenly found him so appealing. It would be their own mind working against them. He had the antidote ready and waiting for him on his nightstand. He would wait and take it whenever he decided that they had had enough. And also when he had the chance to hurt or humiliate each and every one of them.
With that last thought, he began to prepare for the day. He wanted to look his best when he arrived at breakfast that morning. He had a feeling it was going to be a good day.
*** *** ***
Most of the staff and students were already in the Great Hall by the time Professor Snape entered on Sunday morning. It wasn’t unusual to see him enter for breakfast, so there weren’t too many people who took notice. Those few who did notice his appearance were the older female students. They took in his appearance and decided that the professor had changed something about himself. They couldn’t quite put their finger on it, but something was different, and it was having a positive effect his appearance.
A seventh-year Hufflepuff named Saddie Thomas was taking a bite of toast when she saw the professor pass. She was so shocked by his appearance that she choked on the small bite and caused quite a scene at her end of the table. Later that morning when she was sitting with her study group for advanced Transfiguration class, the girl would be completely distracted by thoughts of her Potions professor and his gorgeous Roman nose instead of listening to the others around her discuss the proper wand movements and pronunciation used to turn a thimble into a writing table.
*** *** ***
As Severus made his way to the table, he noticed a few odd stares from the corner of his eye. He wasn’t too concerned about the students. He decided that he would not only want to remove the effects of the Potion on men, but also on women who had still maintained their innocence. He knew that there were many young sixth- and seventh-year girls at Hogwarts who could be considered young women when it came to the identifying compounds in the Potion. By allowing only those who had lost their innocence, he could be sure and remove the majority of female students from the Potions’ effects and leaving only the female staff affected.
As he sat down at his usual spot at the end of the table, he noticed a disturbance at the Hufflepuff table. One of the seventh-year girls was being patted on the back by a concerned friend. And yet, she was staring at him. As he caught her gaze, she looked away, her face turning red from something other than her choking incident.
“Well, I guess they don’t all still have their innocence intact,” he said to himself. “At least I know it works.”
“What was ’at, Severus?” asked the half giant, Hagrid, sitting beside him, thinking that Severus was talking to him.
“Humm? Oh, nothing, Hagrid. I was just thinking out loud.”
“All right. I was just checking.”
Severus began to fill his plate and ate slowly as he attempted to listen to the many different conversations going on around him at the head table. He didn’t usually participate in the everyday banter, and he wasn’t about to start today just to see how the women reacted. So far, he hadn’t heard anything or noticed any difference in the women around him. He knew that they would have to actually look at him for the Potion to take affect, so perhaps they had not seen him yet. Time would give him the results he wanted, and he was patient enough to wait. He was a Potions master after all, watching things come to a boil was his specialty.
Little did he know that all of the women at the head table were already feeling the effects. Each one was currently fighting some kind of mental battle with themselves and the feelings he was invoking them. Well, all but one: Hermione Granger.
Hermione’s head was already filled with thoughts of Severus Snape before coming to breakfast that morning. In fact, it had been filled with thoughts of him for quite some time. Therefore, his appearance this morning had no effect on her whatsoever besides the usual pulse of desire she felt when she saw him, and she was quite accomplished at hiding that by now.
No, Hermione didn’t notice anything different with Severus Snape. What she did notice was the difference in the rest of the women when he entered the Great Hall that morning. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she new she didn’t like it. Somewhere deep inside, her female intuition was kicking in. It was kicking in big time, and a knot of jealousy was beginning to form in the pit of her stomach.
To be continued
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Latest 25 Reviews for Glass Pyramid
20 Reviews | 5.3/10 Average
Oh, the jealous feelings are arising! How will Hermione cope? Will Severus beleive it's the potion?
Uh oh sounds like the potion is having reverse effects on Hermione since she already had a thing for him.
Watch out ladies be prepared to be hexed.
thank you for the wonderful chapters.
waiting for more.
Oh, please continue the story. :) It's very exciting. I can't wait to read more!
Oh! Too short...much too short. Very good, but much too short. Reading on...
Oh, goodie! I'm glad you didn't make Snape many authors do that and I don't think it's very realistic that a guy would go so long without...umm, interest in females.
I really enjoyed this chapter. You write Snape very well. Well done!
Argh! He didn't read the letter! Stupid man! This is marvelous...cliffhangers galore! :) Well done...
Oh, very nice. Intriguing, :). I am very interested to read more. And I found it very funny when Snape--rather petulantly and like a little child--threw out his "insult" to the group of women. THAT was hilarious. Well done!
Ooh, jealous Hermione! So, where's the rest of this story, HMM?~Lotm
Right....Excellent Chapter......*mmmm*.....Lovely concept......*checks chapter again*......Love the Minerva/Hermione chat.......But where, oh where is the next chapter? I love this fic and have waited for an eternity *almost as long as one of Prof Binns History of Magic Lessons* for an update and I NEED MORE!!!!!
Blessings to you and a dozen sugar quills as incentive to your muse *prods muse with a long stick*
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
Ouch! Watch where you are pointing that stick dear. Don’t worry I will have more soon. I had some problems with one of my character. Don’t worry, we’ve worked things out and I should be updating more regularly now. Well, that and the fact that my best friend (who does not read fan fiction) is breathing down my neck wanting more. She doesn’t have a stick but I did take a pillow to the head about two weeks ago. It must have worked because this chapter was born. Thanks so much for reviewing.
Okay...good chapter...but so where's the rest of this story, hmm?~Lotm
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
It's in my head dear. I promise to get more to you soon. This took me a while because I was afraid my Hermione was going to become very OOC. She was heading in a direction I really didn’t like. I set her down and we spoke about her self-esteem issues. We then built up her confidence and now the story is ready to continue. Thanks so much for your review. It is most appreciated. P.S. Congrats on the book deal. I heard about it through the grapevine but I need to know the name so I can purchase it.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
*sigh* I swear, Amazon's gonna make a small fortune off of me... Here's the urls for the first two books; the third and fourth don't have release dates as of yet. (considering that I'm still writing them, I'm somehow not surprised...*snerk*)!~LotmP.S. I will eventually have bookplate stickers available for those who want autographs and are willing to send an SASE--mailing books through the post would be prohibitively expensive, and I figure, "...Meh, if it's good enough for Anne McCaffrey, it's good enough for me!"
Interesting plot, I like Hermione's internal monologue. There's a slight spelling error near the beginning of chapter 2, however when Hermione says 'How could I have been s stupid?'
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
I’m so glad you like it. I hope you find the rest as enjoyable. I’ll go see to chapter 2 now. Thanks so much for the review and the heads up.
mas, por favor...more, please.
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
I posted chapter four and chapter five will be out soon. I hope you like it dear. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.
Chapter. Too. Short. Must. Have. More, please! ~Lotm
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
I’ve written more and I am writing now. Chapter three is with my beta, but I promise to get it out and posted as soon as I can. I’m so glad that you like the story so far. It means a lot to me to have you review something I’ve written because I love your work. Thanks for taking the time to review and I hope you like the rest of the story.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my own review! I can't wait for the next chapter...*plops chin on hands* I love a good romance... This will have a Happy Ending, right? *gentle teasing tone* ;-D ~Lotm
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
This will not only be a happy ending, it will also be a very satisfying ending (at least for Severus). I happen to be very fond of revenge and I believe he is too. J I promise I will begin posting more soon.
Like the start of this. More soon please.
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
Its on the way. Thanks for taking the time to review.
great beginning.
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
Thanks Pickles. I hope you like the rest.
I can't wait to see what Snape thinks about this. :)
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
Its coming is Chapter three dear. Thanks so much for all of the help you’ve given me.
Nice. Good start. Just one problem, though: where's the rest of it?? ~Lotm
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
Its coming soon dear. I promise!
Good start! I can't wait to see what happens when they see each other again.
Response from Bellamar (Author of Glass Pyramid)
Me too! I guess I’ll just have to let them decide. J Thanks for taking your time to review.
"His other features seemed to have been scraped from the bottom of the family gene pool as well."That is so funny, brilliantly phrased. made me think of Oscar Wilde.