New Chapter for Seven Brides For Seven Snapes
Seven Brides For Seven Snapes
richardgloucester85 Reviews | 85 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )
Severus Snape has decided he needs a wife, and Hermione is the lucky woman he picks for the job. But he hasn't told her everything she needs to know...
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About richardgloucester
19 Stories | Favorited by 337 | 22 Reviews Written | 585 Review Responses
RichardGloucester is now also a published author, under the name Jae Eynon, with stories in a new anthology, "IMMANENCE" (Story Spring Publishing, 2016) and "Thoroughly Modern Monsters" (Story Spring Publishing, 2013). She still loves the world of Harry Potter and sails the SSHG ship!
Reviews for Seven Brides For Seven Snapes
Can I just ... move into that house? With a bucket for the incessant drooling I'd be doing?
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Seven Brides For Seven Snapes)
*laughs* Thank you for a big smile this morning!
I absolutely adored this! Well done!
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Seven Brides For Seven Snapes)
Thank you so much! I'm particularly thrilled with your comment because, though I like this story a lot, it seemed to be problematic for quite a few readers - I understand why, but hey. Thank you again!
Thank you for a wonderful retelling of one of my favorite movies , and for giving us the same blissful ending.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Seven Brides For Seven Snapes)
And thank you for your lovely comments. It's one of my favourite films, too - as you probably guessed.
Well the cats out of the bag now, hopefully they can get a message through to Severus, and get this all figered out.
Rage will cover up good sense for a while, but sooner or latter Severus will see sense, but with Severus it will be latter rather than sooner.
Primus sounds like one bad assed elf, smoking, given clothes and doesn't bat an eye, just keeps on working.
Poor Severus, I hope he isn't too badly hurt, I guess this is where the excrement hits the oscillating cooling device.
They may be ready, but I doubt the Malfoys are.
Smooth, Sidney very smooth. What girl could resist a line like that.
Boys will be boys.
Hermione will have them sorted in no time, with a colour coded work schedule, and once she gets everything in order Merlin help the one that doesn't put a book back where it belongs.
I'm looking forward to the "Homecoming"
One of my favourite films and Severus Snape, could a fan girl ask for any thing more?
P.S. Were the girls looking at daydreams with a muggle actor with the initials A. R. by any chance?
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Seven Brides For Seven Snapes)
Maaaaaaaybe... :D
Well, that was pure loveliness. "Why's she mooing?" Clearly, and entirely expectedly, his child was precocious.You've made my evening! Thank you!
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Seven Brides For Seven Snapes)
Thank you so much for your lovely reviews! I am thrilled that someone who loves the film as much as I do also loves my story. *squish*
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Seven Brides For Seven Snapes)
Thank you so much for your lovely reviews! I am thrilled that someone who loves the film as much as I do also loves my story. *squish*
I just realized that the Snapes chose four Gryffindors and three Ravenclaws. It's appropriate.
I suppose Severus and the angry men-folk will be busting in soon. :)
Well, the secret's out, the "boys" have grown a bit of a conscience, and they've found a weak spot in the wards. Things are getting exciting.
Ah, the old trapping cabin... Spinner's End.
Ooooh! An all Snape quidditch team (with Severus filling in for Ivan Buttercup, no less) is an extremely sexy thought.
Oh, this is going to be fun.
(I'm STILL giggling at Gargantua nuts.)
Gargantua nuts!! I spewed peanut butter cookie on my laptop.... crumbs everywhere!
This is delightful! I love the original and I love this!!
Tee hee!
I am loving the Snapes. I would gladly be a house elf for that family.
I'm flabbergasted that she forgave him so easily. In my mind, there's a little out take chapter somewhere in which she reads him the riot act and then they have fantastic make up sex. Despite that little thing--this wonderful world you've created--full of Snape & Co. Had me truly delighted. I would love to read more about these engaging blokes.
I love how she says that maybe SHE's not a nice person. She is a bit brash, sometimes.
Sweet chapter, but I know the dung's going to hit the fan soon... *evil laugh*