New Chapter for The Granger Solution
The Granger Solution
TalesOfSnape4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )
Written for Keladry Lupin as a belated birthday gift.
The wizarding world is facing an epidemic, one of the side-effects of which is male sterility. If it's not contained quickly, the long term outlook for wizarding society is bleak.
It's no surprise, then, that when Severus Snape reaches an impasse in his search for a cure, Kingsley Shacklebolt decides to team him up with Arithmancy expert, Hermione Granger, newly returned to Britain to begin a contract with the Department of Mysteries. Of course collaboration has never been something at which Severus has excelled.
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About TalesOfSnape
Member Since 2011 | 1 Story | Favorited by 0 | 83 Reviews Written | 5 Review Responses
Middle-aged stay at home who hasn't quite outgrown her Goth tendencies.
Reviews for The Granger Solution
What an intelligently written and gripping story! I've added it to my faves.
Following the megalomaniac cult leader.... and the there was the Dark Lord too - OMG. I adore this. Calling out Dumbles as he really is - good job!
A truely wonderful romance! I love this mature Severus and Hermione. The dialogue was slendid. I love that his elves have normal names. I love this Severus Snape and can totally see how Hermione not resist him. She's a very lucky witch. I have to wonder if Lavender ever feels she could have found a more intelligent partner after Ron's comments to the newspaper story? I hope his opioion regarding the baby's parentage is not generally shared by the other idiots in the wizarding world. I do believe I will read this again!
Wonderful story, I am so happy your name came up in this weeks SS/HG quiz, there are so many stories to revisit:-))
Response from TalesOfSnape (Author of The Granger Solution)
Thanks so very much. It was an absolutely astonishing birthday surprise and it really brightened my weekend.