New Chapter for Veritaserum
chivalric18 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About chivalric
Member Since 2007 | 65 Stories | Favorited by 776 | 213 Reviews Written | 4,182 Review Responses
Located in Germany. Female, around 40. The first chapters of my published novels/novellas can be found here on the archive.
Other than writing, I am reading, cycling, running, and singing in a choir.
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Reviews for Veritaserum
You walk a very fine line when you have explicit content and two people from the same family, but you handled it very well here. Instead of being all deviant and creepy, you conveyed it as the part of the bond that is shared between twins, even if this is a little more extreme than what most twins experience.It's an unusual pairing, but it worked for me. Had the Weasley's been immature, it would have ruined things, but as you wrote them, it ended up being steamy and made me happy that the three of them have found happiness.I am always so glad to see you post here. I hope you won't be a stranger. Please keep us updated as to when Tainted Soul becomes available. I look forward to reading it!
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
This story just popped into my mind a while ago, and it was hidden on my harddrive even longer until I decided to post it. There is a prequel, and a sequel. The prequel I will post here today; the sequel I won't post at all for it contains explicit incest. Don't ask me why I wrote it at all... *shrugs*Thank you for reading the story and for reviewing. I always liked the twins; I was surprised they work with Snape :-)As to Tainted Soul: it is now in editing queue with my publisher and I will post the first chapter here as soon as I can, which will be hopefully this year. I will also give the pubishing date by then. Thank you so much for wanting to read it! *hugs you*
I'm so glad you posted this! It's hot and lovely, and I'm glad everyone is happy with their arrangement.
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
*hugs you* Thank you, dear!
I like how they all are happy with the current arrangment. If fufills something in all of them doesn't it?
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
Oh, yes, definitely. I was quite surprised that I wrote about them, given I am a Snupin shipper, but... you know. Sometimes a different pairing is necessary. Thank you so much for reviewing, and for the lovley icons!
:o))) That was fun! Snape as a WWW guinea pig, and with that outcome! Yay for the three of them.
Author's Response: Hi, there! Thanks for reading and reviewing this bit of smut ;-)
I really like this story, well written and plotted as always, the twins and a happy ending for Severus, it could almost not get any better:-))
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
Thanks so much for reading and reviewing, dear!
oofh, that was hot. The twins, oh they are so naughty.
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
Will look for the prequel soon, promise. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
I realize this is piling on, but it really annoys me when non-HG/SS stories are placed in Potions Under Duress . . .
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
Nope, my fault, I didn't pay attention. Just put it where it belongs, into the Forbidden Forest realms. And thanks for pointing it out to me.
I really love that the twins were just as lonely as Snape was. That was hot.
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
Thank you, dear!
Why is this listed under "potions under duress?" I started reading it until I realized it was slash. I noticed after there were warnings at the top of the fic which I should have seen, so I know it's my fault, but thought you might want to know that it ended up mis-categorized. Sorry that I'm not into slash, it started out really good anyway for the part that I did read:)
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
My fault, sorry. Added the warnings but put it into the wrong category. I didn't pay attention, so thanks for reading the bit you did and bother to point out my mistake. Just put it where it belongs, into the Forbidden Forest realms.
Okay, that was interesting, good hard core smut. I loved it.
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
Thanks, dear!
This is a threesome I would never have predicted, but boy do you make it work!
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
Don't ask me what made me write it. There is a prequel hidden somewhere on my harddrive... I might check if I can still find it. Thanks for the lovely review!
Why the hell is this posted under Potions Under Duress???
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
Because I made a mistake. Sorry. And hey, I did put up the proper warnings, didn't I? Plus the summary smight have told you sth about the plot.Anyway, it is recategorised now. Thanks for letting me know about my error.
You made the twincest hot and needy instead of icky. Of course, Snape helped. ;)
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
Thanks so much, hon. And for letting me know about my mistake. Argh!
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
Hell, I'm just happy to see another story of yours. More?
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
OK, more. I have the prequel to this somewhere. And a few other stories hiding on my harddrive. Guess I have to do a bit of dusting...
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
Goodie. When do we get to see Tainted Soul? The first one is getting lonely up there on the bookshelf! :)
Pretty hot, but please do put it into the correct category.
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
Done already. Thanks for reviewing!
I'm confused. This is posted in the Potions Under Duress category, but the characters listed are only Fred, George and Snape. Since I really love these three characters, I might actually read this story at some point (if you say the twincest isn't overt), but I wonder if it should be posted elsewhere. Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes is a category here dedicated to the twin.
Response from TeaOli (Reviewer)
Oops! I see someone else already pointed that out.
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
My fault, sorry. I just put it under Forbidden Forest, where it belongs given it is slash. TPP forbids incest. So this is not. They are in bed together, they kiss at one point, but that was it. Thanks for pointing out my error and thanks for at least considering reading it ;-)
Response from TeaOli (Reviewer)
I will definitely read, then. I thought incest was forbidden (and it's something I personally find squicky), and the thought that it might be show up the story was the only hing that kept me from reading. As I said, though, I really love these three and the reviews have been so good!I'm looking forward to it.
Wow! I normally can't deal with slash from characters who are straight in canon, but this is seriously hot! Have a suspicion I shall be rereading this quite a lot!
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
*lol* That leaves you with Dumbledore-slash, dear. For he is the only one who's gay in canon. "The Orchard" is the only story I know along this path, and it is very good. Just saying. And thanks so much for reading this one and leaving a review!
Response from peskipiksi (Reviewer)
I know D is the only gay one! Just saying most of the characters being straight is why I don't generally read slash, not because I'm anti-gay! Which I guess lends weight to my review that your story is brilliant!
I'm not understanding why you'd put this story in the category devoted to the relationship between HG and SS - when HG isn't in this at all - I think you want to post this in Weasley's Wheezes or Hogwarts Castle.
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
I wanted to put it in Forbidden Forest but misplaced it by accident. Summary, characters, and warnings should have given a hint into which direction the story goes, though. Sorry for the error; I just put the story into the correct category.
OMG!! That was HOT! A threesome with males is quite unusual but it worked just fine here.
Response from chivalric (Author of Veritaserum)
My first, actually. I've got a prequel somewhere and a threesome with Snape/Bill/Charlie, but well, no idea if I will ever post them...Thanks for reviewing!