New Chapter for Watch, Feel, Love, Heal
Watch, Feel, Love, Heal
Good_Witch6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )
After years of relying on each other to survive, now the Trio must rely on each other to live.
This is an entry into the Livejournal hp_kinkfest, 2011, responding to a prompt submitted by softobsidian74, plus more inspiration from a prompt submitted by mistress_ashley. The Kinks Showcased: voyeurism/exhibitionism, double penetration
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About Good_Witch
Member Since 2005 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 360 | 32 Reviews Written | 2,096 Review Responses
I have completed my Master's of Science degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and want to focus on serving the LGBTQIA community and the Alt/Kink/Poly communities in my work. I used to be a poker tournament director and floorperson at the world famous Binion's Gambling Hall in downtown Las Vegas. Before that, I was high school Spanish and Theatre teacher. I am happily married and (thankfully) have NO kids. I have an original short story published here: under my penname, Jess Alynn. Thanks for taking a chance and reading my stories! :)
Oh, and check out the "trailer" for Phantom of Hogwarts that xtahsee made for me on youtube!
Reviews for Watch, Feel, Love, Heal
I love this story! The Trio share a very special bond and you captured it beautifully.
Response from Good_Witch (Author of Watch, Feel, Love, Heal)
*blush* Aww, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for reviewing! :)
Great fic!! I love the three of them together. Congratulations =]
Response from Good_Witch (Author of Watch, Feel, Love, Heal)
*beams* Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for reviewing! :)
I couldn't possibly stop between chapters so you get one review for the whole thing. First, I am in the minority of folks who really like Ron. He has his shortcoming-who doesn't- but he is a nice guy and ultimately a good friend, and you've shown that here.You also did a fantastic job at showing the bond between these three. Many people were involved in the war, fighting and suffering losses right alongside them, but no one else in the entire world knows what it is like to be a member of this trio. They shared so much that others just couldn't comprehend. There is no way they wouldn't be close after all that. I think this more than anything else sums up the nature of their bond:Harry’s gut fluttered, and he swallowed hard. His voice was cautious as he said, “I didn’t think you were into blokes.” Ron snorted, tossed back the last of his Firewhisky, and smirked lopsidedly at Harry. “I’m not. But you’re not a bloke. You’re just Harry!”Not a lot of people write smut involving these three, and I am inclined to think that despite their raging teenage hormones and the time spent together, just the three of them, they would not necessarily hook up in this fashion. But when you set it against this intense backdrop of raw emotion like you have, it makes total sense and feels so right.The funeral scene was wonderful in an awful sort of way. I could just see and feel it all as if it were happening right here in my living room. I guess it would have been quicker to just say the sex was hot, the emotions palpable, and the characters true to themselves in a wonderful story of true friendship and love. I really enjoyed this.
Response from Good_Witch (Author of Watch, Feel, Love, Heal)
It may have been quicker, but your lovely detailed review just made my night! I'm so glad you enjoyed and understood it. And thank you so much for reviewing! :)
Ron seems to be such a hard character for people to like, or to write. Here you have made him supportive and loving. Hermione and Harry is another couple which often fall flat, but again you've come up trumps. You've created a team which works well with mutual support. This story would stand even without the added smut , which is a bonus. Well done.
Response from Good_Witch (Author of Watch, Feel, Love, Heal)
*blush* Wow! What a lovely review! *wriggles in joy* I love that you felt it woud stand without the smut. :D Of course, since it was for a kinkfest, that's why it was in there. LOL Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks so much for reviewing! :)
Just when I thought I couldn't take another thoughtless, clodheaded Ron Weasley, I find this to save the day. You've got an excellent characterization here, and I really like his talking-to-Harry voice especially. It's the "saying the right things simply," and lots of people oversimplify or exaggerate, but you've got it down pat. My compliments; Ron's tricky. Also yay sex! But honestly, even if you'd pulled an "... and then they had lots of shagging," this fic would have stood strong. Your characters, and (Oh my GOD) that funeral, are emotionally heavy and strong enough for a story on their own. The sex is like porny icing on the cake.
Response from Good_Witch (Author of Watch, Feel, Love, Heal)
*beams* Wow! What a lovely review! I'm so glad you enjoyed the characterization (and the sex, LOL). Thank you so much for reviewing! :)
awwww, smutty but cute! i loved it;0
Response from Good_Witch (Author of Watch, Feel, Love, Heal)
Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reviewing! :)