New Chapter for The Scrivenshaft's Book
The Scrivenshaft's Book
Pieredaes Muse39 Reviews | 39 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Knowing she is dying a slow and humiliating death, Hermione begins writing to her daughter in the future. Written for Josette in the 2011 SSHG_Exchange.
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About Pieredaes Muse
Pieredaes Muse
Member Since 2010 | 1 Story | Favorited by 2 | 26 Reviews Written | 36 Review Responses
Reviews for The Scrivenshaft's Book
...reading...reading...reading... ~happy sighs~
very good fic. Can you submit the rest in one sitting then the "completed" readers will come? :D
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thanks! I would love to do that, but my school & work schedule is so hectic that it's going to take a little while to edit the remaining chapters.
There's far too much in this chapter to be able to comment on it all! So, they've found a possible cause, but still don't know if they can effect a cure? And what a thing to say to Snape!
Yay! This is becoming both hopeful and exciting!
I'm really enjoying the way this is written - all those little asides to Rose. Your Ron is wonderful.
Goodness. This chapter is both beautiful and harrowing! I have no idea how this story will progress, but I'm already terrified! I'm just hoping your recipient demanded a happy ending...
This is fascinating! I don't usually read WIPs, but it looked interesting, so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm glad I did.
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thank you!!! I'm glad you're enjoying it. For your information, the story was written for the SSHG Exchange, but it has been taking me some time to edit it. Hopefully, the entire story should be updated by July.
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thank you!!! I'm glad you're enjoying it. For your information, the story was written for the SSHG Exchange, but it has been taking me some time to edit it. Hopefully, the entire story should be updated by July.
What an interesting epistle filled chapter. Did you really search Wikipedia for the cycad information? I usually take what I find there with a grain of salt and look for other references, both on- and off-line, to back up what I find. ^_^
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Oh boy, did I research!!! There are so many websites of exotic plant nurseries selling cycads, journals, and books... Two books in particular that I found useful were Cycads of the World and Oliver Sack's Island of the Colorblind. While I did check with Wikipedia, it's mentioning here serves two purposes: first, to give a very concise summary of the toxins, and secondly, as a sort of comic relief. I thought Hermione, a child raised on encyclopedias and thick tomes, would view Wikipedia with more than a little askance and fascination. This whole story required so much research, from the location of different parks in Cambridge to the various species in the different forests of Australia, in order for certain plot points to work.
Response from MsTree (Reviewer)
Well, I certainly can't fault the research. ^_~
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Oh boy, did I research!!! There are so many websites of exotic plant nurseries selling cycads, journals, and books... Two books in particular that I found useful were Cycads of the World and Oliver Sack's Island of the Colorblind. While I did check with Wikipedia, it's mentioning here serves two purposes: first, to give a very concise summary of the toxins, and secondly, as a sort of comic relief. I thought Hermione, a child raised on encyclopedias and thick tomes, would view Wikipedia with more than a little askance and fascination. This whole story required so much research, from the location of different parks in Cambridge to the various species in the different forests of Australia, in order for certain plot points to work.
Response from MsTree (Reviewer)
Well, I certainly can't fault the research. ^_~
Well, at least Severus has acquiesced to let Hermione do something. I realize this is probably a big step for him in some ways! I also see something that kind of bothers me. Hermione is writing to her daughter, but she doesn't seem to be comfortable enough to let her guard down in her writing. It doesn't come across as though she's writing to a child. The choice of words and phrases seems so overly formal in some spots and grandiose in others. Telling her daughter Ron wrote her an epistle, for instance. It's not familiar informal language. Does she mean for these letters to be saved for posterity, or published at some point?
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
That is an excellent point. This is not a journal you would give to a four-year-old girl. However, Hermione is writing not only to Rose in the present, but Rose in the future. I don't know if I exactly stated this exactly in the prologue, but Hermione is estimating that Rose will receive this somewhere during her first three years of Hogwarts. Her writing style, therefore, is not towards an admittedly bright little girl but rather towards what she expects will be an exceptionally intelligent pre-teen or teen. But no, she is not intending this to be published.
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Too many "exactly"s there... but thank you for reviewing!
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
That is an excellent point. This is not a journal you would give to a four-year-old girl. However, Hermione is writing not only to Rose in the present, but Rose in the future. I don't know if I exactly stated this exactly in the prologue, but Hermione is estimating that Rose will receive this somewhere during her first three years of Hogwarts. Her writing style, therefore, is not towards an admittedly bright little girl but rather towards what she expects will be an exceptionally intelligent pre-teen or teen. But no, she is not intending this to be published.
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Too many "exactly"s there... but thank you for reviewing!
Hm. This is an interesting. Odd that Snape shoots Ehrling a look....
Another excellent chapter! You continue to capture Hermione's voice perfectly through her letters. I can definitely see her feeling useless without being able to contribute to legislation or even to finding her own cure, so it's good that she's joining the expedition. Hopefully, it will mean she can tell Rose these memories in person in the future.
I look forward to the expedition and reading about what the group uncovers!
Let's hope somebody finds something!
"The environment must still be as free of magic as possible.” Please, then why did he summon whiskey and glasses - and then apparate them both out of there - if the lab needs to be magic-free? Was it only until after he had done the extraction spells?
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Yep! That was my line of reasoning. He needed to establish a control--what the traces were--in a magic-free setting so that it would be easy to identify certain traces in the future. It also wasn't a problem when he had Ron and Hermione cast Priori incantatem in his drawing room because it was a wand-to-wand maneuver and he already had samples of their traces and presumeably his own.
A very poignant chapter! One little burp though: The name is Spinal CORD, not chord. It's hard to catch every little thing, I know.
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thanks for noticing! I'll see if I can go back and change that. You know you're a music major when your brain automatically spells things like that!
How much would it kill someone who loves their job to ban them from it? Now she just has more time to sit around and fret. Of course, only until they leave on their trip. I don't know in the middle of the situation if she can step back enough to appreciate all of the people who are juping on board to help her. Sure, some of them are because there is a supposed threat to the ministry, but really, lots of them just think she is important enough to save. And what a difficult decision to make: do you stay at home to get to spend the last months of your life with your daughter, or do you give that up for a better chance at a cure? At least you've written Ron as a good father, so we don't have to worry on that front.Look, you've made me ramble on and on. That is always the sign of a good story!
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thank you! I'm glad Hermione's dilemma was conveyed.
Such a well-written chapter. I like the idea of a story told all in correspondence. ^_^
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thank you! However, a lot of credit is due to Clairvoyant's beta'ing as well.
I love the plot and all the persons in it. I also enjoy the civilized tone, no shouting and snearing - just Snapes grumpyness. Looking very much forward to chapter 4
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thank you for reading! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I'm hoping I can look over my beta's comments for Part Three in between midterms this week and that it will be up shortly.
Okay, I read this when it posted, but for some reason didn't leave a review. At this point I don't remember specifics, but I do know that it was another great chapter.Good for Ron for getting Snape to help. Sure it breaks a promise, but it is for a good cause. I do hope he can help!
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thank you for reading! Part Two is up and will provide a few answers. :)
Well, Severus is the voice of reason, even if he goes about it in an unusual way. But Hermione doesn't need to be coddled, she needs to be pushed and he is maybe just the person to do the pushing.I like that they have come far enough that she can be bold enough to chastize him at the end of the chapter. Or maybe it is just that she finally got angry enough to do so. Regardless, I think it will only further their relationship.Looking forward to more!
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thank you for the review! I also like to think their relationship has progressed enough for them to be candid with each other. I'd like to have another chapter posted next month, but with the sshg_exchange going on right now, I can't promise anything. After October 1st, however, expect a string of chapters!
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thank you for the review! I also like to think their relationship has progressed enough for them to be candid with each other. I'd like to have another chapter posted next month, but with the sshg_exchange going on right now, I can't promise anything. After October 1st, however, expect a string of chapters!
I hope beyond hope that this WIP has --NOT-- been abandoned?
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
You're in luck! I wrote this for the SSHG exchange three years ago, so it is completed. It's been taking a lot longer to get the edits done due to hectic school schedules, but you've given me an incentive to find the time!
Oh MAN! That was an AWESOME find -- the symbolism was horribly potent! And I love how she called him on his behaviour at the end. It IS finally time for him to forgive himself, but I'm not sure he's ready... he *might* be... I'm hopeful, if nothing else.
I like the term "Wizarding families." I also like the idea of Hermione going along to Australia. I'm wondering if they missed anyone on her 'enemies' list, though. No one listed comes to mind as being terribly adept at Potions or Herbology.
So, I wandered over here after seeing the rec on LJ. I wasn't too sure about the story, since Hermione is dying, but gave it a chance anyway. I'm really enjoying it. (I *LOVE* that Severus named his dog Calla.)
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
I'm glad you're enjoying it! I know the summary tends to throw people off, but thank you for taking a chance with it and leaving this lovely review!!!
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
I'm glad you're enjoying it! I know the summary tends to throw people off, but thank you for taking a chance with it and leaving this lovely review!!!
Intriguing chapter! It certainly leaves you with a lot to think on while awaiting the next. I especially appreciated your take on Snape's survival as it's very plausible and one I haven't read before. I also appreciated all of the research you must have done to produce such a wonderfully detailed plot. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thank you! I was surprised the dittany plot device hasn't been used frequently, but it definitely worked for this storyline. The research was both a frustrating and wonderful experience... trying to get all the details right take a lot of patience... but I'm glad it has come off well. Thank for the review--now that finals are over, I'll hopefully have the other chapters edited soon.
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Thank you! I was surprised the dittany plot device hasn't been used frequently, but it definitely worked for this storyline. The research was both a frustrating and wonderful experience... trying to get all the details right take a lot of patience... but I'm glad it has come off well. Thank for the review--now that finals are over, I'll hopefully have the other chapters edited soon.
Brilliant! I'm (im)patiently awaiting the next installment. I really like the format of Hermione writing letters to her daughter. Luckily it is believable that Hermione would remember the contents of whole conversations with such clarity, or the sections of dialogue might seem a bit suspect. As it stands...I can only regret that there is no way Hermione will write anything too racy about her and Severus in a letter to her daughter. Can't wait for updates!
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Yeah... racy dialogue is definitely out. I was very thankful for Hermione's eidetic memory as well--when I was younger there were these Dear America diary-novels that seemed almost more narrative than diary, but thankfully, JKR established that Hermione could recite textbooks and therefore saved my story :) Thank you for reviewing! I'll hopefully have the next few chapters edited soon.
Response from Pieredaes Muse (Author of The Scrivenshaft's Book)
Yeah... racy dialogue is definitely out. I was very thankful for Hermione's eidetic memory as well--when I was younger there were these Dear America diary-novels that seemed almost more narrative than diary, but thankfully, JKR established that Hermione could recite textbooks and therefore saved my story :) Thank you for reviewing! I'll hopefully have the next few chapters edited soon.