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Constructive Observation
laurielove14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Hermione has just taken up a teaching post at Hogwarts, but one day her lesson is interrupted by an unexpected visitor.
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About laurielove
Member Since 2010 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 394 | 8 Reviews Written | 642 Review Responses
Welcome to my world of (largely) erotic exploration of the human condition. (Well, that's one way of putting it anyway ...)
My writing is largely rated NC-17 and, as you will see, contains a lot of explicit detail. But I cannot write without developing believable characters, largely in canon (at least as a starting point), whose behaviour is established through dialogue and tangible situations. I adore these characters and tend to write from the inside out, getting inside their heads and simply letting them talk (and act ...). Yes, there is a lot of sex, but I hope my characters' sexuality enables them, and us, to discover deeper aspects of their personalities.
My favourite pairings are Hermione/Lucius and Hermione/Severus, but I have written for various other couples and situations.
I have recently started writing original works which have, fortunately, been picked up by publishers. If you are interested in my original work, my penname is Demelza Hart.
I love establishing a dialogue with my readers. Please feel free to contact me with comments, suggestions, criticism, anything. I look forward to hearing from you!
In the meantime ... enjoy!
Reviews for Constructive Observation
I am confused. Why is this labeled "MST"?
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
Probably because I misinterpreted what MST was! In fact - what is it?? I thought it had something to do with sexual tension, but I may be wrong ...
Response from mikimoto (Reviewer)
I always thought it stood for mystery science theatre, but I guess it could stand for something else. Maybe this is one of those things that only the admins know. But hey, let's go with yours. How about "mangled sexual tension", "misdirected sexual tension", or "moose-specific sexual tension" (if you are into Python).
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
Ha! Whoops!! Mystery Science Theatre! Oh dear. No wonder you were confused. I'd better change it! I much prefer the other options - magical sexual tension or moose-specific sexual tension! (Yup - I adore Python!)Having said that - what exactly does Mystery Science Theatre mean anyway!?
Response from mikimoto (Reviewer)
You know how when someone says "you have to develop a taste for it"? Well, MST requires that. I haven't developed a taste for it though I am sure some people find it interesting to read. It goes beyond simply breaking the fourth wall (a la Ferris Bueller). Characters actively comment on/ heckle/ ridicule the story as it unfolds. Whereas sicfic has the author commenting inappropriately, in MST, the characters do. It is often done by one author upon the work of another author. Personally, if I find an author's work to be "not good", I will simply stop reading it and stop reading that author. I takes way more cynicism than I have to heckle another person's efforts. I think that is why I don't like to read it.
ok so i get it lucius is hot but id have been throwing books at the students lol it was acute story thank u for ur time u gave to write thishugs and chocolatefaula-tara
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
Thanks for the choccies and the kind words! :-) x
I don't usually read Malfoy and Hermione, but maybe I should. You know I love your smutty tales.
My only comment is that Hermione should have quietly given them detention with Filtch for trying to embarrass her in front of one of the Govenors the very moment they started in, no matter who it had been in the back of the room.
Do you think she'll change the way she dresses now? I'm surprised Snape hasn't said anything rude about it. But I guess if this is DH compliant he wouldn't be there, but where's the fun in that? To Hell with DH.
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
Stick with me and I'll convert you to lots and lots of Lumione! Oh yes.I think Hermione was just too flummoxed to think straight. I would have been the same ...Glad you liked it! x
This is steamy fun! Lucius is welcome to inspect my courses any time ;)
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
Ha! I rarely write Hermione as anything other than a student or working at the Ministry, so this was new for me. I had a bit of fun with it! x
I do like this. A bit smutty for my usual tastes but Lucius is so annoyingly abrupt and arrogant that it's hard not to admire. Maybe write a HGLM with proper plot? The way you write Lucius is to great to resist!
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
I have written an awful lot of HGLM on various sites - one with 56 chapters, another two in the twenties. I will eventually transfer them over here. They all contain erotica - that's what I write, but there is considerable plot too.I just find the man too too attractive!
Ah, your stories feed my muse! So naughty and delicious! Besides HG/SS, HG/LM is my other fave ship and I could just eat up that hottie all. day. long. Well written and totally hot!
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
Thank you, me dear!! x
This is not complete. There must be more! Lucius cannot let these mere fifth years talk about him and Hermione that way. He needs to do something uber-Slytherin to the young Slytherins.
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
He he!! You never know ... I am notoriously bad (or good, depending on how you look at it) and extending one-shots into something much more!!I did wonder if they were listening at the door ...x
Response from June W (Reviewer)
ACK!!!! Listening at the door?!?! (headdesk)
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
NO!! It's OK!!! Just me pondering! They weren't!!!!!! I'm sure Lucius put a silencing charm on the room anyway! x
Loved it !! Very hot.
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
Thanks so much - twas a little steamy! x
An excellent smutty tale, highly enjoyable.
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
Thank you!! I aim to please! x
It's so funny, I read this without realising it was one of yours... And from the beginning I thought that the style was very much like yours! I wonder why that is, LOL. I already prepared to write a quick message to point you to this story, I only realised it was you who wrote it all along when I read your final comment.As always, this is delicious and nicely written. Loved the whole atmosphere of this. Great smut!Hugs and LoveHMF
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
That's amazing that you were going to send me a message about it!! It shows how well you know my writing - yay! Glad you enjoyed it, my darling.LoveLLxxxxxx
Please, Miss! Please, Miss! Can we have some more of this?
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
Darn, I knew someone would ask that!! Every time I write a long-shot, I somehow manage to leave it open for more. Tempting, but I have a lot of other things I need to do. Maybe at some point ... Thanks for reviewing. x
Yum. So this must be Artist!Lucius. Would so very much love to see his etchings. LOLVery sexy, he is. As you always write him.
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
I'm not sure how I turned him into Caravaggio!Lucius (because he would be - straight, but still Caravaggio - all flesh and passion and visceral thick colour) - it just sort of happened! Still, a nice thought!Who wouldn't want to come up to see his etchings!!?? LOL LOL LOLThanks for reading and reviewing. xxx <-- looking at Lucius' etchings ... (blue with desperate need)
wow.. not usually into LM but if he's written like this a bit more often I would definitely rethink it a bit more. =)
Response from laurielove (Author of Constructive Observation)
So glad you made a foray into the delicious world of LM! I adore the man as well as SS. I have several other LM tales up my sleeve, as you can see! x Thank you for your interest and kind words. x