New Chapter for Just a Dream
Just a Dream
Danu10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Hermione has the most bizarre dream...
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About Danu
Member Since 2005 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 24 | 13 Reviews Written | 25 Review Responses
I'm just a quirky girl that dreams of one day being a writer.
Reviews for Just a Dream
That was absolutely hilarious. I would DIE seeing Severus as Dr. Frank N. Furter!
Is it bad that I was singing along? This was cute and very funny!
Never saw it that way... that was a good one. Is it wrong that I can so totally see Snape dressed up in that Tim Currey garb? ~
LOL... interesting nightmare. Maybe she should have mentioned the outfit to Severus, you never know...he just might have been interested...grin
Response from Danu (Author of Just a Dream)
LOL... too true, you just never know with Severus, though I think he would have reacted about the same way as when he had to wear the codpiece. Poor Severus, he just is always getting the short end of the stick when it comes to clothes :oP
I forgot to rate it. Sorry bout that.
Response from Danu (Author of Just a Dream)
That's more than okay dear, thank you for coming back and rating
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!...Don't ever do that to me again, please. It's not the thought of Snape as Frank, or whatever (gosh, Draco would make such a cute Rocky)'s the thought of Snape shagging RON in a later scene!!!!~Lotmthe squicked
Response from Danu (Author of Just a Dream)
I honestly had totally forgotten about that. Well, I had sorta forgotten about that, because I did think about how long did I want to take the whole thing. Though you're right Draco would have made a cute Rocky, and with with Sirius as Eddie, it would have been amusing. But no, I just couldn't have dear Severus shag Ron, he'd never forgive me:oP
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
Though to be truer to the movie, shouldn't Ron be Riff Raff? I know, it's not quite the same as Harry shouting, "He didn't like me! He never liked me!!", but Riff and Magenta are supposed to be incestual siblings...~LotmHaving played Frank, Dr. Scott, Rocky, (unhh!!) Janet, Brad, Rocky, (unhh!!) Magenta, Columbia and Rocky (unhh!!) (lmao--actually, I mostly played Columbia, because I could fake tapdancing better than anyone else)...yeah, the only one I never played was Eddie or the criminologiest, come to think of it...
Response from Danu (Author of Just a Dream)
I had thought about having Ron as Riff Raff, but I then couldn't decide who I wanted to pair Hermione with. Especially since I've never liked the idea of the whole Harry/Hermione pairing. Besides I wanted to give Harry and Ginny a chance to be together without things getting too overly mushy.
LOL cute! I was wondering what the hell was going on. Glad it was a dream!
That was fantastic! I saw RH many, many years ago when it was playing at a theater in Boston's Harvard Square and have been hooked ever since!
I love RH very much, mix it with HP and I'm in heaven, very well done.
Haha *accidentally inhales lemonade due to fits of giggles*That was brilliant. I went to see RH live last year and I can so imagine Severus being Dr. Frank-N-Furter.