New Chapter for The Lost Chamber
The Lost Chamber
pyjamapants60 Reviews | 60 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
When Rose and Hugo Weasley are involved in a prank that sends Scorpius Malfoy to the Hosptial Wing, Hermione is summoned to Hogwarts. What she finds there calls for investigation.
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About pyjamapants
Member Since 2006 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 144 | 277 Reviews Written | 893 Review Responses
I'm a freelancing Yank who lives in the Midwest with her husband, three cats, and two dogs.
I'm a dabbler by nature. Jack of all trades, master of none. I write, run, swim, garden, quilt, bake, and so on.
Reviews for The Lost Chamber
Oh hell girl! are there any sequels.
What a fantastic story! Lots of mystery and I think the sweet and subtle dynamic you've built between SS & HG was wonderfully written. If only we had Snape's pov, I would want to know his stream of consciousness about his time spent with Hermione. I also really liked the way you've written Rose's relationship with her mom. It's very spot on when it comes to young teen petulance--really made me laugh! You didn't address the reason why Hugo was there during the incident. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your stories.
This story is superb and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Rosie's teenage angst reminded me of my daughter at that age! Thanks for a great tale.
You really built the suspense of the mystery in this story! There were times I was on the edge of my seat. Hmmm... can the school (or the wizarding world) survive two Slythindor couples? :)
Yay! This is getting exciting. Well, not like it wasn't exciting before, but having Severus afflicted makes things so much more urgent from a school standpoint, as well as Hermione's own personal view on things.I really like that Rose and Scorpius are a couple and that all of her issues are explained away by that. Mother and daughter may really need each other now more than ever, so it is good that they have made amends a bit.Just what is that room up to? It can't be a coincidence about two Slytherin men and two Gryffindor women, both objects of their affections. I'm anxious to uncover the mystery.The only thing I am maybe more anxious for is the moment when Draco finds out who his son has been spending time with. If they time things just right though, he may be so relieved to have his son returned unharmed that he will gloss over whatever other info comes his way. But I hope not ;)
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
*grins* Thanks so much,
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
. I'm glad that the relationship between mother and daughter is working for you. I've read a lot of Next Gen in the past year, and it was a joy to explore Hermione's relationship with her daughter.
Oh, no..... no help from Severus for now. I hope Bill's info helps her. Very interesting that both victims are Slytherin males and former Death Eaters, and the witnesses both times included a Gryffindor female. Poor Rose, so upset that she was sobbing over Scorpius, yet no one to comfort her until now. I'm glad Mosey is there for Hermione. Thank you for the new chapter!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
And THANK YOU for the lovely review, June. I think Rose will recover from her private heartbreak. :)
horns. horns. HORNY! it ALL makes sense now. :D thank you for the update!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
You're welcome! Thanks for the review. :D
Oh my... Severus with long sleek black horns. I wonder what the horns represent? I can just imagine some prim and proper old spinster having created the room to thwart any man with romance on his mind. The devil's horns would represent just how deep in the gutter those romantic thoughts went! Severus must really have deep desires for Hermione. ;)
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
*grins* Something like that. I'm glad you found his horns... *eyes review* interesting. :) It was an image that came to me early on as I was writing, and I hope I pulled it off without it being too much. Thanks for the lovely review!
interesting premise. maybe the horns reflect the maturity of the wizard.... something something something = slytherin = something something something = powerful wizard good thing.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
Interesting theory. Thanks for reviewing!
Horns? Hrm. I have a suspicion. The room attacks Slytherin men who want to erm, enjoy, Gryffindor women? Perhaps? And the horns mark them! Maybe? That's actually quite funny.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
Time will tell! Thanks for the review.
wow, wonder what that room is hiding. Hopefully it will not attack Hermione as well.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
We shall see. Thanks for reviewing!
Another great chapter and finally some development with Severus! Now we need to find something about the chamber!!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
Thanks for reviewing! I really appreciate it!
yes, it would be wonderful having Mosey. A great chapter as allwsys
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
Yes, yes it would. I could do with a couple of Moseys. Thanks so much for reviewing!
Sigh.... Well, of course Draco has every right to visit his son, and it's understandable that he is upset. But how did Draco know that Severus and Hermione are having meals together? Does he really expect she should be in solitary until Scorpius is cured? I am guessing that Severus is aware that Hermione was present in the infirmary. Thank you for the new post!PS - Sorry, Hermione - Mosey will be too busy cooking at my house...
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
I'm sure Severus only casually mentioned their meals together. ;) And OF COURSE Hermione's supposed to sequester herself for the duration of her investigation. :D Also, Mosey's too busy at my house...
The Hogwarts house system seems to cause so much trouble in school and out. I'm surprised that they haven't done away with it. Makes you wonder though if you are sorted because of your traits, or you have your traits because of where you were sorted. This continues to intrigue. I hope she makes some headway soon or she is going to get discouraged.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
If not done away with it, you'd think they'd establish some reforms. I suspect after the incidents in this story, reform might suddenly look more appealing. Thanks so much for reviewing!
Grumble... so many years after the war and Harry is still prejudiced against Slytherins. I'm just disappointed that not even Hermione has Slytherin friends. I hope she fixes that soon; perhaps she could start with Draco's wife. Thanks for the new chapter!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
I suspect Hermione will. After all, her conscience has been activated regarding the topic. Poor Slytherins. :) Thanks for the review, June!
I've just discovered this fic, and really, really like it. Your characterisations are brilliant, work perfectly and are beautifully in character, the plot is very interesting and full of wonderful surprises, but best of all is your Snape. With glasses! ♥
Author's Response: Thank you so very much! Your review has me grinning. :D I agonized over many of these aspects of the story, and I'm so happy you appreciate them. (And I ADORE Snape with glasses. :D )
This story continues to intrigue and delight me. Thanks for sharing it! :)
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
And thank you so much for reviewing! :D
She stifled a grin as she recalled Harry's translation guide. It was entirely possible Snape had just proposed marriage. Ha! Harry teaching Hermione to speak Snape was too funny.I think I like your post-war version of Snape. He is not out of character, but has mellowed considerably. Regardless of where they end up, I prefer the slow build to their relationship like you have here, versus them juming right into the thick of things,
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
Thanks so much,
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
. I spent a lot of time considering what Snape would be like in this position, so long from the war. I'm glad you concur with how he's aged: still fundamentally the same, but with a bit less bite. Thanks so much for your review!
Hermione's really got her work cut out for her ... on several fronts. Off to see what's next ...
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
That she does. :) Thanks for reviewing!
Like Snape, I'm relieved and glad that The Chamber of Secrets bore no resemblance to the newly found room. It's been long enough since the war - the Wizarding World needs to stop blaming Slytherin for all its troubles!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
That it does. Thanks so much for picking up on that thread of the story!
I thought Snape was pretty decent to her! LOL. Harry is right. "Get the hell out" means "I love you!" It seems to be a running theme with Snape to try to throw out any females he believes may care for him.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
It takes a special person to translate Snape, doesn't it? :) Thank you for reviewing!
I want blueberry crumble too... and coffee... and Snape of course!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
*passes blueberry crumble and coffee* Sorry... Snape's a bit... occupied.
I love Hermione's chat with Minerva, esp their take on Harry's student year adventures from an adult POV. Very kind of Severus to make sure Hermione gets her meals. The new higher ed system that Severus has developed -- fab! Too bad it's too late for Hermione, but it will be there for her own kids. Thanks for updating!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
And thank YOU for reviewing. I'm tickled you enjoyed her chat with Minerva. I wish I'd had more time to include more Minerva scenes in this story.
I'm so glad to see another story from you posting here. This is a great start with a different feel to it from most of the stuff I've been reading lately. I am completely intrigued and should never have started this tonight since I now am out of time. There are so many questions here and I am sure there will be more where those came from. Great start on what looks to be an interesting read.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Lost Chamber)
Thanks so very much. The idea of the runes really grabbed me and held me captive. I hope you enjoyed the other chapters just as much!