New Chapter for Touch
Ravensblood10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Eleven moments, eleven touches served to brand him into her heart. Murderer, Healer, Friend, or Foe, which will he be, in the end?
Rating for later chapters.
Chapters (3)
About Ravensblood
Member Since 2008 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 20 | 55 Reviews Written | 113 Review Responses
I have had a long absence, but there are new chapters up and more on the way. New Midnight Visitor (trying desperately to finish) and another short fic (Touch).
Reviews for Touch
Intriguing! I'm very interested to see where this goes in the next chapters. Thank you for sharing your writing.
Great stuff so far!
Very lovely and looking forward to more, and soon, please? Thank you.
The touches were very well done, and the sexiness, hot! On to the next great read, and hoping Severus will be uo and ready there. Thank you very much.
That was a wonderful chapter,looking forward to more...horrible cliffy LOL
Response from Ravensblood (Author of Touch)
Cliffy? Really? I hadn't noticed
Lovely break between the action. (Especially the end part.)
Very intense and well written. Looking forward to more. Thank you!
Interesting. I never thought of the Cruciatus melding with a magical signature. Or was that Bella's own invention? ^_^
It was cute watching Hermione consider following Severus into the shower. Mmm, nice kiss :)
Very good. I enjoyed that. I look forward to more!
Response from Ravensblood (Author of Touch)
Thank you :-) I look forward to giving you more!