New Chapter for My Snarky Valentine
My Snarky Valentine
sunshinefanfics12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )
Severus hates the Valentine's Day holiday and wants no part of it. He's quickly disabused of the notion by a sneaky Metamorphmagus Auror.
Notes: Very light on the "Valentines" portion. Heavy on the snarky smut. Correlates with my earlier story arc of Substitutionary Locomotion and its companion, SL: Vignettes. All mistakes are my own. Thanks for reading.
Chapters (1)
About sunshinefanfics
Member Since 2005 | 4 Stories | Favorited by 19 | 7 Reviews Written | 5 Review Responses
Winner of the Multifaceted Award Round Four (Remus) Aphrodisia category for Substitutionary Locomotion. Prominent ships - Draco/Ginny, Snape/Canon Females, Ron/Hermione, Lucius/Canon Females, Remus/Tonks, Triofic, Weasleys
Reviews for My Snarky Valentine
Very nice continuation of their story.
Whoooh! That was hot! I read all the parts of your Tonks/Severus stories and I just love them! I think they fit perfectly together the way you write them and you realy realy should write more of it! Pleeeeease!
I've read this some time ago but it's always a pleasure to re read it. This pairing is not that common. Well done.
You did well with this pairing! Tonks has just the light-hearted personality to deal with Snape's abrasiveness. I loved the moment when he asks why she'd want to see him in the mirror... there was a hint of something deeper there. And the last line leaves the reader with that moment. Well done!
I enjoyed this so much! I thought they were both very much in character even if this ship is so wildly "out there" hehe. And the smut is world class!! Thanks very much for sharing
I think this is the first Snape/Tonks paring I ever read, or saw for that matter. Extra points for originality!
Great story! Lovely mood and wonderful interaction.Good job, enjoyed it greatly. Cheers!
It's good that Severus is finally coming to terms with having a "friend." Somewhere he has a sweet spot buried beneath that hard (teehee) exterior ... I mean, to go buy a girl a mirror. I loved this story. Tonks reminds me so much of me, it's scary.
It's nice to see a romantic side to Severus--it makes a pleasant Valentine's Day story--even though it's not what most people expect from stories about Snape. (We all know that he's quite snarky with the students, but we've never really been able to see (in canon) what he's like in his personal life. After all, the books are all basically told from Harry's point of view and he wouldn't have any inkling of Snape's social life. So, Snape could really be this way with adult women in his life.I have to confess--I would like to be Tonks in this story! Your description of their encounter was very provocative!--sexy and romantic at the same time.
Response from sunshinefanfics (Author of My Snarky Valentine)
Sweetie, you aren't the only one who wants to be Tonks in this thing! You've got to stand in line!All that aside, thanks for your review. Obviously I'm in uncharted waters whenever I try to put these two together, but I feel like their ages aren't so different that she couldn't hold his interest. I know my stories always end up being Sex-God Snape, and that's probably not the way he would be at all, but I do think he would be consciencious and attentive during sex and definitely heavy on the snark as a protective measure.Though it is decidedly un-canon, I always picture a Die Hard-era Alan Rickman as Snape, simply because that is closer to his age in the books. Though I think I would very much like to lick his frown line.
It's a good story, but!! I just cannot see Tonks and Severus together. He'd kill her within minutes. Especially if she went into his private lab, and caused mayham. Which she would have.However, when I read your story and put Harry or Hermione in Tonks place, then the story becomes great.
Response from sunshinefanfics (Author of My Snarky Valentine)
I really have no idea how to address your review. I can understand and respect your point that you cannot see Severus and Tonks together. That's fine. Some people don't like this ship. When I write Snape/Tonks, I know that there is no way on this green earth that the two of them would be in the same room if they didn't have to be. That is what makes this ship fun. The only thing I try to keep in canon is their personality. This is a decidedly un-canon ship and is meant to be humorous.However, I am extremely offended that you presume to place other characters in the story to make it "great." If you wanted to read a Snape/Hermione story or a Snape/Harry story, why in the world did you click on Snape/Tonks? I am utterly flummoxed and distressed with your review. Do you tell other authors that their story would be better with different characters, or is it just me?Sincerely discombobulated,Samantha
I don't usually read Snape/Tonks because it seems so incongruent. But you make it work! This is seriously hot, and you've actually made it a believable situation wherein their incongruence works to great advantage. Great job!
ho ho ho! Nice little smut fest. Many thanks!