New Chapter for The Authority of Truth
The Authority of Truth
laurielove15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 30 Favorites )
After the war and still at Hogwarts, Draco, Hermione and Snape form more of an understanding than they ever thought possible.
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About laurielove
Member Since 2010 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 394 | 8 Reviews Written | 642 Review Responses
Welcome to my world of (largely) erotic exploration of the human condition. (Well, that's one way of putting it anyway ...)
My writing is largely rated NC-17 and, as you will see, contains a lot of explicit detail. But I cannot write without developing believable characters, largely in canon (at least as a starting point), whose behaviour is established through dialogue and tangible situations. I adore these characters and tend to write from the inside out, getting inside their heads and simply letting them talk (and act ...). Yes, there is a lot of sex, but I hope my characters' sexuality enables them, and us, to discover deeper aspects of their personalities.
My favourite pairings are Hermione/Lucius and Hermione/Severus, but I have written for various other couples and situations.
I have recently started writing original works which have, fortunately, been picked up by publishers. If you are interested in my original work, my penname is Demelza Hart.
I love establishing a dialogue with my readers. Please feel free to contact me with comments, suggestions, criticism, anything. I look forward to hearing from you!
In the meantime ... enjoy!
Reviews for The Authority of Truth
I have read this story many times and each time I like it a little more, slash might not be your thing but you write it well.
Very well done for your first attempt at slash. I enjoyed this and will be back to peruse more :)
Laurielove, masterfully told. As I've mentioned, I'm not into slash at all, and I still get squicked at the idea of Severus and Malfoy engaging in oral sex, but you have written it so well I managed to squirm my way through them!!! lolThe DP I enjoyed very much (steady!), and my original fiction features that sort of threeway and I thought that was amazingly erotic. Well done for being brave enough to write the story of them coming together. Well done!
Response from laurielove (Author of The Authority of Truth)
Thank you so much. I greatly appreciate your comments. You know my views on slash, but (I know this sounds odd as I wrote it) but I quite like it here. I don't think I could take it much further though."Well done for being brave enough to write the story of them coming together." - How very aptly put!!
The ease and fluidity of this story took my breath away, as did the ease and fluidity of your writing. In my experience, ease and fluidity take hours of work to achieve. If you are up for a sequel, I would love to know where this story goes. Failing a sequel, my imagination will enjoy itself! Thank you!
Response from laurielove (Author of The Authority of Truth)
Thank you very much for your very thoughtful and genuine words. I must admit, I had intended this to be a one-shot. It was one of those stories which came to me in the midst of all the other things I'm writing. As at those times, it flowed a lot more easily than the things that it was interrupting!You never know, I may extend it one day, but for now, it shall be left as is. Sorry! Thanks again for your very kind words. x
Hot Damn! What a lucky witch! Excuse me while I go take a cold shower. Well done!
Response from laurielove (Author of The Authority of Truth)
Thank you! x
With Snape as the instigator there was the potential for him to become the dominant third, but you've written a nicely balanced trio. I particularly like the interaction between H & D. You've also picked out the voyeurism which is not always mentioned much in trios. Pretty darn smutty too. Thanks.See, I said I'd review - eventually.
Response from laurielove (Author of The Authority of Truth)
THANK YOU!! I think the voyeurism is a HUGE part of it and should be of vital importance in trios.xxxxxxx
usually i prefer lucius to draco... but this was nice!! Very hot!!!!!!!!!!! Nice work!!!
Response from laurielove (Author of The Authority of Truth)
Thank you so much. x
Wonderful! A trio that's too neglected in HP fan fiction - and you, once again, in your usual beautifully written and meltingly erotic style, have begun a redress of that omission. lovely, lovely, lovely!Did I mention I thought it lovely?
Response from laurielove (Author of The Authority of Truth)
Did I mention I think you lovely?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Very hot scenes. Great emotional devopment.
Response from laurielove (Author of The Authority of Truth)
Thank you! x
Yes, Severus sucking Draco's cock is kinda hard to swallow, bwahahahaha, but it's one of those things that you have to keep reading anyway. It's like not being able to look away from a train wreck, or saying that a porn film is gross right before you just keep on watching it. Lovely fic as always, LL.
Response from laurielove (Author of The Authority of Truth)
You are a darling. A poppet.Glad you liked the pun ... ;-)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yum, Yum, Yuma perfect storythe only thing I have got against slash is how much of it is really poorly written, This does not fall in that category at all.beliveable characterizations too
Response from laurielove (Author of The Authority of Truth)
Thank you so much. I never write slash - this is the only time I've done so and I hadn't set out to do it; it simply seemed natural in the story - I hope that's why it works here. Thanks for your kind words. x
That was hot. iI think I need a shower to cool down a bit!
Wow, very hawt! Thanks for sharing.
Response from laurielove (Author of The Authority of Truth)
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed. x
At first I thoguht their actions were going to be some side effect of a mis-brewed potion and wondered what would hapen in the morning. I'm glad it wasn't, and that Draco and Hemrione may even start a relationship out of this whole thing. I also like that both of them want to include Severus in their potential 'shippy-ness'. I think the three of them will do well together. :)
Response from laurielove (Author of The Authority of Truth)
Thank you! They certainly make an interesting trio! x